Post Info TOPIC: Fletcher, using a convict as a spokesperson, sure makes me want to vote for him

Fletcher, using a convict as a spokesperson, sure makes me want to vote for him

Have you seen the ad with Fletcher and the woman who is a convicted felon. They both blame the casino for her crime, embezzling over 100K from a bank to support her gambling habit. And fletcher is using her for a reference to convince us to vote for him. 

Sure, lets follow the criminal's advice and vote for him.

I didn't think he had any feet left to put into his mouth.



Actually, the point of the Ad is very pointed.  Gambling ruined the poor woman's life.  Evil is evil, its as simple as that.  You Democrats may hate Fletcher, but he is on the right side of this issue--Gambling is wrong for Kentucky



The woman made a choice, and she made the wrong one. Gambling didn't make her do what she did, she herself made that choice.  She has the weak mind and spirit, not the casino's. It's just like any other vice, the vice doesn't reach out and make you do what you did, you chose that.

SO, I should let a person that didn't have enough will power and gumption to not embezzle funds from a bank. I don't think that type of defense will get you anywhere in court.

Yeah, I sure want to follow the advice of a convicted felon.


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I agree, the poor woman ruined her own life, just like the alcoholic, the smoker, the food addict and others that make poor choices or do things in excess. Millions of people visit casinos in Vegas, Atlantic City, Reno, and others throughout the country without ruining their lives. I personally don't gamble, but nobody put a gun to this woman's head and told her to blow all of her money. Alcohol ruins far more lives than casino gambling - is Fletcher going to speak out and put a stop to alcohol in Kentucky also? 

I've seen Fletcher and his posse drink - I don't think so. Casino gambling is the only issue he can talk about, and its a weak one at that.



So why don't we legalize heroin?


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Anonymous wrote:

So why don't we legalize heroin?

With this kind of logic and common sense thinking, we appreciate you being on Fletcher's team. You must be his campaign manager.



Anonymous wrote:

So why don't we legalize heroin?

You are comparing casino gambling to shooting up Heroin? If you're trying to help Fletcher, comments like this won't help your cause.



My point is that gambling can be a terrible addiction to people like the poor lady you  are making fun of in previous posts.  Not everyone is as strong as the above poster who calls the lady in the ad weak and says her addiction is her own fault. You Liberal Dems talk out of both sides of your mouths.


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You don't think alcohol is more dangerous than casino gambling?

Do you also not think there are some people who do the same thing at the horse tracks, gamble excessively and ruin their lives?

Her addiction to going into casinos and losing her money - whose fault is it? Again, it is no different than the person that abuses alcohol, other than alcohol is much, much worse, but I don't see Fletcher, or you for that matter, calling for a ban on alcohol.

Nobody is making fun of her and you know it - she chose to gamble her life away, just like some people drink their lives away.

The point is, this is not some great moral stand Fletcher is taking, it is his political tool. It will fail him also.

You tell me what you think is worse - alcohol or gambling?



Pardoning crooks can become a horrible addiction.. Trying to take away medical insurance from our teachers is a nasty habit. Making phoney photos of an opponent is also a horrid habit. The fact is that Beshear wants this complex issue decided by the people. He wants us to vote on this issue.

There are some very good Republicans who are fed up with that type of Fletcher leadership. How did Ronald Reagan get elected President? Many Democrats voted for him. Both parties make mistakes. During recent years the Republican leaders have been incompetent. That does not make Republicans bad people.  But Democrats, Independents, and Republicans need to work together to clean up the mess in Frankfort, Washington, DC, and Williamsburg. We need to get our nation, state, and county working for the people and not for their own selfish interests. 



I am just a compassionate conservative.  I feel sorry for the lady and her family.  I just hope that none of you ever have to go through what a gaming addiction can do to a family



both alcohol and gambling can be devastating with they turn into addictions.  Can you not see that?  Can you not synpathize with the lady who lost everything because of govenment sanctioned gambling?



I respect your opinion. I don't agree with you but that is what Democracy is all about. Any of us who don't agree with the Republican party's position are depicted as being liberals,as not being religious, and not being patriotic. That is just nonsense. Democratic families have also lost loved ones in the many wars we have fought. Democrats also believe they have a compassion for those who don't have power, wealth, influence, and control. Democrats also worship God but none of us should believe that our Father God only loves us and does not love those who are different than us in some ways.

