Magistrate Cima works hard for Corbin but has only one vote. Corbin will have to stand up for its rightful share of the occupational taxes generated in Corbin, Knox County. At this time all of that tax goes to Barbourville and Knox County. Corbin must take legal action to get their share.
Then Cima needs to stand up in the fiscal court meeting, and make a motion to give coribn their fair share of the tax money. He can make a motion, but, like you said, he has only one vote. By making the motion, he shows he is working for corbin, which elected him. Otherwise, he will be on the hot spot.
Well, Cima has fumbled the ball in my opinion. I haven't read a thing where he advocates giving corbin it's share of the occupational tax money. If he has, tell me where to look and I'll apologize.
Sure he has only one vote, but, he can make a motion to pay us. So, until I see that, or until someone can prove he has tried, and not just one time after they passed it, Cima is on the hot seat.
Well, Cima has fumbled the ball in my opinion. I haven't read a thing where he advocates giving corbin it's share of the occupational tax money. If he has, tell me where to look and I'll apologize.
Sure he has only one vote, but, he can make a motion to pay us. So, until I see that, or until someone can prove he has tried, and not just one time after they passed it, Cima is on the hot seat.
During Raymond Smith's term, Magistrate Cima debated the Fiscal Court to have the B&O tax overturned due to funds not being given to the City. Cima is one vote and I can not imagine he would file suit against the very Fiscal Court he is a member of. However, unless the City of Corbin has entered into some forebearance agreement with Knox Co., I would think the City of Corbin could certainly sue the court.