Eastern Kentucky has a friend in Fletcher. He needs to be reelected. The Dems have always deprised Eastern Kentucky with their elitist attitudes for the area.
I am not sure how many more friends Like Fletcher & Foley down in Whitley County that I can afford, our friends seem to be making our paychecks smaller and county debt higher.
We were even featured on American Idol as one of the poorest regions in the world, we certainly have some great friends that have took really good care of us over the past 5 years.
According to City Commissioner Bruce Farris ,he doen't even know who serves on these comittees that have acces to use your city Tax Money.
Wonder if any knew who Fletcher was or what he was doing? Anybody got any Ideas? Come om Bruce, we need a little more push for City Residents??? on Boards. Don't fold on us on this one!!!!!!
Eastern Kentucky has a friend in Fletcher. He needs to be reelected. The Dems have always deprised Eastern Kentucky with their elitist attitudes for the area.
The Publisher of the News Journal had about the most BS editorial I have ever read. I agree with a previous post. How can anyone believe things "should go on like this forever"?
Whitley County has spent our money like a drunken bum. They milked our people on the real estate for the jail. They skimmed off more on the land for the Post Office. They took us all to the cleaners on the Water Park. And the Whitley County Airport has about one plane a day landing in the middle of each night. This is the biggest waste in the history of our area.
Fletcher pardoned his law breaking staff and kept them out of the due process in law we are supposed to have. Several of those who got us in financial trouble in Whitley County went on to glorified jobs on the Fletcher team.
Who was Governor when the Exposition Center project was first approved? Gov. Patton. Who was Governor when the Regional Business Park was provided in Corbin, Knox County? Gov. Patton. There was a Democratic Governor in office when the bypass was provided to us. There was a Democratic Governor in office when Kentucky and Masters streets were joined with the bridge. There was a Democratic Governor that helped us get a mortgage with a zero interest loan for the Tri-County Industrial Park.
The Publisher of the News Journal dances to the music of the Whitley County political bosses who have driven us into a record debt. And he wants the world to " stay just as it is forever". Wow! The fat-cats can't keep the truth hidden from us anymore. Let's use this website to keep things honest.404511
To the previous poster! You and the Fletcher-Nighbert crowd may be singing a different tune come Election night in Nov. I want to see all of you in your Hard Hat's then?
Gov Fletcher has come through for Corbin again. $600,000 grant to tear down the old hospital. Say what you want, but he has been generous with our area. I hope everyone appreciates him and vote for him in Nov.
To the previous poster! How long has Fletcher been working to get the 600,00 you claim. Is this another Photo opp taking credit for things he is not responsible for? Just curious.
I think the folks living around the Old Hospital really don't care where the Money Came from, the Old Hospital has been closed down since 1986 and the Democrats had plenty of Opportunity to get rid of an Eye Sore and an Enviromental melt down.
Glad Fletcher is at least showing up, Paul Patton had 8 years to show up but was busy spending our Tax money building expo centers in Pike County.
To the previous poster. glad to see it gone away too!!! But you duck the point. How long has Fletcher been Governor? Why has Fletcher waited 6 weeks before the election to show up for a photo Opp???? Can the previous poster give us specific dates when fletcher started this project? Or did He? Tell us the Truth about Fletcher's New Demolition Project!!!!!
I bet Fletcher is also the one that Painted the old Engineer street bridge Too. Let's get a photo of Fletcher taking credit for the renovation of the Engineer street Bridge.
To the previous poster. glad to see it gone away too!!! But you duck the point. How long has Fletcher been Governor? Why has Fletcher waited 6 weeks before the election to show up for a photo Opp???? Can the previous poster give us specific dates when fletcher started this project? Or did He? Tell us the Truth about Fletcher's New Demolition Project!!!!!
I bet Fletcher is also the one that Painted the old Engineer street bridge Too. Let's get a photo of Fletcher taking credit for the renovation of the Engineer street Bridge.
