According to the paper today, in the speech from Stan Lee at the chambe of commerce luncheon, it appears he and Fletcher and the party are anti-union. Is that correct.
The Republican Party has a history of being anti-working people. Years ago when nearly all workers did not have retirement programs the Republican Party opposed Social Security.
Each and every time there is an effort to raise the minimum wage the Republican Party opposes it. They believe if we pay workers more money the economy will fall. It is ok with them for Corporate Executives to make Millions and receive golden parachutes worth many millions but we can't afford to pay a reasonable wage to the millions of hard working American citizens.
When Medicare was started in the 1960's the Republicans opposed it.
When our nation is in a war on terrorism and our men and women are fighting, dying, and being maimed our Republican Administration cut the taxes for the wealthiest citizens and our nation is falling into debt debt.
Our US Dollar is now weaker than the Canadian Dollar. It used to take $1.40 Canadian money to equal one US Dollar.
We are spending a fortune each month with much of it being squandered by thieves in Iraq, and we can't afford to help more of our children have medical insurance.
Who was it that played a big role in bringing electricity to rural areas of America? President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Our grandparents and some of our parents lived without these conveniences many citizens in larger cities were already enjoying.
It doesn't surprise me at all that Stan Lee and other candidates running with Fletcher don't care about the working people of Kentucky. They are only interested in their small group of friends.
I would love to see Stan Lee win Atty General. I hope he starts indicting Democrats like Stumbo did Republicans. Then we can watch them cry about "witch hunts".
I would love to see Stan Lee win Atty General. I hope he starts indicting Democrats like Stumbo did Republicans. Then we can watch them cry about "witch hunts".
The Democrats won't have a conspiracy to fire merit employees. The Democrats care about the working people.
Fletcher took away collective barganing rights for state employees the first thing after he took office. I work closely with the highway department, and I can tell ya, there's several hundred votes in the tri county area he won't be getting. Add to that the teachers, they're still mad over his issue with the health benefits he tried to cut, and even in this republician stronghold area, he's pretty much done.