I was introduced to this web site a short while ago and can't believe my eyes while reading some of the hostile words that some of you have to say. We live in a world that is crumbling all around us because of hatred and violence. How about going back to the old teachings of "If you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything at all". We (parents), wonder in fear for our children of what the world will be like when they are old enough to stand on their own. If there is so much vile from adults how is the youth suppose to learn any different.
I had the pleasure and disappointment of working at Tuscany Gardens. I was, in the end treated very unfair but I don't go around throwing stones or accusations. The restaurant is in deed a mess right now but hopefully for the sake of all the investors it will turn around. There are some very kind people's lives involved in that establishment as well. Jimmy Vance is not sole proprietor of Tuscany Gardens. People make mistakes in life and sometimes the same one over and over again. I do not condone his behavior. Who am I to judge, I'm a human being just as he is. "He who is without sin shall cast the first stone". I don't think that anyone should speak ill of anyone. It's not there place to. I could write alot of ugly cold hard facts about the things that went on at Tuscany but it would only create more negativity. I will say that I do want things to turn around there because I have alot invested in that place also. Maybe not monetary wise but heart and soul wise. Lots and lots of hard work and dedication. I wish success for all the restaurateur's in the tri-county area. My only advice to them is warm hospitality, good food, superb service, consistency and a feeling of a well dollar spent. May God shine upon all of your faces.
Anonymous wrote: I was introduced to this web site a short while ago and can't believe my eyes while reading some of the hostile words that some of you have to say. We live in a world that is crumbling all around us because of hatred and violence. How about going back to the old teachings of "If you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything at all". We (parents), wonder in fear for our children of what the world will be like when they are old enough to stand on their own. If there is so much vile from adults how is the youth suppose to learn any different.
I had the pleasure and disappointment of working at Tuscany Gardens. I was, in the end treated very unfair but I don't go around throwing stones or accusations. The restaurant is in deed a mess right now but hopefully for the sake of all the investors it will turn around. There are some very kind people's lives involved in that establishment as well. Jimmy Vance is not sole proprietor of Tuscany Gardens. People make mistakes in life and sometimes the same one over and over again. I do not condone his behavior. Who am I to judge, I'm a human being just as he is. "He who is without sin shall cast the first stone". I don't think that anyone should speak ill of anyone. It's not there place to. I could write alot of ugly cold hard facts about the things that went on at Tuscany but it would only create more negativity. I will say that I do want things to turn around there because I have alot invested in that place also. Maybe not monetary wise but heart and soul wise. Lots and lots of hard work and dedication. I wish success for all the restaurateur's in the tri-county area. My only advice to them is warm hospitality, good food, superb service, consistency and a feeling of a well dollar spent. May God shine upon all of your faces.
With Warm Sincerity, Beth Ann Davidson
Very well put. I think this website is great for the area - the tourism info, economic development, and more. These message boards have some great ideas and information, but like other opinion forums, you get some comments from people who don't have better things to do than to sit around and belittle others. If you can filter through the nonsense some people have posted, there are some good comments, ideas and opinions on here, like yours.
I can only agree with you 100%. I'm sure that the person who created and designed this web site did not do it for people to slander and belittle others. This site has a vast range of valuable information.
Anonymous wrote: I can only agree with you 100%. I'm sure that the person who created and designed this web site did not do it for people to slander and belittle others. This site has a vast range of valuable information.
I agree about the valuable information this site has to offer. The slandering and belittling and petty B.S. can be removed from this site by the owner easily but for whatever reason he has chosen to leave these postings up for the world to see is beyond my comprehension.
Anonymous wrote: I can only agree with you 100%. I'm sure that the person who created and designed this web site did not do it for people to slander and belittle others. This site has a vast range of valuable information.
I agree about the valuable information this site has to offer. The slandering and belittling and petty B.S. can be removed from this site by the owner easily but for whatever reason he has chosen to leave these postings up for the world to see is beyond my comprehension.
Hoe can you even come close to agreeing with this posting? You are still on a mission against this sites administrator. Read the posting again and stop attacking.
Anonymous wrote: I can only agree with you 100%. I'm sure that the person who created and designed this web site did not do it for people to slander and belittle others. This site has a vast range of valuable information.
I agree about the valuable information this site has to offer. The slandering and belittling and petty B.S. can be removed from this site by the owner easily but for whatever reason he has chosen to leave these postings up for the world to see is beyond my comprehension.
Hoe can you even come close to agreeing with this posting? You are still on a mission against this sites administrator. Read the posting again and stop attacking.
