Why are there SO many feral cats in this area? No one seems to be able to help either... it's either the city is too cheap to contract with the county or a myriad of other excuses... PLEASE HELP!!!
Why are there SO many feral cats in this area? No one seems to be able to help either... it's either the city is too cheap to contract with the county or a myriad of other excuses... PLEASE HELP!!!
It has been that way since Hunans closed. No, seriously, feral cats are a problem because there are a lot of people that do not take care of their animals. Momma cat has a litter and before you know it the kittens are disbursed throughout the town to fend for themselves.
There is a county animal control officer that covers Corbin. You can get his phone number by calling the non-emergency number for the Corbin police. I don't know if he would be able to catch a feral cat or not but if he can he will take it to the animal shelter or if you can catch it he will pick it up and take it.