Makes a lot of sense to me. What's Williamson gonna do when Fletcher is gone, come back and run for mayor. We've had enough of his activities. And Neighbert, same goes for him, what's his plans.
I heard they're holding the job open of the county official that got caught stealing the copper wire for Neighbert.
Those are two truly outstanding ideas. Bob Terrell for the Democrats, no problem there, and then let Williamson, Neighbert and Carpenter run against each other on the republician side.
The three stooges would sling mud so deep that whoever won would only be the survivor, and then run against Bob.
Great idea.
Bob, where do I send my check. I'm a republician, and those three would make any hard working person turn to the democrats.
Wonder which one the Forcht-Barton group would back on the republician side.
Those are two truly outstanding ideas. Bob Terrell for the Democrats, no problem there, and then let Williamson, Neighbert and Carpenter run against each other on the republician side.
The three stooges would sling mud so deep that whoever won would only be the survivor, and then run against Bob.
I think any republican regardless of who it is would beat bob in an election.
You think so. You could be right, as most republicians in this area have no idea who they vote for, they vote for whom their told to by their bosses or political advisors.
It would be interesting. When Bob ran for Judge Executive, he had no mud to sling, as they couldn't find any to sling on him.
But the three jokers named above, there would be dump trucks of mud to hash around on them.
Of course, none of them may choose to run either. Then who do we have. Burley Foley, I've heard his name tossed around as a candidate from the corbin end.
I've only heard the rumor of Willard on this board, but no where else. I won't see him till next week, so, I'll have to wait to ask him personally.
Bob Terrell would be a fine mayor, but he lives outside the city limits.
I would love to see Bob run for Charlie Siler's seat. If Williamson or Carpenter run for Siler's seat, Bob would win on character alone. Bob has impeccable character, and the other two has none.
Of course Neighbet will be back then too, and since he was pardoned from his felony, he can officially run for office.
what do you think the possibilty of him leaving before term is up so somone can be appointed?? If a republican is reelected in the Gov. office I would say that is a pretty good possibility.
Anonymous wrote:Rumor has it Willard not running. Bob Terrell Sr. is candidate. He will be a good mayor for Corbin It sounds like someone is trying to create a rift between Mayor McBurney and me. I am delighted Willard McBurney is Mayor of Corbin. If I moved into the Corbin City limits I would vote for Mayor McBurney if he runs again. I hope he does run again. For the last time, I don't want to run for Mayor of Corbin.
Maybe, but if I was McBurney I would keep my eyes open.
Thank goodness you are not McBurney. Don't worry about keeping your eyes open, just open them once and awhile. Don't you have any idea how close the Terrells, Vermillions, and McBurneys have been for many years? You are clueless.