Did anyone see the Times Tribune's Report on the Freedom Of Information Act in this area?
Wow! It was really something to see how our Local Officials side stepped giving out information that is clearly public record!!! Wonder what they are hiding???
Just a few points from the Report that caught my eye:
Williamsburg & Whitley County will not show their Superintendents Salary, why? Various Law Enforcement Agencies (All named in the paper) will not release who they have arreseted and Why?
Lot's of really Simple request that would not be answered by Tax Funded Public servants, really strange as to what they are hiding.
Read the Articles in todays paper, see what you folks think??
I think it is great - Samantha Swindler, Tim Woerner and some of the other new Times Tribune staff members bring some new ideas to this paper - such as reporting the news, not just local beauty pageants. In the past this type of stuff would be swept under the carpet, or buried under some classified ads on a back page - but these people are good, and believe in doing the job that newspapers and reporters are supposed to do, part of which is keeping an eye on local governemnt. With our local government, which tends to operate out-of-control when they have no one holding then to the standards that they are SUPPOSED to uphold, we need the newspapers help to keep these people in check.
Samantha Swindler and her staff are doing a great job. Today's newspaper represents what the news is all about. What if our newspapers had checked into the land that was sold for the Waterpark, the Williamsburg Post Office, the Whitley County Jail, and the Whitley County Airport? Maybe the people would have been more aware of why Whitley County has such a huge debt.
Thanks to Samantha and her reporters at the Times Tribune.
Maybe we need to file a freedom of information act request to the tourism committee to see what they spend their money on, and the chamber of commerce as well, to see their budget and meeting minutes.
If they refuse, we can sic the government on them as they are receiving tax fund for their operation.
No Question Estep's Budget and where the Money has gone needs to be made Public as soon as possible, he can even print it in his own paper also?
Let's see what their doing with the People's Money????
The Times Tribune should File this request with the Atty General or Federal Officials if need be. Several Options here as this money is Public Tax'd Funds!!!
Come on Times Tribune, make them show their Budget!!!!!
I don't think you'll have a problem getting the Tourism budget figures once someone cools off, but the one that should be published is the Chamber budget and expenditures - that would be good reading!
It's amazing what an officially filed FOIA (freedom of information act) can do. Especially when you put it out you had to file one to get public information.
I'd love to see the tribune file it against estep and the gang, and see what he has to say about it in his own paper. You think Knuckles would do an investigative report on his own boss?????????????? If he's a true reporter, he would.