If we took each of the commissioners, there are 4, and made one of them the chairman of each of the committees, Tourism, Chamber, Economic Development, and NIBROC, do you think that would help in these matters that has come up lately.
You could rotate them yearly, every two years, or even with each election.
They would chair the committees, yet the committee members would be appointed, as they are now.
I'm just brainstorming here, how about some good , constructive comments, either positive or negative, it doesn't matter.
If we took each of the commissioners, there are 4, and made one of them the chairman of each of the committees, Tourism, Chamber, Economic Development, and NIBROC, do you think that would help in these matters that has come up lately.
You could rotate them yearly, every two years, or even with each election.
They would chair the committees, yet the committee members would be appointed, as they are now.
I'm just brainstorming here, how about some good , constructive comments, either positive or negative, it doesn't matter.
I don't like what we have now. And, I would like to see it change where Joe Public could call someone that would listen, like a commissioner, and talk to them, and at least have their 5 minutes to give their thoughts.
My thoughts are;
1. If the chairman is an elected official, then that person would be more oriented toward the common good of the committee, for the town.
2. He/she would be a citizen of corbin, as they would have to be as they were required to be to be elected.
3. A commissioner would be much more stewardly with the money entrusted to their committee..as they would be not only accountable to the committee for spending funds, but accountable to the votin public.
4. Being city limits citizens, it would end the issues of having non-city limits people using city tax money for whatever purpose.
5. You could still have a committee vice-chairperson, such as keeping the ones we have now, but no funds would be expended until the chairman, the commissioner, approved it. Yes, it would give a monopoly to one person, but, many people don't like the way it is now.
6. The funds accountability issue, especially over NIBROC, would be solved, as the commissioner would REQUIRE the NIBROC people to give them a line item expense report, or, no money.
I also assume the person above, may mean that it would take up a lot more of the commissioner's time, as they have jobs and families to tend to. I'm sure it will. But, they ran for the office, no one twisted their arms. So, let them accept the responsibility.
Again, I'm looking for good, constructive opinions.
This is a great idea. We have some commissioners with the experience and talent to do this.
My suggestions are:
1. Phil Gregory Economic Development Chairman Phil has worked hard for his Masonic Lodge, Redhound Varsity Club and Church. He would work well with Bruce Carpenter. 2. Dennis Lynch Tourism Chairman Dennis served very effectively in that capacity and Don Estep was his assistant. 3. Joe Shelton Recreation Chairman Joe is very interested in our recreation activities such as youth football. He would get along well with Marlon Sams. 4. Bruce Farrie Chamber of Commerce Chairman Bruce is a businessman and could represent and lead our business groups in a professional way.
These are just my suggestions. I am not sure who we would have Bill Ed Cannon, City Manager, work with. This could be a monumental change that could set a new standard for City Government.
Those are outsdanding suggestions, as to the commissioners who would oversee the various committees. Truly, they are outstanding choices. Yes, Bob Hammons would be great for the horse events, and he could maybe even bring in more since that's his interest. Even though he's not on a committee officially, he serves in a capacity that involves him in city affairs.
The rodeo was a great event this past weekend, and now that you mentioned it, there were no concessions, and they were sorely missed, by all involved. I observed truckloads of folks heading to the various fast food joints all day and night, and that money could have been spent in concession stands.
If we took each of the commissioners, there are 4, and made one of them the chairman of each of the committees, Tourism, Chamber, Economic Development, and NIBROC, do you think that would help in these matters that has come up lately.
You could rotate them yearly, every two years, or even with each election.
They would chair the committees, yet the committee members would be appointed, as they are now.
I'm just brainstorming here, how about some good , constructive comments, either positive or negative, it doesn't matter.
Would this help.
This would be a great help. There have been some solid suggestions on which Commissioners would be appropriate for each activity. This is real progress. Our elected officials are excellent people.
I would hope this will be reviewed soon at a Commission meeting and a decision could be made as soon as possible. This will make our boards and commissions much more effective with this kind of excellent leadership.
This is a great idea. We have some commissioners with the experience and talent to do this.
My suggestions are:
1. Phil Gregory Economic Development Chairman Phil has worked hard for his Masonic Lodge, Redhound Varsity Club and Church. He would work well with Bruce Carpenter. 2. Dennis Lynch Tourism Chairman Dennis served very effectively in that capacity and Don Estep was his assistant. 3. Joe Shelton Recreation Chairman Joe is very interested in our recreation activities such as youth football. He would get along well with Marlon Sams. 4. Bruce Farrie Chamber of Commerce Chairman Bruce is a businessman and could represent and lead our business groups in a professional way.
These are just my suggestions. I am not sure who we would have Bill Ed Cannon, City Manager, work with. This could be a monumental change that could set a new standard for City Government.
This is a very good suggestion. And there was another one about Horse Shows and rodeos that I like in having City Attorney Bob Hammons as Chairman. He is an expert in horses, and I am certain if there was a major event there would be a concession stand.