I am not demeaning your compassion for the lady addicted to gambling. But that is still not an excuse for her wrong doing.

Bob Terrell, Sr.


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I do appreciate your compassion - I don't like seeing anyone go through bad times either, whether it's gambling, alcohol, or other addition. But I also don't like politians who use this false moral high ground for political gain. That is what Fletcher is attempting to do, and while he is claiming this high moral stance, he is lying through his teeth with these poorly done ads - he is hurting his campaign, not helping.



Anonymous wrote:

I respect your opinion. I don't agree with you but that is what Democracy is all about. Any of us who don't agree with the Republican party's position are depicted as being liberals,as not being religious, and not being patriotic. That is just nonsense. Democratic families have also lost loved ones in the many wars we have fought. Democrats also believe they have a compassion for those who don't have power, wealth, influence, and control. Democrats also worship God but none of us should believe that our Father God only loves us and does not love those who are different than us in some ways.

I am not demeaning your compassion for the lady addicted to gambling. But that is still not an excuse for her wrong doing.

Bob Terrell, Sr.

The republicans do not claim to own God. We are simply strong in our beliefs and unapoligetic for being conservative. If  the Dems would let go of their leftist social stands they could pick up traditional voters as well.



A problem that good grass roots Democrats have is that their leaders are always espouseing liberal ideas such as promoting abortion, welfare, and anti-family ideas like same sex marriage.



Anonymous wrote:

A problem that good grass roots Democrats have is that their leaders are always espouseing liberal ideas such as promoting abortion, welfare, and anti-family ideas like same sex marriage.

This post is correct. The Dem party has been taken over by the extreme left who are out of touch with the American people.  Until good ,hard working ,Christian Dems are willing to take back their party i,they will never get my vote.



Anonymous wrote:

A problem that good grass roots Democrats have is that their leaders are always espouseing liberal ideas such as promoting abortion, welfare, and anti-family ideas like same sex marriage.

Name one democrat that has promoted abortion, welfare or same sex marriage. I think they promote our rights as U.S. citizens. 

Also, name one act of our Republician leaders Bush and Cheney, or our formerly Republician controled Senate and House, that actually pursued changing abortion laws - challanged Monroe vs. Wade, introduced any type of legislature - it never heppened. The Republicans had an open ticket, holding power for 7 years, and did nothing about their supposed abortion beliefs... why?

If Republican leaders actually practiced in real life what they preach during their campaign speeches, it would be a different story. All of the moral values they say they stand for while on the campaign trail are for the most part untrue. Leadership and respect comes from actions and how you live your life, not words.  

The Republican party needs to elect people that really live their lives the way they claim they do and hold true to the values they claim they believe in. Right now you have Republicans in power who have sold their Republican supporters a biil of goods, and then once in office take advantage of the very people that voted them in.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

A problem that good grass roots Democrats have is that their leaders are always espouseing liberal ideas such as promoting abortion, welfare, and anti-family ideas like same sex marriage.

This post is correct. The Dem party has been taken over by the extreme left who are out of touch with the American people.  Until good ,hard working ,Dems are willing to take back their party i,they will never get my vote.

Good, hard working, Dems? Where are the good, hard working, Christian Republicans?

Many of the Republicans in charge since 2001 have been morally bankrupt. Republicans have no room to criticise anyone when it comes to morals and Christian beliefs.



Ted Kennedy, Nancy Polossi, Barney Frank, Steve Brashear, the list is unending.  the Dems are perceived as being pagan because of these leaders



Anonymous wrote:

Also, name one act of our Republician leaders Bush and Cheney, or our formerly Republician controled Senate and House, that actually pursued changing abortion laws - challanged Monroe vs. Wade, introduced any type of legislature - it never heppened. The Republicans had an open ticket, holding power for 7 years, and did nothing about their supposed abortion beliefs... why?

Great question - why did the Republicans do nothing in 7 years if they are truely against abortion?

This is a question that I can never seem to get a diehard republican to answer.

Please answer this question.



