I read this board regularly and I am shocked at the negative way people talk about our town. It makes me think they must not really live here or they are sour because they don't have many friends or something. I think Corbin is a great community with so much going for it.
We have some of the best retail stores. Applebee's is coming. Our school system is second to none. The new arena being built is going to be awesome and the potential for future growth on the south end of town is unlimited. People are really behind our Main Street program and Ms. Myers is doing such a wonderful job. All of this shows our elected leaders and private business people have been really on the ball over the years to make our town one of the best in Kentucky. We should get behind them and support them, not tear them down all the time. I think many of you must not actually live in Corbin after reading some of the things you write. We all know the most negative stuff comes from a small group of disgruntled outcasts.
I know a few people are upset because they didn't get their way on a few things or they aren't in charge of something anymore, but we shouldn't let that stand in our way. Corbin is a town on the move.
Anonymous wrote:I read this board regularly and I am shocked at the negative way people talk about our town. It makes me think they must not really live here or they are sour because they don't have many friends or something. I think Corbin is a great community with so much going for it.
We have some of the best retail stores. Applebee's is coming. Our school system is second to none. The new arena being built is going to be awesome and the potential for future growth on the south end of town is unlimited. People are really behind our Main Street program and Ms. Myers is doing such a wonderful job. All of this shows our elected leaders and private business people have been really on the ball over the years to make our town one of the best in Kentucky. We should get behind them and support them, not tear them down all the time. I think many of you must not actually live in Corbin after reading some of the things you write. We all know the most negative stuff comes from a small group of disgruntled outcasts.
I know a few people are upset because they didn't get their way on a few things or they aren't in charge of something anymore, but we shouldn't let that stand in our way. Corbin is a town on the move. You obviously have not viewed this website's many features. There is a section on Economic Development that provides the advantages of locating a business in Corbin.
we must try to improve. We must strive to gain ideas from citizens in our area. When you truly care with a passion about something even though you personally like your leaders, you don't just accept mediocrity.
The British believed George Washington was just a "disgruntled outcast" because he wanted better leadership for the colonies.
Do you question that Corbin should take action to gain their rightful share of occupational taxes paid in the city of Corbin that all end up in Knox County and Barbourville?
Does it bother you when companies in Corbin move out of Corbin?
Does it bother you when our businesses have not only property taxes, inventory taxes, occupational taxes but also business license fees, and insurance taxes?
Did it bother you that London was able to offer a more attractive package to Harley Davidson that the City of Corbin? I hope Harley still ends up in Corbin as a result of the legal action being taken.
We are all proud of the new Exposition Center that is under construction. There is a concern about how it will do in handling the increase costs in Marketing and Managing a faciility of that magnatude.
The people of this area have a right to communicate about their concerns. This is America.
Did it bother you that London was able to offer a more attractive package to Harley Davidson that the City of Corbin? I hope Harley still ends up in Corbin as a result of the legal action being taken.
I don't think it is very fair of you to blame the Corbin property owners for not being able to offer Harley enough. From what i've heard they had a deal and the Harley guy screwed them over. You should be ashamed of yourself for jumping their case over this.
There is no doubt about it. There are rarely any posts supporting local leaders just posts supporting friends who are in certain programs. This board could be so much more. The management wants to see a few local people fail at whatever cost to the town. That is sad.
I'm not a board manager, I'm not an elected official, I'm not a committee member or chairperson, I'm a citizen and taxpayer of the city of corbin.
I can not like anything that I choose, and that's my right. And I don't like the way our city leaders are handling many things, or the way our committees are handling certain things. Our mayor is not a leader, he's a talker and hand shaker. Our commissioners are not experienced in running a government, they're just good ol boys that have enough friends to elect them. None of them have a clue about how government, and governing, is supposed to work. Our city manager is a surveyor, not a city manager. When he was hired, there were people with college degrees that had applied for the job, but we hired him because he was local. He wouldn't stir up the pot by hiring professionals to run our various departments and offices. He would go with the status quo.
I'm ticked off at them for not getting our tax money from knox county most of all. They should do anythign in their power to get our share to us. They're scared to act, and they're lazy in not acting on it.
Do I dislike them, no. I go to church with two of them, and have known them all, most of my life. But that don't mean I like or agree with what they are doing. I didn't vote for 3 of them. That's my right too. That don't mean I am personally against them. That's why we vote.
