'Does George W. Bush Even Remember 9/11?' By Citizen Conservative of The American Daily
Seems a rather rude question, I admit. But think about it.
In the name of full disclosure, I confess to voting for George W. Bush in 2000.
To my discredit, I was unaware of his pro-illegal immigration position. I bought the conservative label and just assumed that, if elected, President Bush would be reasonable on immigration.
If nothing else, I expected a Republican President from the deep south to enforce existing laws.
Wrong on both counts, as it turns out. Bush is neither reasonable on immigration nor has he even intended to enforce existing laws.
My mistake in voting for Bush was, or should have been, rendered moot by the events of 9/11. Indeed, who would imagine that our very own borders would remain unprotected nearly six full years after that awful day?
Who would imagine that America would send 150,000 troops to Iraq and Afghanistan, but leave our own borders open to anyone wishing to invade America, for whatever purpose? Including those dedicated to killing millions, of innocent Americans?
Who would imagine that the precious lives of more than 3,600 innocent Americans would be lost 8,000 miles from home--sacrifices that will be in vain if a terrorist(s) gains access to America via our unsecured border with Mexico?
Who would imagine that our commander-in-chief would spend $500 billion of taxpayer treasure to fight wars in the Middle East, while refusing to fill border patrol positions authorized by congress?
The deliberate and protracted neglect of border security and immigration enforcement leads one to an inescapable conclusion:
George W. Bush no longer even remembers the events of 9/11!