I keep hearing they are, but I also hear the papers haven't been signed. I hope they do, but some of the businesses leaders here have a way of screwing things up, trying to run Corbin like it is still 1950. If you want to compete, you have to be aggressive, or the other towns will keep beating you.
I keep hearing they are, but I also hear the papers haven't been signed. I hope they do, but some of the businesses leaders here have a way of screwing things up, trying to run Corbin like it is still 1950. If you want to compete, you have to be aggressive, or the other towns will keep beating you.
i know for a fact they are getting ready to bid the job.
Yes, support your local owned, but we also need some well known restaurants to draw people who are travelling through our area on I-75. We eat in Richmond at Applebee's and we almost always see someone from our area at the restaurant. We have the potential growth for the future to have more restaurants in the area.
We better try to keep people living in Corbin instead of running them off. That comment you made is not the way for our community to grow and prosper. We must attract more people to our area if we wnat more jobs and a better standard of living.
What an ignorant comment. We also eat at Applebee's in Richmond every time we visit our kids at EKU - you have heard of Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, a college that hundreds of Corbin kids attend.
With over 30,000 vehicles passing the Corbin exits everyday, the other poster is right, we need some chain restaurants that travelers from Michigan, Ohio, Georgia, Florida, the Carolina's and other parts of the country are familiar with to capture some of the the millions of dollars spent by these I-75 travelers. Better Corbin gets the restaurant tax revenue than London, or some other I-75 city that gets an Applebee's before we do. Believe it or not, having a restaurant that people are familiar with can also sway a traveler's thinking on where to stay overnight while on the road.
Hey, why don't you move to Richmond - how pathetic. Hey, why don't you try thinking a point through before you type an ignorant response.
Applebee's better get business off the I-Road because a lot of the locals will only go to other cities to drink and they won't step into a local restaurant that has a bar The good restaurants in Corbin are just barley making it mainly because of the 15% tax on drinks and the 9% tax on food. The server population is getting scarce because the tips are bad because the taxes on a meal and drinks are so high. Corbin needs to work on the visuals at exit 25 because the North bound exit looks terrible with all the billboard signs stuck all over the mountain side trailers with adds and small stick up adds planted all the way down the exit ramps makes us look like redneck central. The main reason most north bounders get of exit 25 is for Speedway's cheep gas prices (some times) now south bound is a different story, you are all ready past the exit before you know it. Instead of all the cheep looking billboards state signage about Cumberland Falls Resort and other interest should be the norm. The billboards on the hillside on the north east quadrant is fugley as north Corbin.
Applebee's better get business off the I-Road because a lot of the locals will only go to other cities to drink and they won't step into a local restaurant that has a bar The good restaurants in Corbin are just barley making it mainly because of the 15% tax on drinks and the 9% tax on food. The server population is getting scarce because the tips are bad because the taxes on a meal and drinks are so high. Corbin needs to work on the visuals at exit 25 because the North bound exit looks terrible with all the billboard signs stuck all over the mountain side trailers with adds and small stick up adds planted all the way down the exit ramps makes us look like redneck central. The main reason most north bounders get of exit 25 is for Speedway's cheep gas prices (some times) now south bound is a different story, you are all ready past the exit before you know it. Instead of all the cheep looking billboards state signage about Cumberland Falls Resort and other interest should be the norm. The billboards on the hillside on the north east quadrant is fugley as north Corbin.
well in case nobody reads odviously they have been having interviews at the holiday inn express so why would you interview and hire if you arent coming here duh!!!!
I think the sunday sales will come around, within a couple of years. Yes, that's a long time, but, look how long it took to even get the vote to sell alcohol.
There ARE staff hired at this moment, going through training to work at Applebee's. Yes, they have a management training program that really does train their managers. Their corporate success tells the tale.
Servers drying up,,,,,no, the bad servers are gone, the few good ones are left in the local restaurants. And, once Applebee's picks up, they'll get the good ones too.
Buy local huh.............I know personally that Applebees support many, many local charities and causes. They also sponsor sporting events and other local events. Do all the "Local" restaurants support them. I'm sure some do. Applebee's will be an excellent community and business supporter. I would say they'll join the chamber of commerce (regardless of it's antics and board) because they believe in supporting their community. Who knows, they may bring a trained professional in to run the place, and that person may end up the chairperson of the chamber of commerce. What a new thought,,,,,,,,,,,.
The only locals that go to other cities to drink are the ones that stand up and preach against it in public, then wet their whistle in private. We all know who some of those are.
Applebee's will be the beginning of several national chain restaurants to come in the next several years.
Well, some professionally ran restaurants with professionally acting employees. This company doesn't put up with a bunch of baloney. No hanging out at the tables by the waitress's, managers actually walking around asking how everything is, managers watching the time lines on orders, servings, ets. You don' t have that now in any of our local joints. You won't see wait staff with 54 tattoos and piercings all over them. You'll have a food line that will be the same here as it is everywhere else.
And, this will lead to a few more national chains coming in, I truly believe it.
Exit 25 off I-75 is going to become one of the best intersections off I-75 from Florida to Michigan. Harley Davidson would be making a huge mistake if they don't locate there. The State of Kentucky needs to have a sense of urgency in getting the road infrastructure fixed as soon as possible to help in this growth opportunity and to provide safe and convenient roads for the many people who will travel our way. The Transportation Cabinet needs to get on the ball.
On the road issue, normally, you'd be right. But, with Fletcher getting ready to leave office, I doubt it will happen now. I don't see Breshear doing anything much for this area.
With that circus of a Chamber of Commerce we have, I'd say we're dead in the water for a long time to come.
Applebee's don't need sunday sales to prosper, their business plan is outstanding, they know how to bring people in no matter what.
Looks like they are progressing nicely on this place, and when it is done, it will be Corbin's #1 restaurant draw. Service will be the main reason, because Applebee's trains their staff and doesn't tolerate poor effort from their employees.
It should cause other restaurants in the area to either improve their service and food or close shop.
This place will be big, not only for travelers but for locals too. You are right, local restaurants will either have to improve their service or shut down. Also, we will finally have a decent place to dine on Sundays.
This place will be big, not only for travelers but for locals too. You are right, local restaurants will either have to improve their service or shut down. Also, we will finally have a decent place to dine on Sundays.
Jimmy Vance deserves our thanks for getting Applebees to come to Corbin. It looks like Jimmy is cleaning up his act and making a positive impact of economic growth. His property is important to our future growth.