Post Info TOPIC: Why doesn't the TOURISM COMMITTEE put out something like these sites.

Why doesn't the TOURISM COMMITTEE put out something like these sites.

There are a lot of suggestions here. The Tourism Committee needs to take heed and publish some of these. 

Do any of those people on the tourism committee ever get out of their offices to look around. It doesn't seem like it.

These are some great ideas.



There are some good people on these boards that shouldn't be overshadowed by the small number who seem to want to "rule the Corbin World" for some sort of strange attention and glory they are in need of.



Over Half of these people do not even live in the City, what in the world would make anyone think they are going to come up with Ideas to improve an area they have zero interest in??????????????????????

The Tourism Chairman does not live in the city, does not OWN any business and only draws a paycheck like the rest of us, the difference, We pay city Tax's and he does not along with the other members who own various Business interest in other cities, property in other cities and are major leaders in other cities??????????????

Our Tourism Chairman does however according to his column is learning Magic Tricks in Pigeon Forge, I do believe him when he says that as he and his Magical Assistants made our Fiberglass Train Project Vanish?

What a Talented and Magical group we have here.



Any where else in the U.S., the tourism people would be on board with a site like this, reading, contributing, and making comments along with these.

Not here.   They know it all.  They haven't done anything out of the ordinary in years. Oh yeah, we have banners on the light poles now.  Forgot about that. 



Is the Tourism Commission going to finally support the Downtown Corbin program? The word on the street and at City Hall is that two Commissioners and a couple of members of Tourism are trying to make the Downtown Program fail. Where does the City Manager stand on this program? Is he as wishy washy as I have heard that he is?

Why do they refuse to support Ms. Myers who is doing an excellent job.

I am glad this website gives a lot of visability to the Downtown Corbin program. Let's not let them kill it.


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A few of these people are intimidated, and its a two-sided problem. On one side, they have problems dealing with intelligent people who might just know more a little more about a particular topic than they do, or worse, might steal some of their thunder... their "Corbin Thunder". Many examples of this, that's why we have seen some very good people with tremendous abilities treated like crap in this town - I'm sure several names come to most of you as you read this.

One the other side of the coin, because of their old school mentality, they also have a problem working with women. Combine intelligence and female together and these few old schoolers can't deal with it.

It's 2007, not 1950, and its time we get more progressive thinkers who know how to work with people towards a common goal appointed to these boards and elected to our commission. Mr. McBurney is a good start, but its time the others start proving they are team players who can support good people, not just their buddies, or its time to replace them.



It seems to me that this site is not particularly something we can gain any good ideas from.  The classic problem in Corbin is that there are a lack of ideas going around.  This site harps on Ms. Meyers getting no support for her train project and that the Tourism board members should live inside the city limits.  And, this is where it stops. 
Ms. Meyers has the typically problems of starting a new orgnazitation in that not every ideas she comes up with will be accepted, nobody gets everything they want, that is why she should be proposing many different ideas at once.  Take the train project:  She couldn't get any tax money to help her, why not get downtown merchants together and buy just 1 train, install it, and judge its appeal or success.  Then, go back to the city to expand upon that project.  Or, come up with 10 new ideas to submit.  Just because she was shot down with 1 idea, don't give up, you have to keep pushing forward in new directions.
As for the city residence issue, the city limit population is about 7,500 people.  The surrounding county population is around 40,000 people.  I think you can get the best people for the job from a pool of 40,000 versus 7,500.  Here's a twist, how about term limits for these folks.  Some of the the tourism, industrial, and city commission folks have been on these boards for a long time.  Judge them by performance during their term and if they haven't done anything, then oust them. 
Judge people on performance and not on their residency. As for Ms. Meyers, she has a very tough job in creating change, if she can't do it, put somebody in there who can- not to be mean, but to face facts.  How about somebody like Marion Forcht, Susie Razmus, Steve McBurney, etc..  Put a proven leader in that job and see what they can do.



None of these people would take on this project, and as Mayor McBurney, Nelda Barton, Bob Terrell and other community leaders have stated, Ms Myers is doing a great job and has their support. Those few that are fighting this would fight anyone else in the job that had ability and ideas that were not there own. Its sad.