I’m not on a mission against this site mater of fact I actually enjoy this site because it's the morning comics each day. Now you go back and read what I said previously once again very slowly thank you. Again instead of a site that makes the people of Corbin look stupid some editing would be nice if that isn’t asking good enough then how about pretty please with sugar on it.
Anonymous wrote: I can only agree with you 100%. I'm sure that the person who created and designed this web site did not do it for people to slander and belittle others. This site has a vast range of valuable information.
I agree about the valuable information this site has to offer. The slandering and belittling and petty B.S. can be removed from this site by the owner easily but for whatever reason he has chosen to leave these postings up for the world to see is beyond my comprehension.
Hoe can you even come close to agreeing with this posting? You are still on a mission against this sites administrator. Read the posting again and stop attacking.
I’m not on a mission against this site mater of fact I actually enjoy this site because it's the morning comics each day. Now you go back and read what I said previously once again very slowly thank you. Again instead of a site that makes the people of Corbin look stupid some editing would be nice if that isn’t asking good enough then how about pretty please with sugar on it.
I don't think the site makes anyone look stupid, it's the silly comments and rips that make an individual poster look stupid. Some good stuff on here also, don't change a thing. The stupid comments hurt their own cause anyway, and offer some entertainment. It's is not like Corbin has an exclusive on idiots - they are out there everywhere, but they are easy to point out in Corbin because they tend to run in the same circles (and type similar messeges.)
Had dinner in London several nights ago and one person at our table told us to look at this site. She said this website has more information and a chance to express your opinion than any site she has seen. She said this site gives people a chance to express opinions and give suggestions on many subject.
I have also noticed that it has an amazing amount of information about our area. Thanks for a first class source of information. Also it is not out of date the way most website's are maintained. Have you noticed how some corporate website's have stuff on it that is a couple of years old andd that makes them look bad.
After reading this topic that was started by someone that I have worked with and come to respect and trust, I fealt obligated to write my own fealings.
I came to Kentucky to build Tuscany Gardens. I have almost 18 years of restaurant experience that ranges from pizza delivery guy, to the banquet rooms of the TRUMP PLAZA in NYC, to managing the #9 privately owned pizzeria in the country($2.5 million annual gross), to the HOOTERS chain of restaurants. I've probably opened up (or been a key person in the opening of) 20 restaurants all over the eastern sea board. NONE of which have gone out of business (unless the owners wanted them to).
I recently was a part of a new business venture in the area. I TRULY BELEIVED IN THIS BUSINESS, but I, like others, was Sucked in and Spit out.
I hope and pray that no one blames me or looks down on me for playing part in this venture, I went into it with the best intentions, and was manipulated by tha Picaso of Con-Artists, to do things that I never would.
I've decided to try to start my life over again in this beautiful area, I REALY do LOVE the people around here. I hope this time I can make better more sound decisions, and together we can all prosper.
Good Luck & GOD Bless, With the utmost sincerity, Michael Parnicky London, Kentucky
Your comments are respected and we hope you enjoy much success in the future. Many of us have been disappointed by Tuscany Gardens. It started out so good, and the employees were courteous and professional. We wanted Tuscany to be a huge success.
When the Italian gentleman was quickly let go after such a good start, it seems the place started to slide downhill. We are sorry you had to go thru that experience and hope everything works out for you in the future.
This is an opinion from someone who worked for Tuscany and helped open the restaurant. The whole business was just a tax scheme by J.V to make money to pay off gambling debts. The rest. was never meant to succeed it was built to fail, the sad part is alot of people they hired moved there entire lives her to work for this place then after it was doing good .....the plan began they sarted getting rid of people by saying they couldn't afford to pay anyone. It was built as a tax write off, who spends thousands of dollars on carelessly and then realizes they can't afford it. They made some money the last few months of the year (which they didn't have to pay taxes on) which they will pocket and file bankrupt with the business. So don't be surprised if the place closes down or is sold in the next few months. As far as Pino, who most of you are referring to as the Italian man, he was part of the whole scam, that's his job (an illegal one at that), open up rest. , spend as much money as possible than "get fired" , and the place goes down the drain. If he supposedly has millions of dollars, which he says he does why is he messing around with restaurants in Corbin and London Ky??? As far the new rest, which the Italian man is opening now, I'm sure within the last three months of the year it will open and just like Tuscany will do good for 3 months and then it will hit bottom too,that's what this man does...helps people make money by opening rest., the money is made and then run them into the ground. Just do the research folks...it's not hard to see!!
