I commend the school board for it's decision to build a new school, and to the site selection. It will be wonderful, and is much needed.
It's amazing how many people in tattersall and around fifth street didn't know they were in the corbin school system taxing district. Just shows you how much attention they pay to their tax bills. They probably don't vote either.
Now, I hope the school board gets on the ball and builds us a new high school.
A new high school is badly needed as well. They could build a new one, use the old one for the middle school, and then build another new elementary school. They should build a new football stadium with the new high school, tear down the old one, and either sell it, or use that property to build a new elementary. Then, sell one of the older elementary's.
This new school board we have has some vision, and Kim Croley is a ball of fire. She is a great asset to the board. We need more young people like her on the board.