You would be surprised by a deacon at CBC that receives a check monthly from Hooter's. Most don't mind frequenting out of town, but would not be seen in Corbin. We can let London get this along with all the other restaurants.4
I bet we know the same person, or, there's another one in town. Yes, I know a few in this area that are Hooter's investors and receive dividend checks. The way they build them I've been told, is they decide on a location, then find the property, and then using their own selection method, they sell shares of stock to current stockholders for that new restaurant. The stock is $10k per share, and you can buy as many as you want. Once the stock is sold to cover the cost of the land, building, and start up costs, they begin construction. When they open, they open up in the black, debt free, and go from there. As the store goes and makes money, then each shareholder for that specific store gets their dividend check.
That's the story as I've been told. I'd love to have the opportunity to buy a share if it's true.
I know the person you speak of, and you are trying to ruin the reputation of an individual who has done a fantastic job as Deacon and leader in CBC's youth program. Investments whether open like his, or hidden in portfolios are all the same. Judgement of others is a dangerous road to follow.
There's a difference in stating facts and making a judgement. Looks like my facts are correct. Why in the world would someone invest in something as sinful as a restaurant/bar then try and convince others how morally wrong it is to frequent such an establishment or have Sunday sales!!!!
If anyone out there on this board, or those you know that aren't on this board, have any kind of decent 401K or mutual fund, chances are you have your money invested in things even worse than a Hooter's. This is crazy. So you can't invest in a legal, bona fide business if you go to church. Sounds to me the people that think that way are the ones with the problem, not the investor.
It's thinking like that, that keeps corbin down in the pits, and gives us a bad reputation. That's why people are mad at this board, they don't want people giving their opinions and spouting off about things they don't like that they don't agree with. I can't believe the last few posts I've read.
I agree that we should not condemn someone because they own stock in hooters. My grandpa raised tobacco on his farm in order to survive and now we know tobacco kills and ruins people's health. Hooters is not a strip club. Do you go to UK sports and see the outfits and moves made by the cheerleaders and dance team at those events?
JUdge not that ye be not judged. I am a member of CBC and I don't believe we should get into a person's personal life. The Lord will do that.
We go to Hooter's quite often, and take our kids too. There's nothing wrong with it at all. It's the people that think there is something wrong that is the problem.
It's a legal business, and one of the more successful in the country.
Remember the big stink and protest's that the area church's had over alcohol sales, all for naught. They're here, and they're helping the community through the taxes they pay and raise through their business.
Makes you wonder if some of these holyier than thou people know where children come from.
Great point. Hooters is no different than going to a UK sports event where they have cheerleaders and beer, or supporting UK sports programs.
Great point.
I agree. I have never seen any roudy conduct at Hooters. And I have seen many UK games and pro basketball games in which the cheerleaders have much less on than the beautiful girls at Hooters.