Read this in the herald today. It's paraphrased somewhat, but its in the Nation/World section, page 1, lower right corner.
The US Govt has paid two private british security companies $548 million since 2004, to protect the US Army Corps of Engineers on reconstruction projects. The contract is $200 million over the original budget.
They are using roughly 2000 employees for this service, which is about the size of 3 military batallions. Each person working for these two companies earn $15,000 per month. They are buying up to date armored vehicles costing $150k each to protect their employees.
A new contract is to be let this year, saving the US Govt about $7 million a month, but will still be an award for $475 million for the winning company.
Our govt leaders cited troop shortages and growing violence with regard to reconstrution projects for the reason for hiring the private companies.
Un-named military officials say the hiring of private security forces ultimately saves money and frees up troops for more urgent tasks, such as fight insurgency. (lets just put the whole war up for bids and no more american troops will get killed. We'll merc the whole war)
And our politicians and govt officials wonder why we have no confidence in them.
I just saw a report yesterday that the US is funding some 150,000 contract troops in Iraq. They do security work and are paid three or four times as much as our brave troops. I don't minimize their importance and the danger they are facing. In fact, at least 1000 contract troops have been killed.
We don't really know how much our government is spending on that war. I keep hearing we will have to be there for many years, and there can be only one major protect our need for oil in the middle east. If oil becomes short in supply and prices go way up again our nation could go into a major depression. We are close to a major depression now. Our real estate values are shrinking, our national debt is rising, our working people are working longer hours and making less money, and there are many people with home mortgages that are having a hard time making the payments.
With all the people who are suffering from this war, there are some privileged contracters and businesses who are getting wealthier because the war is a windfall to them. The people who are suffering the most are our troops and their loved ones.
We are in such a deep hole in the Middle East it's hard to see how we are ever going to get out of it. Our bridges are falling apart, our medical costs are going sky high, 44 other nations citizens have a life expectancy longer than people in our nation, Katrina victims are still living in squalor, and food, tooth paste, toys, and dog food from China can kill you.
Our nation will be plagued by the Bush-Cheney gang for many decades. Arrogance, greed, corruption, incompetence, rolled together makes for a dangerous combination.
I believe we should pay the British millions for giving us security. They are our only key friend in the War in Iraq and sometimes to have a friend you have to pay for their friendship.
We have 160,000 troops in Iraq, 150,000 contract military people, and we can't keep the border protected from people slipping into our own country.
Our troops in Iraq are paid military wages, and our contract military are paid at a much higher premium. I believe our military should be paid as much as a contract security person. They are all risking their lives in Iraq while we are paying the British for protect us. This makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?
The last Poster makes sense but Unfortunatley this is not how the Governments work. Most of the work that is supporting the war efforts is being done by Contractors (70%). The folks rebuilding, fixing & serviceing everything from Aircraft to Vehicles to simple Logistics are all Contractors.
If not for the Contractors the Regular Army would have to expand 4 to 5 times it's normal size, the current volunteer vehicle to keep us at the current troop limits would not fill the Void.
This Unfortunatley means a Draft if the void can not be filled with Volunteers, the Congress, President, any Elected Official will never touch that Button unless they have too. It's 10 Times less explosive to hire contractors, which is what we have done and oh by the way, the death toll of contractors is 50% of the numbers being reported.
Your correct on the pay, I also wish to see our active duty make more money!! Unfortunatley some of the Technical and very precise work can only be done by contractors as the Military is just not in the business of specializing in some the advanced jobs that have to be done, which is extremley costly and even worse if they are in a combat Zone.
Anytime you hire Contractors to perform work in a Combat Zone the Cost will skyrocket, unfortunatley and horribly war is a business and always has been, there's nothing pretty about any of it, from the Money side up to the terrible and horrific death toll.