Got to give ol Don an attaboy on his editorial this week, he hit the nail on the head about the retirement communities and the benefits they bring to Kentucky.
The Chapel House independent living homes are a good example. There is always a waiting list for them. And they are truly nice homes. I've been in several of them. Very high quality, and very professionally managed.
I'm surprised Terry Forcht hasn't dipped into this type of thing in this area. He is deep in the nursing home business, this would follow right along with that.
And think of the associated jobs that will and could come with this type of thing. Medical jobs, doctors, technicians, personal care assistance. Has anyone tried to get an all day or live in person to stay with their parents or other family memeber? If you've been lucky enough to find one, the cost is high. They almost take bids for whom they work for. And, they can.
Also, I believe Kentucky doesn't tax certain pensions, but I'm not sure about that.
Yes, Don hit a triple with that article. I hope he can expand and elaborate on it some more. My parents will be in that ballpark soon, and I will be too.
Also, I've read where these assisted and independent living communities are what started the reverse mortgate industry.