I think it's time for the corbin restaurants to step up and start their own "We I.D." campaign.
Everyone, and I mean every single person who orders an alcohol drink, is required to show their ID. Yes, everyone. Applebee's and Chili's do it now, and Red Lobster does too. I'm almost 50, and they ID me still today. I don't get mad, it's their job. And, I've seen wait staff not ID people, and be called down by the manager. I was not ID'd in Nicholasville one time recently, and the manager came over, and very politely asked if he could see our ID. He explained their policy, and also explained that he knew we were over 21, but, they have to ID everyone. It was no problem.
It's time Corbin did this, and the issues will almost take care of themselves.
The ramifications, of course, if the staff don't want to do it, they're outta here.
I think it's time for the corbin restaurants to step up and start their own "We I.D." campaign.
Everyone, and I mean every single person who orders an alcohol drink, is required to show their ID. Yes, everyone. Applebee's and Chili's do it now, and Red Lobster does too. I'm almost 50, and they ID me still today. I don't get mad, it's their job. And, I've seen wait staff not ID people, and be called down by the manager. I was not ID'd in Nicholasville one time recently, and the manager came over, and very politely asked if he could see our ID. He explained their policy, and also explained that he knew we were over 21, but, they have to ID everyone. It was no problem.
It's time Corbin did this, and the issues will almost take care of themselves.
The ramifications, of course, if the staff don't want to do it, they're outta here.
I think it's time for the corbin restaurants to step up and start their own "We I.D." campaign.
Everyone, and I mean every single person who orders an alcohol drink, is required to show their ID. Yes, everyone. Applebee's and Chili's do it now, and Red Lobster does too. I'm almost 50, and they ID me still today. I don't get mad, it's their job. And, I've seen wait staff not ID people, and be called down by the manager. I was not ID'd in Nicholasville one time recently, and the manager came over, and very politely asked if he could see our ID. He explained their policy, and also explained that he knew we were over 21, but, they have to ID everyone. It was no problem.
It's time Corbin did this, and the issues will almost take care of themselves.
The ramifications, of course, if the staff don't want to do it, they're outta here.
We were at O'Malleys tonite, and I see why it is easy for these restaurants to get in trouble. The whole time we were there, no one was ID'd. Now, we look way over 21, but, we saw a ton of people that didn't, and none were ID'd.
It sounds like the bars might not be going by the rules. I noticed on the WYMT news where the bartender that is charged with selling under age was commenting on the other bars peep hole incident.
Now, this is one thing I think the city commission SHOULD add into the ordanance, is requiring an ID be shown on the first purchase of alcohol by EVERYONE, regardless of how old they look.
Gread idea.
All the Chili's restaurants do this, as well as most Applebee's.
This is important. The teenage years are the most dangerous driving years. If you add alcohol to youngsters in those years it makes them even more dangerous. Restaurants would be very wise if they did require identification from each customer.
If corbin imposed a mandatory I.D. program for all alcohol establishments, this would greatly reduce the underage drinking problem. When a restaurant owner, manager, and waitress/waiter knows they can be charged with a felony for serving to an underage person, they'll be very cautious all of a sudden.