Thanks to those who came up with this Thursday night program, and thanks for this website to provide such good information about it. We will be there Thursday night.
I've been to all the events, and have only seen a couple of the commissioners and the mayor there supporting it.
Where are the chamber of commerce people and tourism folks. This will end up a major thing for downtown corbin. You'd think tourism would want it talked up.
The Thursday night program will grow a great deal in the future. I have been to all but one of them. Thanks to Sharea and her committees for getting this started. I notice last night Mr. and Mrs. Comer provided the sound system. I wish she was back on the Tourism Commission.
I believe these Thursday night events are a great idea, having a chance hear some good music, see a good movie outdoors, to meet our neighbors and to see some old friends that we might have lost touch with. It is good to see the support of city officials such as Mayor McBurney and Commissioner Lynch, John Wooley of the Industrial Board and a couple of others that have been in attendance, but I would like to see more support from the other city commissioners, Tourism, Chamber, and other boards and commitees.
It is one thing to "say" you support a project, it's another thing to actually show it.
I hope we will have some more Thursday or Friday night Downtown events.
The Tri-County has a fine arts program, and when there is a fine arts program on schedule the Thursday or Friday night Downtown Event should not conflict with that. Corbin's Downtown Committees and leader are doing a fine job. There is a very positive attitude among people regarding this effort.