I agree it's sad.   But, that is more reason to get somebody in that job that is more politically savvy.  If Ms. Meyers is running into interference at city hall, then she needs to go over their heads.   Get the newspapers involved to start a PR campaign, get some influential allies in town who can pull some strings for her, get some help from Frankfort, get some help from Hal Roger's PRIDE program.  An easy example on the train idea, if she went door to door down mainstreet and got a great many business owners to sign a petition for the trains, or make some calls on her behalf to city hall, I would wager she would get some movement.  If she can't drum up support on main street, then the project does need to be shelved and move on to another.  Let's see some documentation on who really supports this train idea,  sounds to me that not many people do. 

Nobody cares if people posting to this website are mad that Ms Meyers is not getting any support.  However, certain political folks would care if some names like Huff, Forcht, Barton, etc., etc.. were publicly upset by her lack of city support. 

My point is that if she can't do the job, no matter what the reason, then we must replace her with somebody who can.  Don't just cry on how unfairly she has been treated in her position, anybody in that position will be treated unfairly- that's part of life and politics.  And, if she can't do the job and nobody else can do it either, eliminate the position and save that salary.  Or take that money and plant some trees downtown, offer it to business owners to clean up their buildings.  If nothing else, give the Depot some of it to remove that garage door and put in a storefront- that's ridiculous.  This way, we would be actually beautifying downtown. 

Everybody has great ideas, but only a handful can execute them.  We need to pay for execution, and not just recommendations.  Then, if they can execute, give them more money. 



You are joking. You are joking, aren't you?

You can play the politics nonsense all you want, if egos have to be stroked in our Megatropolis of Corbin just to do a job that the public supports, there are much bigger issues here. Ms Myers is as politically savy as there is, is passionate about her job, has the support of Frankfort, the State's Main Street program, Corbin's Main Street businesses, and the people of Corbin. But with this group you are saying she has to coddle and stroke, you could replace Ms Myers with Nancy Reagen, Nelda Barton or Joan of Arc, you would still get nowhere. Bob Terrell is as savy and well respected as they come, and look what he ran into here in his own hometown from this small group of Capitol Hill dreamers. 

Screw the political savvy ego stroking "I'm all that" attitiude, and start doing what is right - yes, what is right - what a concept.  This isn't Capitol Hill were talking about, this is the community of Corbin, Kentucky. There are cities with not nearly the talent of Ms Myers running their Main Street programs and having great success because they get support from government teammates who want progress, not political acclaim and back scratching. 

More political savvy to succeed in Corbin goverment. Now I've heard it all.



Anonymous wrote:

Everybody has great ideas, but only a handful can execute them.  We need to pay for execution, and not just recommendations.  Then, if they can execute, give them more money. 

Execution (and dedication) has to come from more than Sharae Meyers. The commisson and boards have a responsibility to execute also, and so far, I haven't seen it. Tourism talks about a dirty downtown, but they have had years to do something about it and have not. Painted numbers left over every year in the streets from nibroc, street signs that don't work, dirty store fronts and so on.

Lets remember all of this come next years election. It all can't rest on her shoulders, especially those that refuse to work as a team.



Wow that guy must love trains.  I cann't believe anybody would think twice about such a waste of money as plastic trains.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Everybody has great ideas, but only a handful can execute them.  We need to pay for execution, and not just recommendations.  Then, if they can execute, give them more money. 

Execution (and dedication) has to come from more than Sharae Meyers. The commisson and boards have a responsibility to execute also, and so far, I haven't seen it. Tourism talks about a dirty downtown, but they have had years to do something about it and have not. Painted numbers left over every year in the streets from nibroc, street signs that don't work, dirty store fronts and so on.

Lets remember all of this come next years election. It all can't rest on her shoulders, especially those that refuse to work as a team.




The posters above need to be careful putting names on this board without knowing if the person supports certain things.  I know their are a few that haven't agreed with the downtown projects that are listed.  I think people need to look at the leaders of this project a little closer and see if the leadership is there.  If the people don't like the leadership then they will not support the project.  It will fail only if certain things are not done correctly.  Getting upset because one group did not support the trains and then running them into the ground is not right.  The decision was blown way out of line.  Move on, if the trains was a make or break thing for main street thats sad.  I am sorry they put their eggs in one basket.  Tourism does a great job.  The last isssue is living in the city.  Living in the city doesn't mean a thing.  Most of them who live outside the city pay more taxes on property in city than most people make in a year.  Get off that kick.  Its old and dumb.  Just because you live outside the city limits doesn't mean you are not for Corbin.  Get off Tourism and get on some real issues that matter to improve Corbin.  This type of behavior is why most people don't get on here.  Notice their hasn't been a lot of post lately.  The negative stuff is old, MOVE ON.



