Some say yes, it's time. Others, no way. They can't say why, only that it is not time.
When is the time. Is there a switch we pull. A poll we take.
I thought when Ross Perot (not sure of the spelling) ran, it showed there are those of us that are so discontent, he would make a good show. And, he did in my opinion.
This war may be the perfect catalyst to push the country into saying "enough" and go against the status quo and elect Hillary or Obama.
I know those are only two of the candidates, but, they are the "movers and shakers" right now.
I did not think I would be able to support Hillary, but after seeing how tough and smart she is I hope I will get to vote for her in November, 2008. She handled a town hall meeting last week as a real professional and excellent speaker. We men have screwed things up so bad we probably need a woman to get us out of this mess.
Nibroc Fan, I can tell you why! Because John Edwards is a better candidate, with a clean record,no garbage, that will lead this country with a more realistic vision for our future. How bout that?
I believe Hillary, John Edwards, and Obama are all three excellent candidates. Obama lacks some experience but he has a very good grasp of the issues and has plans to address them. Hillare has been very impressive and she has been in the midst of government at the highest levels as the President's spouse. And she is very articulate and focused. John Edwards is a strong candidate and communicates very effectively. I believe all three are better than anyone the Republicans have to offer except Senator Nagel who has a lot of courage and has stood up to the Bush-Cheney disaster. Just my opinions.
No problem with Edward either. But, can he get elected over Hillary and/or Obama.
I love to hear Edwards speak. He has many good points.
The republicans have noting in the pipeline, nothing. In my opinion, the only one they can hope to pull their side a win is McCain. And will he be interested enough to run.
Bush has ruined it for the republicans for a long time.
I believe Hillary, Edwards, and Oboma are much better than any candidate the Republicans have among their group. It will take years to repair the damage and debt that has been brought to our great nation the past six years.
We men have messed things up in the world through greed, corruption, control, and impatience. I believe it is time we elected a woman President. Margaret Thatcher did a very good job in England. If Hillary is nominated I will vote for her.
Anonymous wrote: We men have messed things up in the world through greed, corruption, control, and impatience. I believe it is time we elected a woman President. Margaret Thatcher did a very good job in England. If Hillary is nominated I will vote for her.
WTF does Margaret Thatcher have to do with voting for Hillary. Do you actually believe the Democrats when they claim to be trying to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq? The truth is the U.S. cannot leave Iraq any time soon, period. There are forces at work determined to keep the U.S. there for many years to come- perhaps decades -- which the average American knows little, if anything, about. One is the seemingly omnipotent, yet nearly clandestine, Israel Lobby. The other is OIL, which America simply cannot survive without. This 'peace-craze' will blow over after Hillary Clinton seizes the Presidency in '08. After that, look out. Talk about a revisitation of Vietnam. Try to picture Hillary as a female version of LBJ.
The Last Poster makes some good Points. this mess is very complicated. Far more going on here than just the Well being of the Iraqis, wish it was really that simple.
No Question this Entire region is a Flat Powder Keg, it is hard to believe things could get worse but it very well could turn into a real war, it's bad now but if certain events unfold we very well may see the entire region explode with Real Short range Missles carring real warheads.
Again, the current mess is absolutley terrible, if this gets out of control further the entire world economy will or may shut down.
That's the main reason the Democrats are Super Carefull here and also do not have a better plan, Hillary I am afraid is not the person to Lead the Dems, be careful giving folks the Nod based on being a certain race or sex, let's llok carefully at all the candidates as whom ever wins has a very tough job ahead, what a mess!!!
Will we have a female president any time soon? No, I don't think so.
The reason: women. Women support women who display female qualities like nurturing and jovialness, and resent women who are more reserved, rational and "male-like." Women won't support the same women men will find suitable to be leaders... at least not in America. Thatcher is Britain's idea of how a prominent women should conduct herself, and they've had a lineage of Queens raised to project a stoic image. Oprah and Rachel Ray seem to be what American women regard as an ideal, and men won't trust the country to someone that openly emotional.
This nation is in the worst mess we hve ever been in. We are in the middle of a civil war. Iraq and Iran used to be enemies and now they are coming together. The Democrats did not create this mess. The Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House when our courageous troops were sent to this war. How can anyone put their faith in a party that lowers taxes for the wealthiest people in America and at the same time fails to provide our troops the most protective equipment available? All of us should be sacrificing during this war and not just our troops and their families.
How can you give a company like Halaburton a blank check to financially reap the profits when our troops are dying and being wouded in this war? How can we send our reserves and national guard personnel back over on three or four toors of duty? In this area women are still treated like second class citizens. All of our mothers were women. Our wives are women. Our daughters are women. I want my daughters to have every opportunity my sons have in this world.
Anonymous wrote: I think the real question should be "Is it time for an administration with morals and president with an IQ at least equal to a sea monkey?"
You should run for office because you fit the above discription perfict
Anonymous wrote: I think the real question should be "Is it time for an administration with morals and president with an IQ at least equal to a sea monkey?"
Revised -
You should run for office because you fit the above discription perfict
George W's Mom
PS: I realize its really spelled "perfect" instead of "perfict", someone had to teach the little idiot how to misspell words, speak poorly in public, bankrupt the country and create more poor people.
It is time for a women, or a man, or a black, or a white, or a brown or a yellow, or a red, to run for President. Any of them can do better than what we have in the White House now.