I want to add another one. City Manager Bill Ed Cannon should chair the NIBROC Committee. He and Bruce Carpenter are very close friends and they would work very effectively together.
If we took each of the commissioners, there are 4, and made one of them the chairman of each of the committees, Tourism, Chamber, Economic Development, and NIBROC, do you think that would help in these matters that has come up lately.
You could rotate them yearly, every two years, or even with each election.
They would chair the committees, yet the committee members would be appointed, as they are now.
I'm just brainstorming here, how about some good , constructive comments, either positive or negative, it doesn't matter.
Would this help.
Thanks so much for being the person who got this idea started. This is another good idea that has strarted on this message board.
This message board has given us an opportunity to give an enthusiast endorsement of our city leaders. We have a top notch team running things now and we can tap into that talent and take care of some of our Boards and Commissions. Let's get behind them 100%.
Corbin has experienced many positive changes over the last few years. Some of them started with Mayor Williamson and Mayor Miller. Now we have Mayor McBurney and four first class commissioners at city hall. Working together is the only way that Corbin will develop its full potential.
Phil Gregory is the right man to have working on Economic Development. His extensive banking experience would be a valuable asset in working with prospective businesses. It would be so much better than what we have now. Let's get Phil overseeing Economic Development.
This would be a great concept, and a great idea, except,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I don't think it would work with all of our present commissioners.
Lynch and Shelton, and the mayor, not a problem. They want to see corbin grow, and understand what it takes to make the town grow.
Gregory and Farris, sorry, they don't want change, they want to keep things the way they are, they're part of the problem. They don't understand that you have to sometimes spend money to make money.
Bob, you forgot to sign your Commissioner Gregory and Commissioner Farris post.
Sorry, neither Bob that you are accusing of posting on this thread has put anything derogatory about Phil Gregory or Bruce Ferris. I'm sure there is someone out there wanting a couple of you to think so though.
In fact you might want to also think about the possibility that someone who is constantly talking to you about what you might consider negative posts and insinuating to you that someone in particular posts all of these, like my dad or myself, might possibly be putting some of them on themselves in an attempt to stir the pot.
When someone decides to start posting on a public message board they should be aware that there are ways to find out where the post originated by tracking the IP address of the poster and you don't have to be the board administrator to do it.
Corbin has experienced many positive changes over the last few years. Some of them started with Mayor Williamson and Mayor Miller. Now we have Mayor McBurney and four first class commissioners at city hall. Working together is the only way that Corbin will develop its full potential.
I think this is an interest concept, and would take care of the outsider issue some people have. The board is chaired by a commissioner and they be hands on in the growth of our city. Would they consider it? I would think its something they would want to do.
And, if they did consider and adopt something like this, they should be rotated every year, so we would have fresh eyes on the committees all the time. That way, the commissioner and the committee chairpersons couldn't be in cahoots with each other for their whole term. Everyone would be totally accountable for their actions.
I think it would hit a snag or two but not because of anyone at city hall. I believe the make up of the tourism board is set by state statute and the mayor or commissioners are not a part of it.
It was set up that way by the state so that even thought the mayor of a city appoints the tourism board members the city leaders are pretty well out of the tourism business.
Same goes for the industrial commission.
As for the chamber, that is an independent organization whose membership goes beyond the city boundries. It is not a part of city government. The way the local chamber is set up here is a part of the industrial development authority which includes the industrial board, the tri-co industrial authority and the se ky industrial authority, or something like that.
Mr Terrell or Mr Carpenter could maybe correct that description if it is bad wrong. The mayor and commissioners might would be willing but I don't think they could legally take a role in those boards.
I would suggest that these boards report either in person or in writing each month to the mayor and commissioners at the monthly city commission meeting. Some may already be doing that.
This is a great idea. We have some commissioners with the experience and talent to do this.
My suggestions are:
1. Phil Gregory Economic Development Chairman Phil has worked hard for his Masonic Lodge, Redhound Varsity Club and Church. He would work well with Bruce Carpenter. 2. Dennis Lynch Tourism Chairman Dennis served very effectively in that capacity and Don Estep was his assistant. 3. Joe Shelton Recreation Chairman Joe is very interested in our recreation activities such as youth football. He would get along well with Marlon Sams. 4. Bruce Farrie Chamber of Commerce Chairman Bruce is a businessman and could represent and lead our business groups in a professional way.
These are just my suggestions. I am not sure who we would have Bill Ed Cannon, City Manager, work with. This could be a monumental change that could set a new standard for City Government.
This is a very good suggestion. And there was another one about Horse Shows and rodeos that I like in having City Attorney Bob Hammons as Chairman. He is an expert in horses, and I am certain if there was a major event there would be a concession stand.
I want to add another one. City Manager Bill Ed Cannon should chair the NIBROC Committee. He and Bruce Carpenter are very close friends and they would work very effectively together.
This is exciting.
we should all get on the bandwagon to get this done. Each of our commissioners would serve in an excellent way as the head fo these commissions. Bob Hammons would soon have Corbin competing with some of the excellent cities of Horse Shows and rodeos.