I think one idea would be in the industrial park on the bypass. And, build a new football stadium with it. Then, we can sell the old one and help finance the new school. That is prime property where it now sits, and we've out grown it as far as parking and traffic is concerned.
Are we talking about a County school or a Corbin school? Might sound silly, but could people here live with having their child not being a Redhound? I know some people would rather lose their right arm to to send their kid off to school to play basketball for the "Corbin Colonels" or "Corbin Senators".
Couldn't the current high school be expanded? Seems like they have plenty of land around that facility.
Come on, Samantha Swindler was classy enough to reply to your posts, and like a professional she defended her paper but also like a professional said they know there is always room for improvement and want to hear your ideas. Time to get off their back, at least for a little while.
Talking about getting off peoples backs, how bout on some of the other threads where they just keep running the same point in the ground. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.
Thanks for the suggestion. It is so hot in our Kitchen I just told my husband I am never going into the kitchen again. I am tired of going in there over a hot smelly oven and slaving for him.
I hope many other women will do the same thing and let's show that we are not going to take a hot kitchen anymore. Women get out of the kitchen!
One solution, which will be unpopular with many of our kids and their parents, would be to use the present parking lot area between the high school and vocational school, and expand there.
It would eliminate parking, but only for students. Then, you allow only juniors and seniors to drive to school, and if that is too many, you allow only seniors to drive to school. I know that would tick off all the parents, but, it would beat building a whole new high school.
But, in my opinion, we need a new high school.
I still say, put a new high school in the industrial park, along with a total athletic facility. A new football field, separate soccer field, baseball and softball field, and track needs to be included. Make the present high school the middle school, keeping of course the present athletic facility.
Give the old football field to the city recreation dept. Let them run it for other than school sponsored leagues.
Tear down east, build a new 3 or 4 story elementary there. Use South for the alternative school, and central for whatever area needs expanding.
We got to do something, we're outgrowing ourselves.
The district certainly needs more space. Where will the funds come from to build such a building or additions? East is not on a large enough parcel of land to build an elementary, middle or high school. Schools I believe are required to have a certain amount acreage when built. It would certainly be nice if land was donated or a trust was left for the school district to have funds to provide the building needs they require. The local county districts are building new building all the time. How can they afford to do it???
The present high school facility has many items on its campus. The large auditorium, the excellent media center, the Ossie Burch Fieldhouse, the Vocational School, the new Tennis Complex, the Baseball and softball field, the Track, and Ossie Burch Fieldhouse are all there along with the School.
If a new High School is built at a different location what would you do with all that campus already in use?
I like the idea above about building it in the new industrial park on the bypass. Compared to what the school board paid for the land for the new elementary, over 1 million I believe, we could get a great deal on the land in the industrial park.