You might call it a slam, but is that person's post not true?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

You have to be one of those who want things to stay the way they are now forever.  When people debate issues and seek to find better ways to do things it makes you upset. You don't want other people to have opinions.  Your great vocabulary, SLAM,SLAM, SLAM!, indicates that you don't want people to care about having a better community.



Anonymous wrote:

It seems to me that this site is not particularly something we can gain any good ideas from.  The classic problem in Corbin is that there are a lack of ideas going around.  This site harps on Ms. Meyers getting no support for her train project and that the Tourism board members should live inside the city limits.  And, this is where it stops. 
Ms. Meyers has the typically problems of starting a new orgnazitation in that not every ideas she comes up with will be accepted, nobody gets everything they want, that is why she should be proposing many different ideas at once.  Take the train project:  She couldn't get any tax money to help her, why not get downtown merchants together and buy just 1 train, install it, and judge its appeal or success.  Then, go back to the city to expand upon that project.  Or, come up with 10 new ideas to submit.  Just because she was shot down with 1 idea, don't give up, you have to keep pushing forward in new directions.
As for the city residence issue, the city limit population is about 7,500 people.  The surrounding county population is around 40,000 people.  I think you can get the best people for the job from a pool of 40,000 versus 7,500.  Here's a twist, how about term limits for these folks.  Some of the the tourism, industrial, and city commission folks have been on these boards for a long time.  Judge them by performance during their term and if they haven't done anything, then oust them. 
Judge people on performance and not on their residency. As for Ms. Meyers, she has a very tough job in creating change, if she can't do it, put somebody in there who can- not to be mean, but to face facts.  How about somebody like Marion Forcht, Susie Razmus, Steve McBurney, etc..  Put a proven leader in that job and see what they can do.

amen, amen, amen   Lets get a real leader!  Also she is listening to the wrong people.  They are using her for what they want and she is going to be the one who goes down.



The last 4 or 5 posts have not even mentioned the train project except for the "wow that guy loves trains" comment. Its about the program as a whole, co-operation, progressive government and basing decisions on the right reasons, not political reasons. Also, the names mentioned above have all voiced support for Ms. Myers and the Main Street Program.



Anonymous wrote:

amen, amen, amen   Lets get a real leader!  Also she is listening to the wrong people.  They are using her for what they want and she is going to be the one who goes down.

Sounds like quite a threat. Want to explain your comments? Who are you accusing of using her? I think she is doing a great job in her first 9 months.

Explain yourself.



Ms. Myers has more ability, leadership and drive to do what is right than the three amigos combined - Estep, Sams and Carpenter. She would be a good replacement for any of the three.


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Keep plugging away Sherae, the people support your efforts, even if a couple malcontents are out always badmouthing it. The community knows their motives, the same motives they use with all the other people they try to trash. You are not the first, and as long as they are around, you won't be the last. Your passion, hard work and professionalism speaks for you, as their lack of such speaks for them.

Keep up the good work.


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Also, sorry to the original poster, but I found this under another thread and had to steal it... its so appropriate.

"Great spirits will always encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds."

- Albert Einstein


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You are SO right, the Einstein quote is so appropriate for this situation!!!



Ms. Myers has more ability, leadership and drive to do what is right than the three amigos combined - Estep, Sams and Carpenter. She would be a good replacement for any of the three.

This Poster got it right, we could give her a 20% Raise and never miss these three. If Sams left Tommoro nobody would even know that he was gone.

Carpenter works hard and has potential, Estep is in his own world of Magic Tricks and has an out of control Ego, his own people at the News Journal are even laughing.



The main street manager works for the city of corbin and should take her direction from elected city officials and not personal friends who have their own agendas.



Anonymous wrote:

The main street manager works for the city of corbin and should take her direction from elected city officials and not personal friends who have their own agendas.

Her office is at City Hall and she does not take direction from the control freaks.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The main street manager works for the city of corbin and should take her direction from elected city officials and not personal friends who have their own agendas.

Her office is at City Hall and she does not take direction from the control freaks.

Believe it or not their are a number of control freaks.  Depends on which way you look at it.

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