Many papers say the voter turnout for the upcoming election next week will be in the 20-30% range. Some say a little higher, some lower.
Any thoughts on why voters no longer go to the polls. Granted, some elections are more popular than others, such as big county races or the presidential races, but they are all important.
This is our governors race, and they're predicting an extremely low turnout.
I've lived in corbin most all of my life, and one thing I've noticed in the local elections, is rarely does a candidate themself come around talking about why you should vote for them. Years ago, they were always knocking on doors. Now, you only get a phone call, if that.
Another is issues rarely come into play anymore. Now, it's pure party politics and how well you know the person, or, you know someone that knows the person. The present circuit judge's race is a good example of that.
I've got more opinions, but, I'd like to see some other peoples thoughts.
I can only speculate, but people feel their vote really doesn't matter. And, if you don't vote, it doesn't matter. Easy enough on that issue.
This week, we were visited by a political party's representative, to give us their speech on why we should vote for their candidate. We talked, we listened, as we all knew each other, and I had told them who I was going to vote for, which was their candidate. Anyway, as they were leaving, I asked them if they were going to visit anyone else in our neighborhood. They said no, they weren't. When I asked why, they said their research showed that only 3 of the families in our neighborhood voted, out of over 25 homes. They had already talked to the other 2, and we were the last one. Since none of the others could vote in this election, as they had a history of not voting in the last 3 elections, they were going to concentrate on those that did and do vote every electon.
I didn't know you could get that kind of information, but, I guess today, anything is available.