If it did pass, they should go ahead and move the tobacco huts out, and pass a ordance that don't allow selling tobacco products on sunday. We can't sell beer on sunday, so why not stop selling tobacco. Same issue, different product.
Read in the paper where this group is still on their soap box trying to ban smoking in public buildings.
Maybe the chairman of this committee wouldn't be so adamant about this oranance if all the smokers took their money and business out of the Hometown Bank, and told the bank they wouldn't be back until he was fired. How would he feel about that. A bank is a bank, just like grocery stores and car washes. Tick enough people off, like Vance did with Tuscany Gardens, and you'll be looking at vacant seats, closed or moved accounts, and empty aisles.
the initial request to go smoke free was not handled right. You can't go to city hall and demand something that affects so many people without laying a foundation. Perhaps this should be revisited with the commission but try to be inclusive not so demanding.
I agree. A bunch of kids and a teacher cannot just demand that the city pas an ordinance banning smoking. The people at city hall are men that have to look at all sides. It was down right rude of the anti-smokers to treat the city council the way they did.
The sponser works at a local bank which i understand is trying to push no smoking. I think its a good idea but you can't tell men what to do. The sponser thought he had more backing. I certanily support it though.
I always request a no smoking seat in a restaurant, and appreciate the no smoking on airplanes now. But, I do not agree it's something the government should legislate, on any level. I say leave it up to the individual business's.
Since our city manager smokes in his office in a government building and a handful of the commisioners smoke there was no way it was going to go anywhere. Why would we try to do something that may actually be healthy to ourselves and others that are trying to breathe clean air.
I'm glad its dead. Our commissioners did the right thing ignoring demands for a vote. i think anyone that wants this is a communist.
Communist? Maybe your smoking the wrong weed hero! Smoking in restaurants should be banned. If you want to smoke and burn up your lungs, knock yourself out, but to force me and my children to smoke just because we want to eat out is the dictatorship. Its not a freedom issue when it risks the health of others. Take the smoke outside, and allow everyone the freedom to choose their health.
Spend your time on other Value Added interest, the Homelesss we have here in Corbin, Bringing in better Jobs to raise the Median Income that's around 19K per year in this area, we could all go on and on.
I hate some of you folks are bothered with 2nd hand smoke but most restaurants have separate areas and ask where you want to be seated at the entrance. This whole thing is being lead by Captain Crusader who is only trying to get some headlines.
Someone find something for this guy to do, maybe looking for UFO's.
I wish the Commission would require "smoke free" in all public places. The school sponser who was pushing this apparently got reprimanded by his superiors because he dropped it like a hot potatoe. I guess his federal funding ran out. Apparently he wasn't as interested in the issue as he acted like in the paaper.
I wish the Commission would require "smoke free" in all public places. The school sponser who was pushing this apparently got reprimanded by his superiors because he dropped it like a hot potatoe. I guess his federal funding ran out. Apparently he wasn't as interested in the issue as he acted like in the paaper.
The day is coming when companies will not locate in areas with high smoking rates. If they provide health insurance they know their medical insurance will cost much more in areas in which the people smoke and are obese. Absentee rates are higher in areas in which there is a high smoking rate and poorer health. One of the true risks we have in our area is that if we don't improve the health of people in our area we may never get any new jobs. That is the real world whether we like it or not.
The last post is correct. We need to go smoke free before London does. Think of the good PR the Lexinton and Lousville papers would give us. But most importantly it would be the right thing to do.
I wish the Commission would require "smoke free" in all public places. The school sponser who was pushing this apparently got reprimanded by his superiors because he dropped it like a hot potatoe. I guess his federal funding ran out. Apparently he wasn't as interested in the issue as he acted like in the paaper.
The day is coming when companies will not locate in areas with high smoking rates. If they provide health insurance they know their medical insurance will cost much more in areas in which the people smoke and are obese. Absentee rates are higher in areas in which there is a high smoking rate and poorer health. One of the true risks we have in our area is that if we don't improve the health of people in our area we may never get any new jobs. That is the real world whether we like it or not.
One of the best posts I've read on this board. Excellent point & well stated. Thank you.
And, I'll add, that smokers take more "smoke breaks" than any other group of employees in any type of business. More production time is lost to "smoke breaks" than any other activity.
Smokers are hopefully becoming a thing of the past.
Since our city manager smokes in his office in a government building and a handful of the commisioners smoke there was no way it was going to go anywhere.
I have heard that the city manager and the fire chief smokes but I don't think the mayor or any of the commissioners do. I may be wrong but I don't think so.
Will the School sponser please state why he is no longer pushing the "Smoke Free". This was good for the school children. Did you get reprimanded by superiors?
I guess after the intitial newspaper photos were taken it wasn"t as exciting anymore. Apparently, the school system employee is all show and no substance.
I've talked to several students and they still wish to push for the "smoke free" ban in Corbin public places. One of them told me that the City Leaders advised McNeil, the School superintendant, to rein Chris hart in on the issue or they would withhold annexing the new school into the City limits. Has anyone else heard this?
Don Estep has an excellent point in his Editorial today about this issue. Smoking kills. Why then are our leaders so afraid to address the issue? Many more would support a public ban than would oppose it. Is it that the City Manager is preventing the Commission from at least discussing the matter?
We don't have people with enough discipline to change their life style to enjoy better health. And the smokers believe they have every right to throw their cigarette butts anywhere they please. Smoking kills and takes away years of life from fathers, mothers, grandparents, children, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and grandchildren. The years it takes away are a loss of companionship among family members and friends. The medical care and treatment cost all of us a fortune.
But many of our people just don't have the discipline and will power to make a decision that will help them enjoy better health. It is a sad thing but it is true. They should do it for their loved ones if not for themselves.