Just have to ask & wonder about this new drug policy I have been reading about over the last few months at Corbin.
The School System System reported no incidents and no data that anyone tested positive and or was caught during the 05-06 School Year with it's current drug policy, Ok, Got it.
So Why Expand the Program, make it larger, more expensive, more intrusive with no data or evidence to tell you to do so????
I can buy this expansion of the current policy if the numbers and last years facts tell ya to do this but there is nothing to support an expansion of the current system.
I agree,why are we continuing to look for ways to spend tax payers money.We live in a area that adv income is off the lowest in the state but yet our elected officals continue to look for new projects to spend ,spend,spend. We have drug tested our altheletes for years and I do not recall any problems.Maybe we should test our teachers and staff as well. HOW ABOUT IT!! LEAD BY EXAMPLE!!! TEACHERS FIRST
my son plays on the CHS basball team. 2 kids on the current team self reported their use and are getting some help. he also informed me a softball player tested positive last month. kids are using at CHS my son says more than we know... the majority of the kids aren't opposed to testing, but think the staff ought to be tested as well. Iagree. I am tested at my place of employment as well as my husband, this is society norm.. should we have them not search backpacks for weapons or use metal detectors at some of the schools???? We have to protect our most valuable resources --OUR CHILDREN!!!
You make some good points, But! We as tax payers fund what ever system the school board and sit based councils decide to go with, the cost of these programs are expensive and also now in 2007 can tell more more about a person than just if they have used drugs latley, I'll get back to this point soon.
Unfortunatley the Official Data the school provided the Public with based off their previous tresting of XX (I don't know the actual number) showed ZERO positive test for the 05-06 School Year?? If all of the folks are coming forward then why are the test not showing anything?
Let's be careful to spin what we have as hard facts and completed test Vs what we hear or possible word of mouth. Dr. Wallace (School Board member) had some very good points on what these new drup tests are really achieveing and what their not really acheiveing, some very interesting points.
Last but not least, Teachers should be involved from day one in any Drug testing if the Policy of the school is to expand the program, however we as a society usually base our actions off of emotion instead of fact and what evidence we have to back our points up, in Corbin's case they did not have the Facts and or Data to back up further testing from what they are already doing, in fact the data over the last 6-Years only showed a few incidents total.
You also should read up on DNA Testing and what the Governements in the very near future can do with that information even for 99% of the folks that are gonna pass their history is still out in the cyber world and can be downloaded, you could be judged on Car Loans, Health care, Home loans, Job Interviews all based on what your DNA suggests you look and act like in the future??? This is coming quickly as our Computers are going to process 500 Gigs Vs 1 Gig, the faster they get the easier it will be to look not only into your past but to Predict your FUTURE and therefore be easily able to discriminate & separate services you may have to have to survive!
this is very similar to our Legal System and it's founders in the Late 1790's, "If you have NO evedence to back up a case then drop it" Our founding fathers were clear on Evidence & Data, If the School System has NO DATA and Eveidence to back up expanding the Program then again why do it, here say is not documented at the police department, only fact!!
Looks like all that have replied have good points. Goes back to other posts. We elected a board to make decisions. If we don't like the job they are doing with our tax dollars -- put your name in the hat for the next election. Kim Croley did just that. I think there could be worse things to throw our tax dollars away like tech centers and rodeo arenas. I am sure there are grant dollars to pay for drug testing just like there has been for other city projects!! Are you honestly complaining about $1,000 or less that they spend yearly on testing? What are Whitley, Laurel and Knox spending on it?
My Point is after all the testing, all of the school systems in Corbin found ZERO, NADA, Nothing, what is it your trying to find this time Vs. the last year and the year before????
Even if it's a Grant, it's still Tax payer money, someone has to Fund this, right. Any Private Company who spends money has to Justify it and say Why they spent the Money and What the results of the Funding will produce.
What new results other than Zero will this Produce???
What prompted the Expansion of the Program without something to tell them to do so??? The very facts and Data released by the School shows they found nothing????
So once again, Why did the system expand the program???