You are entitled to your opinion, but this so-called "scam" you refer to is not what has hurt Tuscany Garden. When you have individuals that think they know it all, and think they can run a business that they have no experience in, you have results like Tuscany. Firing 2/3 of the staff three weeks into operation, treating the staff like garbage, the poor ads they ran and lousy job of marketing they did, the head chef being seen by the whole town often buying bread sticks for the restaurent at Kroger - every aspect of running a restaurant has to be close to perfect, and makes a difference whether you make a little money or lose a lot - nobody gets rich off of one location unless you are a 4-star in Manhattan, and even then it's tough. Bottom line is they don't know what they are doing - pretty simple. If you are going to open a restaurant and have never operated one, you need to hire a full-time person to run the business that has experience.
There is no reason Buckners, O'Malleys or El Dorado should have 10 to 15 times more cars in their parking lots as Tuscany Gardens. That tells you someone is way in over their head.
Kind of like the city of Corbin - you can have great potential and attributes, but without experienced people who know what they are doing and that are willing to listen to people who have experience and true expertise, you will usually fail.
As far as Pino, I know he was not part of some "Scam" as you describe, and the restaurant in London tou refer to is being built by a single investor who is a good guy and has asked Pino to help design the restaurant, develop the menu, etc.
I agree. The main problem was how the owners treated their employees. It was not Pino. They booted him out after they got off to such a great start. They had some very good people at the start.
I detect an atmosphere of peace and cooperation coming into our community. Mayor McBurney has brought an open government and by working together we can overcome the lack of care and concern the county officials have for Corbin. We have some great business, religious, education, and medical leaders in this community. Together we can do the unexpected.
Anonymous wrote: It seems to me that some of you are WELL informed, while others are very confused.
HATS OFF to the people who are willing to post there names, and put there reputations on the line.
ONE of the anonymouse postings was right on the money.
It seems that our little "friend" has the wool pulled over many eyes!
Just look into the PAPER TRAIL............................
I think you need to leave Mr. Vance alone - Tuscany Gardens is struggling, and you comments don't help. Mr. Vance has many fine qualities, and he and and his business partners are first class citizens who really care about Corbin. Calling him names won't help JV, the restaurant or the employees.
You also mention HATS OFF to people who post their names, but your's seems to missing - you appear to be the confused one. Also, which of the "Anony Mouse" postings is right on the money?
From what I've come to KNOW about the Tri-County area of South Eastern Kentucky ,is that there are some GREAT and Wonderful People , and then there are some "people" who are here strictly to take advantige of those people.
You are entitled to your opinion, but this so-called "scam" you refer to is not what has hurt Tuscany Garden. When you have individuals that think they know it all, and think they can run a business that they have no experience in, you have results like Tuscany. Firing 2/3 of the staff three weeks into operation, treating the staff like garbage, the poor ads they ran and lousy job of marketing they did, the head chef being seen by the whole town often buying bread sticks for the restaurent at Kroger - every aspect of running a restaurant has to be close to perfect, and makes a difference whether you make a little money or lose a lot - nobody gets rich off of one location unless you are a 4-star in Manhattan, and even then it's tough. Bottom line is they don't know what they are doing - pretty simple. If you are going to open a restaurant and have never operated one, you need to hire a full-time person to run the business that has experience.
There is no reason Buckners, O'Malleys or El Dorado should have 10 to 15 times more cars in their parking lots as Tuscany Gardens. That tells you someone is way in over their head.
Kind of like the city of Corbin - you can have great potential and attributes, but without experienced people who know what they are doing and that are willing to listen to people who have experience and true expertise, you will usually fail.
As far as Pino, I know he was not part of some "Scam" as you describe, and the restaurant in London tou refer to is being built by a single investor who is a good guy and has asked Pino to help design the restaurant, develop the menu, etc.
The person who posted this obviously loves the community, but has also been miss-led.
It's unfortunant what happens when you put your trust in someone, and believe all of the promisses that are made to you and others, and then that person simply packs up end disapears, or moves up the road. Then all of the people that put there lives on the line (Financialy, Emotionally,ETC.) are left behind to "hold the bag".
Corbin is a VERY STRONG COMMUNITY, and I think BIGGER and BETTER things will soon come.
Mr. Vance , to the best of my knowledge, IS A BUSINESS MAN. He loves the local community, and employs(directly and inderectly) MANY PEOPLE.