Anonymous wrote:

Ted Kennedy, Nancy Polossi, Barney Frank, Steve Brashear, the list is unending.  the Dems are perceived as being pagan because of these leaders

You didn't answer either question, and I'll ask it again - name one democrat that has promoted abortion, welfare or same sex marriage. I think they promote our rights as U.S. citizens. 

Also, why did the Republicans do nothing in 7 years if they are truely against abortion?



My point is clear that the Democrat leadership is perceived a dangerously liberal.  You know it and I know it.  I would like to see them come back to the center. That would be good for our country.  We need to be concerned about our country and future generations not partisan politics.



Anonymous wrote:

Ted Kennedy, Nancy Polossi, Barney Frank, Steve Brashear, the list is unending.  the Dems are perceived as being pagan because of these leaders

You are calling Democrats pagan? That's what the terrorists call all of us. Ted Kennedy, Nancy Polossi, Barney Frank, and Steve Beshear don't advocate abortion. Barney Frank is gay. He never tried to put the make on any White House pages like Republican Representative Foley did last year. I didn't read about him trying to put the hit on a man in the men's restroom.  But do you know who will judge Barney Frank, Rep. Foley, and Senator Craig? It won't be you or me. It will be God.

The people of this nation have been fed a ton of lies about WMD, have been cheated with sweetheart deals for Haliburton, and have been robbed by the  lobby groups headed by people like Abramoff who is now in prison. And you have the gall to call us pagans? Where is the embezzler Republican Congressman Cunningham? He is in prison. Where are the people who broke the laws in Fletcher's inner circle? They got pardoned.

Our brave men and women are dying and being maimed in the Middle East and those of us with wealth have been given a tax cut. That is horrible. We did not have enough troops in Iraq to provide security right from the start. Rumsfeld was a disaster. Libby is in prison. Rove has left office in shame. Gonzales made a mockery of our justice system. Fletcher can't even get along with the man he handpicked to be his Lt. Governor. All of Bush's people are trying to get off the sinking ship. And you call us pagans?

After 9/11 the world was on our side. Now the world is against us. When President Clinton was being persecuted over his relationship with Monica, two of his biggest accusers, Cong. Newt Gingerich and Rep. Livingston who was going to replace Newt as Speaker of the House were both married and having affairs. In fact Livingston was not having just one affair, he was having several. Newt soon filed for his second divorce and married for the third time.  Who is going to judge them? It won't be you or me. It will be God.

Tom Delay is one of the biggest hypocrites who was ever in Congress. He was the darling of the lobby groups. He milked them for every nickel he could get for him and his Republican collegues.

Don't call me a pagan. It is your kind of pious, holier than thou attitude that is similar to the attitude of the religious zealots who cause all the horror and terror in the Middle East. God made all of us. I am a human, a sinner, saved by Jesus. He took up for the adultress, the lepor, the tax collector and the priests and scholars constantly judged Him because he loved the poor and the oppressed. They thought it was terrible that He  healed on the Sabbath Day. They couldn't accept Him because He was not like them. I would never call you a pagan. But your attitude is one that if we don't accept your beliefs we are sinners. Ye without sin cast the first stone.



I am not calling all Democrats pagan or any name for that matter. However, the fact is that the leaders of the Dem party have forgotten the American people and moveedtoo far left for a majorty of us.


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Republicans tend to stay high on their moral high horse, until a situation affects them. For instance, Republican's opposition to stem cell research, but as soon as Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, boy, stem cell research didn't sound so bad to Nancy Reagan or her family. Homosexuality isn't so bad to Dick Cheney since his daughter is gay, and had a baby in a gay relationship. Rush Limbaugh hated the ACLU until someone was trying to get his medical records for drug abuse, then he joined with them to protect his privacy.

Democrats fight to protect these rights, and are persecuted at every turn by the Republicans. But as soon as it fits their situation, the Republicans are right there using those rights that the Democrats fight to preserve.

And the above poster is so right, about how the two people who took Clinton to task for the whole Lewinsky thing, were both having affairs!!! We live in a crazy world!!!



Clinton was not Impeached because he had an affair, had he just come out an admitted it, all would have been over, with some embarassment of course.

Mr Clinton was Impeached because he Lied under Oath, my opinion was this should have only been a Censure but again he did knowingly Lie under Oath which was what got him Impeached.

He also was only 16 Senate votes away from being thrown out of office.

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