Has the budget for the Tourism Board been in the newspaper? It seems like I remember seeing it a few months ago but I may be mistaken. Tourism should have quite a bit of money to spend with the motel and restaurant tax. That is probably why a restaurant association was recently formed because whenever there is money to be spent it draws a lot of people. I recall that most of the restaurant money goes for the Expo Center but how much to they have to work with other than that and what are they doing with it? I know they buy the banners on main and kentucky and they look good. What else?
Has the budget for the Tourism Board been in the newspaper? It seems like I remember seeing it a few months ago but I may be mistaken. Tourism should have quite a bit of money to spend with the motel and restaurant tax. That is probably why a restaurant association was recently formed because whenever there is money to be spent it draws a lot of people. I recall that most of the restaurant money goes for the Expo Center but how much to they have to work with other than that and what are they doing with it? I know they buy the banners on main and kentucky and they look good. What else?
As I recall, the article for the budget was some time ago, listing all the proposed expenditures from last year, I guess making that a year end budget type thing. I think they were just under $100 either over or under, like I said, I'm not sure.
The big news was last week when their accountant had a budget meeting with them, showing the revenue was down considerably for the first quarter, the revenue being the 3% restaurant tax receipts, which has led to questioning of collection and such.
I don't recall seeing budget figures for the upcoming year.
Help, did I read in todays Times Tribune where Estep (Last Paragraph of the story) said they just hand over money and really don't know what happens after that?
Did I mis-read this paragraph? According to the paper Estep claims he had no idea what the money he turned over to the civic center grounds improvement was going for????
Should the Chairman not clearly understand where any of these Tourism funds are going? Are these not city tax's of some sort he is spending? Who's watching the Hen House?
Is this whole thing getting more Bizzare each day?