Just thinking, would this work? To incorporate North Corbin into a city, and somehow have them and Corbin work together to benefit our town instead of London? It burns me up that all the tax dollars in North Corbin goes to London to help grow their city. Morning Glory
It is a real penalty to Corbin to be unable to annex so close to our downtown area. Many merchants in North Corbin want to be in the City of Corbin because they don't feel they get very good services from Laurel County. The further away citizens are from their courthouse the less attention and support they receive from their county government.
I have heard that Laurel County receives about $700,000 each year in occupational taxes from the businesses in Laurel County along Cumberland Gap Parkway. One Motel, I have heard, pays them about $60,000 in Hotel/motel taxes.
Anonymous wrote: Just thinking, would this work? To incorporate North Corbin into a city, and somehow have them and Corbin work together to benefit our town instead of London? It burns me up that all the tax dollars in North Corbin goes to London to help grow their city. Morning Glory
Albert Robinson the previous State Senator is the reason north Corbin isn't in the city limits he got a law passed that Corbin could only annex in two counties. The fearless leaders of the City of Corbin chose Knox instead of Laurel the rest is history. Corbin should of chosen Laurel and had control of both exits a no-brainer!!!!!!!
You are right. There are some in Frankfort who believe if Corbin filed suit that Robinson law would not stand up in Court. The only Community that law hurts is the City of Corbin.