I hope the Applebee's has a plan to train staff. However , they still have to hire from our dismal, tattooed labor pool. I'm afraid it will still be a struggle.
This is an excellent subject. Regardless of what kind of business you have training is essential. The way you treat your customers is vitally important.
Have you ever called to find out information and the person bites your head off as if you are bothering them.
Employee turnover is reduced when a business trains their people and treats them as if they are important in the business.
Satisfying the customer is the essential test in any business or service.
The ultimate responsibility for service lies wthe the owner/manager. The owner needs to see that his employees are trained and provide good service. The community would support an upper end restaurant that is consistent with good food and good service. I hope Applebees can pull it off.788254
Not the Depot, although they brag to have good ones but 'where's the meat'!? I even had to ask for sauerkraut!! I am a lover of a good Reuben myself... the best place is at HOME unless you want to drive to Richmond and go to Madison Garden's. Now THAT'S a great sandwich there!!
As scary as this sounds, Arby's advertises a Reuben, and like all commercials, it looks good. Going there and having one is a different stoty. Anyone ever tried one?
Not the Depot, although they brag to have good ones but 'where's the meat'!? I even had to ask for sauerkraut!! I am a lover of a good Reuben myself... the best place is at HOME unless you want to drive to Richmond and go to Madison Garden's. Now THAT'S a great sandwich there!!
Try the Reuben at O'Malleys and at Tuscany Gardens. They are both good.