Please help clear up a friendly bet about CTB's previous locations. Everyone remembers the most recent location in the Trade Mart Shopping Center but does anyone remember its location(s) before that?
I remember Clover Top on Main Street between 5th and 7th streets somewhere, and it was on the same side The Beanery is on now. It was the Holy Grail as far as a kid goes...
Please help clear up a friendly bet about CTB's previous locations. Everyone remembers the most recent location in the Trade Mart Shopping Center but does anyone remember its location(s) before that?
I remember it being in a little, now vacant lot adjacent to the old bus station/ Corbin Furniture/ Computer/ Eubank building. The old Delta Gas Co parking lot was connected. I may be the only one who remembers this location...
I remember it being between 6th & 7th streets in a brick building. Since then, the building was torn down and it is a gravel lot between athe old Delta Gas lot and what used to be Corbin Furniture. It was where I enjoyed my first donut hole...ah the good ol' days.
The Clover Top Bakery was located at 5fh and Main, directly across from the current Dialysis Center and katykorner to Wilder Hardware. Fifty-Sixty years ago it had the best donuts ever made; yeasty, with just the right amount of sugar on them, and they almost stretched when you ate them. None of them were equal in size. Krispy Kream doesn't hold a candle to the CTB donuts. The nearest thing you will find to them today would be at Spauldings in Lexington, KY, on Winchester Road near Walton Avenue. The bakery opens bright and early in the morning and if you want their donuts, you'd better hurry and get in line because the store has sold out before noon and the doors are closed. Being the lazy late sleeper, I have managed to make it to the bakery only once in eight years before the doors were closed. I like the owners' way of doing business. They obviously aren't trying to get rich from their business, just make a good living. They make a certain amount of bakery items for each day and when those are sold, they close and go home. Now, isn't that the way life should be??? Their work day ends before noon, but I really don't know what hour of the morning it begins. If you can get to Spauldings early enough, give it a try. I think you can close your eyes and actually believe you are eating and old-fashioned Clover Top Bakery donut.
The Clover Top Bakery was located at 5fh and Main, directly across from the current Dialysis Center and katykorner to Wilder Hardware. Fifty-Sixty years ago it had the best donuts ever made; yeasty, with just the right amount of sugar on them, and they almost stretched when you ate them. None of them were equal in size. Krispy Kream doesn't hold a candle to the CTB donuts. The nearest thing you will find to them today would be at Spauldings in Lexington, KY, on Winchester Road near Walton Avenue. The bakery opens bright and early in the morning and if you want their donuts, you'd better hurry and get in line because the store has sold out before noon and the doors are closed. Being the lazy late sleeper, I have managed to make it to the bakery only once in eight years before the doors were closed. I like the owners' way of doing business. They obviously aren't trying to get rich from their business, just make a good living. They make a certain amount of bakery items for each day and when those are sold, they close and go home. Now, isn't that the way life should be??? Their work day ends before noon, but I really don't know what hour of the morning it begins. If you can get to Spauldings early enough, give it a try. I think you can close your eyes and actually believe you are eating and old-fashioned Clover Top Bakery donut.
Thanks for the tip about Spauldings. When we are in Lexington we will stop by Spauldings and give it a try.