When out of no where with Corbin's Christmas lights not all burning brightly a Great Champion and Crime Fighter appears!!!! It's Don Estep under that Mask & Cape magicly flying himself from pole to pole and repairing Corbins Christmas decorations!!!
Once again our Caped Crusader saves Corbin and the Christmas Holidays, I would ask that a special bat signal in the shape of Estep's Giant KFC Bucket of Chicken Idea be placed at City Hall and turned on only when the city is in great peril and in need of the Caped Crusder.
Thank You Don for reminding us of your talents in today's News Journal, the Holidays are once again safe!!!
Now that I think on this a Little more I believe I may have solved the riddle. With all the Jobs packing up and Leaveing Corbin Instead of coming in I have changed my mind on Superhero Central.
I can now Envision a New and More Talented team of Hero's:
I see Carpenter as the Captain of the Titanic & Estep as the First Mate, in their Long and tenured service to the Citizens they have managed to steer us closer to that iceberg.
Our Good Captain has seen to it that American Greeting, National Standard, Vangent (now possibly) and the Harley Dealership have all packed up and moved away and made no plans to replace those jobs, we have however managed to Book Joan Jett at the Nibroc and ride up and down the Streets on 4-Wheelers.
Meanwhile our Trusty First Mate (Estep) is doing magic Tricks in Pidgeon Forge, unscrewing bad light bulbs on Main Street and manageing to make sure he is in charge of something during Tourism meetings.
Sound like a bad Hollywood Movie? Don't laugh too hard as losing these jobs and managing to wreck any chance of working together as a team carries a very high price.
Corbin's boundries have not expanded in 30 Years, we have lost Millions to Knox County in Tax Revenue (Yes, Millions) and our largest employers are leaveing because we can not even get our officials to return a simple phone call?
We can still turn the Tide but not with the current folks we have in these key positions, they had their chance and their resume is written and done, with terrible results. Cut these guys loose mayor & commisioners or you will go down with the ship.