Surely you are not upset that Gov Fletcher gave us the money to get the old Hospital torn down. We had all better thank him for his help. If Beshear wins the Gov race we will see no help from Frankfort at all. This fact is clear from the in- action of 40 years of Democrat rule
To the previous poster. glad to see it gone away too!!! But you duck the point. How long has Fletcher been Governor? Why has Fletcher waited 6 weeks before the election to show up for a photo Opp???? Can the previous poster give us specific dates when fletcher started this project? Or did He? Tell us the Truth about Fletcher's New Demolition Project!!!!!
I bet Fletcher is also the one that Painted the old Engineer street bridge Too. Let's get a photo of Fletcher taking credit for the renovation of the Engineer street Bridge.
Surely you are not upset that Gov Fletcher gave us the money to get the old Hospital torn down. We had all better thank him for his help. If Beshear wins the Gov race we will see no help from Frankfort at all. This fact is clear from the in- action of 40 years of Democrat rule
Who was Governor when we got the Tri-County Industrial Park? A Democrat
Who was Governor when we got the Regional Business Park? A Democrat
Who was Governor when we got the bypass from Cumberland Falls Hwy. to Cumberland Gap Parkway? A Democrat
Who was Governor when we got the connector bridge from Kentucky Avenue to Masters Street? A Democrat
Who was Governor when we got the Technology Center approved and built? A Democrat
Who was Governor when the Exposition Center was first approved? A Democrat
Who was invited to speak at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon in August? The Republican candidate for Governor.
Who was not invited to speak by the Corbin Chamber of Commerce?
This is a one party area when it comes to fairness and equality. The Democrats are going to win in November and I would not blame them for not giving this area anything.. But they will because they do believe in fairness and equality.
To the previous poster. glad to see it gone away too!!! But you duck the point. How long has Fletcher been Governor? Why has Fletcher waited 6 weeks before the election to show up for a photo Opp???? Can the previous poster give us specific dates when fletcher started this project? Or did He? Tell us the Truth about Fletcher's New Demolition Project!!!!!
I bet Fletcher is also the one that Painted the old Engineer street bridge Too. Let's get a photo of Fletcher taking credit for the renovation of the Engineer street Bridge.
Surely you are not upset that Gov Fletcher gave us the money to get the old Hospital torn down. We had all better thank him for his help. If Beshear wins the Gov race we will see no help from Frankfort at all. This fact is clear from the in- action of 40 years of Democrat rule
Who was Governor when we got the Tri-County Industrial Park? A Democrat
Who was Governor when we got the Regional Business Park? A Democrat
Who was Governor when we got the bypass from Cumberland Falls Hwy. to Cumberland Gap Parkway? A Democrat
Who was Governor when we got the connector bridge from Kentucky Avenue to Masters Street? A Democrat
Who was Governor when we got the Technology Center approved and built? A Democrat
Who was Governor when the Exposition Center was first approved? A Democrat
Who was invited to speak at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon in August? The Republican candidate for Governor.
Who was not invited to speak by the Corbin Chamber of Commerce?
This is a one party area when it comes to fairness and equality. The Democrats are going to win in November and I would not blame them for not giving this area anything.. But they will because they do believe in fairness and equality.
I hope you are right about the Dems being fair to South East Ky if Beshear wins, but I doubt it. It was old time Democrats that allowed developers from Lex, Louisville and New York to rape the mountains of coal and timber leaving nothing behind in the 1900's.
Who was Governor when we got the Tri-County Industrial Park? A Democrat
Who was Governor when we got the Regional Business Park? A Democrat
Who was Governor when we got the bypass from Cumberland Falls Hwy. to Cumberland Gap Parkway? A Democrat
Who was Governor when we got the connector bridge from Kentucky Avenue to Masters Street? A Democrat
Who was Governor when we got the Technology Center approved and built? A Democrat
Who was Governor when the Exposition Center was first approved? A Democrat
Who was invited to speak at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon in August? The Republican candidate for Governor.
Who was not invited to speak by the Corbin Chamber of Commerce?
This is a one party area when it comes to fairness and equality. The Democrats are going to win in November and I would not blame them for not giving this area anything.. But they will because they do believe in fairness and equality.
