Thompson is no comparison with Ronald Reagan. Reagan was head and shoulders ahead of Thompson. Just because he has been in TV doesn't make him a Ronald Reagan. It is an insult to the memory of President Reagan to make Thompson into a Ronald Reagan type leader.
Thompson seems lost when he gives his comments. He is not anything like President Reagan. None of the Republican Candidates are anything like him. He had personality and charisma. None of them have either. Ron Paul comes across better than any of them.
Would be curious to know this board's readers' opinion of yesterday's debate of Republican Presidential hopefuls. I watched briefly but did not come away with an opinion of who did well & who bombed so to speak. Did anyone else watch & if so, what did you think?
I wish we still had a Ronald Reagan type of leader in the Republican Party but we don't. Thompson did not get off to a good start in his first debate. It seems like all they want to do is bash Hillary. That may help her.
The more I see and hear of Ron Paul, the more I like him. He speaks with an air of truth, and doesn't have the double talk of most politicians, especially the republicians.
I though Thompson was going to do better than he has, and he hasn't shown me anything at all. He seems like he's reading a script all the time. He talks a lot, but never says anything.
Romney has a little more presence than Thompson, but there's something about him, like he's hiding something. He won't talk directly about anything in my opinion.
Guiliani really doesn't seem to know there are 50 states in the union. Has he ever been out of New York City before he decided to run for president. Every time I hear him speak, I expect the Soprano's to be standing behind him, smiling, and punching their fist into their hands.
For me, voting today, it would be Ron Paul or no one. He has some good plans and good intentions, but can he be personable enough to sway the lobbying republicans to support him.
They all talked about how good our economy is, and I wonder what clown their listening too. They need to get out and see the people, and not the ones buying $1000 dinners and living in $2mil homes. Between the broken health care system, them running away from fixing social security, and this war, they have nothing to offer.
And they danced around the Labor Unions issue, which is a Democatic stronghold usually. Republicians hate labor unions, as it makes them use their personal profits to provide good paying jobs with benefits to their employees.
Oh, and I'm a republician, and have been since I registered to vote, 27 years ago.
This election is the democrats to lose, and the Republicians want Hillary or Obama to get nominated, because they feel the mainstream of the Democratic party does not want a woman or african american as a president, and they feel thats where they'll get their swing votes. If Edwards or Biden get the nomination, the republicans are in for a real fight.