Who was it that made up the rediculous opening menu for Tuscany's, decided to hire 3 times the necessary staff, OVERPAYED that staff, over equipped the kitchen, over stocked the walk-in, etc., etc., etc.,?
Mr. Vance , to the best of my knowledge, IS A BUSINESS MAN. He loves the local community, and employs(directly and inderectly) MANY PEOPLE.
Who was it that made up the rediculous opening menu for Tuscany's, decided to hire 3 times the necessary staff, OVERPAYED that staff, over equipped the kitchen, over stocked the walk-in, etc., etc., etc.,?
You state your case pretty poorly. I ate there the first week, and the menu items were the attraction. The rediculous menu was the one I saw last week in a full page newspaper ad that stated "a taste of the old world" or something to that effect, but then listed only one Italian item out of 12 to 15 Cheeseburger, Ham Sandwhich, and other non-italian type items. Hilarious to see people try to be experts at something that they are not, and who won't listen to people that are.
This place received more pre-opening hype by the local media than any business here ever had, and blew all that free publicity buy making numerous poor business decisions. You need a large staff to service a large crowd, but when they fired the wrong people, and messed around with the menu items, they didn't need a large staff because there were no customers left - pretty basic business principle.
Seems to be another problem with some people in Corbin, wanting to discourage the practice of "Overpaying" their workers, or in reality, paying them well. If the restaurant ran it's business properly, none of your listed issues would be issues.
Keep blaming the rest of the world for the problems, but there are some people involved that need to look in the mirror to see TG's real problem.
Interesting article from the London Sentinel-Echo. I think Mr. Palombino knew what he was doing at Tuscany, bit those who think they know everything thought they could do better.
Community leaders test culinary skills
By Carol Mills Staff Writer
May 7, 2007
Back Fire beans, Alex's cheese grits, Mike's butterfinger cake, sinfully delicious pineapple cake, hot pepper peach cheeseball, Dairy Dawg's honey bun split, blackberry cobbler, magic cookie bars, and baked ziti were just a few of the delights sampled at this year's Taster's Choice.
The peoples' choice best overall was the baked ziti made by Pino Palombino, who is working with an Italian restaurant, T. Julianos, scheduled to open in London this July.
"It's all great, I love to eat," exclaimed Chris Smith. I liked the baked ziti and the apple and pear salad with the poppy seeds in it."
Anita Jervis also liked the ziti, as well as the peanut butter dressing in the apple and pear salad made by Lola Reed, and the chocolate chips in the magic cookie bars made by Judy Phelps.
Lana Goble's favorite was the sinfully delicious pineapple cake made by Jack and Jerri Bolton. Elaine Lovelace, 5, enjoyed Kaitlyn's salsa made by Dennis and Jodi Spurlock in memory of Kaitlyn Spurlock.
The North Laurel varsity cheerleaders asked various community leaders to team up with them to provide the community with a taste of their culinary skills and creativity.
There were 22 different celebrity chefs at this year's event held Saturday evening at North Laurel High School. The categories included appetizers, salads, entrees, and desserts.
Best Appetizer was won by Melissa Wright and Stephanie Parker with Slow cooker Mexican dip; Best Salad, Lola Reed with apple and pear salad with poppy seed dressing; Best Entree, Jerry Hopkins with potato soup; Best Dessert, Jack and Jerri Bolton with sinfully delicious pineapple cake.
Doyle and Christy Jones, owners of T. Julianos, won for Best Presentation.
The judges were Sheriff Fred Yaden, Mayor Troy Rudder and Paul and Kathy Claiborne. All proceeds from this event went toward the North Laurel varsity cheer program.
"It cost about $2,500 a girl this year when you start paying the uniforms, gymnastics, camps," said Vicki Blair, coordinator of the event.
The cheerleaders placed second in Nationals in 2007 in UCA's medium varsity division and also won the state title in the same division at the 2007 KAPOS competition. ESPN2 is scheduled to broadcast UCA's National Competition on May 6. The time has not been determined.
Want a cookbook? Anyone who wants to buy a recipe book for $5 can call Coach Kim Wood at 862-4699.
Trent Jones, left, sneaks and helps himself to a big plate of baked ziti from Pino Palombino. Palombino is working with T. Julianos, an Italian eatery which will open up in London this July.
Vance is just waiting to decide the date on when to close the doors. I think he's hoping Olive Garden or O'Charley's will come in and lease the building to help save him.
To some of those posters saying read the paper trail. Put it out here, or tell us where to find it. We'll read it. Don't tease us.