I hope you are right about the Dems being fair to South East Ky if Beshear wins, but I doubt it. It was old time Democrats that allowed developers from Lex, Louisville and New York to rape the mountains of coal and timber leaving nothing behind in the 1900's.
Who were the fatcats who profited off the mountains of coal and timber taken from Eastern Kentucky? Repuiblicans. Big business interests in the East and they were all Republicans. Who got Eastern Kentucky electricity? FDR
Who got some flood control for Eastern Kentucky? Democratic Governors and Democratic Presidents.
Unfortunately, it was Dem Govnenors and Dem Legistatures in the 1910's, 20's 30's , 40's etc along with a Dem Ky High Court that allowed the Broad Form dDed to steal coal rights away form poor Ky mountain people.
Unfortunately, it was Dem Govnenors and Dem Legistatures in the 1910's, 20's 30's , 40's etc along with a Dem Ky High Court that allowed the Broad Form deed to steal coal rights away form poor Ky mountain people.
It is heart breaking to think of the opportunites stolen from Eastern Ky families and children by the Dem party in the last decade.. While poor mountain people barely got by, the Dem hot shots played at Keeneland and Church Hill Downs.
Ky has been controlled by a Dem Gov and a Dem Legislature for all but 8 years for the last century. During this time period Ky has been ranked last in all areas of education ,business, economy etc. The Republicans cannot be blamed for KY's short comings. Only the DEMOCRATS can. It is shameful what the DEMS have done to KY. Shame on you all.
The Old Hospital is a Mountain Of Junk, who cares if Fletcher just showed up for Photo Op???? Paul Patton had eight years before that to show up and did not, I'll bet if this poster lived next to that Pile Of Asbestos He or She would not care who got the Photo Shoot!
Even some Die Hard Democrats I talked with this morning even admitted it was the right thing to do, and yes we all know it was a Photo shoot too.
The Old Hospital is a Mountain Of Junk, who cares if Fletcher just showed up for Photo Op???? Paul Patton had eight years before that to show up and did not, I'll bet if this poster lived next to that Pile Of Asbestos He or She would not care who got the Photo Shoot!
Even some Die Hard Democrats I talked with this morning even admitted it was the right thing to do, and yes we all know it was a Photo shoot too.
Pardon me, please! Governor Patton could not bring mone to Corbin to tear down the old hospital. The City of Corbin had allowed an individual to buy the hospital and just a couple of years ago a non-profit agency acquired control of it. The last couple of years we have been promised to get it torn down, and just before an election the Gov comes in to announce it. I am sure glad it will be torn down, but don't blame the Democrats for something it was not legal for them to do.
The city could not stop the old hospital from being sold, it was private property. Whoever owned it could sell the property if they wanted to. Why is it that you Liberal Democrats always expect govnorment to control everything. I am just happy that Fletcher generously gave us the money to tear the old building down.
This is a one party area. The Chamber invites the Republican Governor who is running for re-election to speak at their luncheon.
The Corbin Chamber does not invite the Democratic candidate to speak at their luncheon.
This is like a dictatorship here in this area. There is no fairness. There is no equality. There is only one side of issues that are discussed and that is the Republican side of the issue.
Democrats are going to be more assertive in Eastern Kentucky and that has you hard right folks in a tizzyi. Imagine the audicity of democrats to speak up! They belong in their place at the back end of the line. This is a one way party area but it is changing across Kentucky.
This is a one party area. The Chamber invites the Republican Governor who is running for re-election to speak at their luncheon.
The Corbin Chamber does not invite the Democratic candidate to speak at their luncheon.
This is like a dictatorship here in this area. There is no fairness. There is no equality. There is only one side of issues that are discussed and that is the Republican side of the issue.
Democrats are going to be more assertive in Eastern Kentucky and that has you hard right folks in a tizzyi. Imagine the audicity of democrats to speak up! They belong in their place at the back end of the line. This is a one way party area but it is changing across Kentucky.
You lost me. I thought we were talking about Gov Fletcher giving us $500,000 to tear down the old Hospital.