Just curious, when his second term is up in 2009, would you place your company's sales, purchasing, finances and overall future in George W. Bush? If you would hire him, please state why. If you say no, give yor reasons also.
This sounds like a thread started by the democrates. We know who you are.
So what? So the same questions goes, would you hire Bill Clinton? Bush Sr.? Jimmy Carter? Whould you put the future of your company in the hands of any of all of these people, none of these people, etc? I am curious though, would Terry Forcht hire Bush Jr. to run his empire? Would IBM? Would Chyrsler Motors? Exxon/Mobile? I think it is an interesting question.
He has poor leadership skills, and relies too much on incompetent subordinates.
He always overexagerates how good things are. In a business you must live in the real world.
He does not like to analyize facts. He likes to just shoot from the hip.
He has no discipline when it comes to achieving budget goals. He spends, spends spends.
He is poor at bringing people together in a team effort.
He can't step up and get rid of subordinates who break the rules, deceive, and fail. A good leader treats subordinates with respect but when the rules are violated a leader does what's necessary.
He won't seek the best advice on complex issues.
He is arrogant.
He is so hardheaded he won't look at both sides of complex issues.
And there are plenty more reasons why I would not hire him.
I would hire Carter as my Public Relations guy, Bush Sr. as my Chief Financial Officer, Clinton would be my President of Worldwide Sales and Marketing, and the current Bush would be my mailroom coordinator and serve coffee at meetings.
I would hire Carter as my Public Relations guy, Bush Sr. as my Chief Financial Officer, Clinton would be my President of Worldwide Sales and Marketing, and the current Bush would be my mailroom coordinator and serve coffee at meetings.
I fear your mailroom would become a real disaster, and if I were you I would offer bottled water and no coffee.
President Bush needs to get back into Professional Baseball where he can't totally damage the world. The Texas Rangers did not win any Championships with him and they haven't won any without him. He should not do any harm to them. I can't think of any other jobs he could do.