Church Communion Service, after all, they're serving wine (or simulated wine) to people in the same building with a pool table, karoke machine, dancing, music, televisions. This applies here according to the police chief, as his interpretation goes.
How about gyms or workout facilities. They are bearing their arms and legs while engaging in activities where many have snack bars that serve health foods and Red Bull. Could this be a part of the ban.
How about banning every church but Baptist's and Catholics, we don't want too many different groups of people influencing our political leaders decisions now, do we. And, while we're at it, put the wives, husbands, children and other relatives on the boards of our community, so we'll all be in cahoots when we need some money or something passed. The school board has the best idea, NO NEPOTISM OF ANY TYPE.
We could ban tobacco, oh wait, we're already trying that one. It could be a misdemeanor to drive or walk down the street smoking a cigarette, a cigar, or chewing or dipping. No, sorry, it's only against the law if you walk into a privately owned building.
OH NO, THEY COULD BAN NON-COMPLIMENTARY WEBSITES LIKE THIS ONE. Estep and company and Brucie and company would love to see this site taken down. Imagine all the power and authority they would have then. No accountability for our funds dealing with Economic Development, secret committee meetings. They'd love that.
Think this couldn't happen. Think again. All it takes is a vote. Remember your vote come next election.
I thought the post before yours was quite comical and made good points. What is the post was a person who has some spare time. Maybe he or she is just a lot quicker than you.
The school board has the best idea, NO NEPOTISM OF ANY TYPE.
I guess thats why we have hired all husband and wives and brothers and sister of everyone in town. Take a look at our school system, see who is all related to each other working in it.
I hope this poster puts their name in the hat the next city commission race, and any other board who has an opening.
Ya know, all kidding aside, I've lived a few places where a city council and city department heads get so high and mighty and cocky, they truly think they're god-like and start banning all kinds of things. This has and does happen. WE need to nip this in the bud right now.
The city commiss has too much power for their own good . We need a commun kind of government where everyone 's opinion counts, not just the high and mighty commissioners and their family and friend and attys
Mayor McBurney is not the problem, in fact if we has two more Willard McBurneys on the commission we be cleaning up this "Control Freak" mentality and moving forward like the rest of the world.
But as Estep said in his editorial this week, he "never wants anything to change", like a few other people around town, cause it is soooo perfect right now.
There is no "control freak" mentality at city hall. the commiss is suppose to regulte activity at alcohol establishments. Unfortunately where there is alcohol there is unsavary activity.
Willard isn't the problem, he's the solution. He actually has no vote in anything unless there is a tie vote of the commissioners. Call and check. I've talked with him often, Willard is very proactive in all types of activity.
Unless I misread the article, the commissioners voted to ban the activity, and right after they questioned themselves on their votes. Isn't that a flip flop.
They have no go-nads. That's the problem.
They're already running for re-election is one problem.