Don't try to spin our distaste for our leaders actions and inactions as not liking corbin. I think it's just the opposite. By voicing our concerns and questioning our leaders, it actually shows our love for corbin.
And finally, no, I'm not going to run for office, I don't want to. I don't have to. I'll find a candidate that shares my views, and find others that share my views, and support our candidate. That's they way it works.
There are many positive comments on this board but it is also a vehicle for people to expose the other side of what may not be occurring. Until a year a ago you only had two media outlets telling us what was unfolding, times have changed and we now know details quickly of what is unfolding and where our money is going.
We are also in a Global Economy now, we have powerful competetion all around us and 75 Miles in each direction two Major cities to contend with. If we do not debate, have the best of the best in the game our people will not have a fair chance to improve their own standard of living.
The average person in this area makes 19K per year which makes us one of the poorest areas in the State and also in the top 1% of the Nation. So before you start telling everyone things are going great you may want to consider the people at the poverty line here in Eastern Ky and ask them if all is well?
The above poster is letting their feelings over-ride what is actually happening in our area and the tough debates needed for us to compete in the next 50 Years to secure jobs & opportunities for our children and granchildren.
I'm not a board manager, I'm not an elected official, I'm not a committee member or chairperson, I'm a citizen and taxpayer of the city of corbin.
I can not like anything that I choose, and that's my right. And I don't like the way our city leaders are handling many things, or the way our committees are handling certain things. Our mayor is not a leader, he's a talker and hand shaker. Our commissioners are not experienced in running a government, they're just good ol boys that have enough friends to elect them. None of them have a clue about how government, and governing, is supposed to work. Our city manager is a surveyor, not a city manager. When he was hired, there were people with college degrees that had applied for the job, but we hired him because he was local. He wouldn't stir up the pot by hiring professionals to run our various departments and offices. He would go with the status quo.
I'm ticked off at them for not getting our tax money from knox county most of all. They should do anythign in their power to get our share to us. They're scared to act, and they're lazy in not acting on it.
Do I dislike them, no. I go to church with two of them, and have known them all, most of my life. But that don't mean I like or agree with what they are doing. I didn't vote for 3 of them. That's my right too. That don't mean I am personally against them. That's why we vote.
Don't try to spin our distaste for our leaders actions and inactions as not liking corbin. I think it's just the opposite. By voicing our concerns and questioning our leaders, it actually shows our love for corbin.
And finally, no, I'm not going to run for office, I don't want to. I don't have to. I'll find a candidate that shares my views, and find others that share my views, and support our candidate. That's they way it works.
Why do you feel the need to say you are "not" the board manager? Did you think you would be mistaken for him?
I also find it interesting that you say you like our commissioners and mayor, then engage in a lot of name calling. The mayor is nothing more than a hand shaker and talker to you. Not very flattering. You are in the minority because he received a lot of support from voters in the last election.
And to you the commisison is full of lazy cowards because you don't feel they are acting quickly enough on the Knox tax situation. Do you know all the facts there? Have you even bothered to ask. Since you are so interested in it, why don't you talk to a few of our leaders and tell us all what they say. It would be a better approach than trashing them on here then expecting some kind of results.
Maybe things in this town aren't going your way because you are the kind of stupid, insulting idiot who causes most people to cringe and hide when they see you coming because you are so unpleasant to be around. Have you considered that our leaders and their actions aren't the problem, but rather your foul attitude is what needs fixing.
The poster 3 above hit it right on the head - its bad spin.
If a couple of you are spinning that believing we can achieve greater success, wanting to be as economically strong as we can, have higher paying jobs and keeping our youth here means we hate Corbin, you need to work on new spin. It really means we probably love this town more than you, we don't put limits on what Corbin can achieve, and want it to be the best city that it can be.
If you love your kids, you want them to achieve as much in life as possible. Do you only aspire for your kids to work at an Applebee's, or do you know they are good enough and smart enough to work at Microsoft, Toyota or Merrill Lynch? Love of your town is no different. We are a great city that can achieve much, much more than an Applebee's, and these couple of posters know it. But because they don't have the vision to take Corbin to the next level, they want to stomp out those that possibly can, and try to use silly spin like "You must hate Corbin" If they would try listening and learning instead of worrying about losing credit or fame, as a team a lot more could happen around here.
One poster says Applebees coming in and great retail stores is a great thing, and it certainly is positive for our area. But will it keep your kids here after high school? Having Applebee's will be great when I'm hungry, but it will not bring jobs for my kids that will provide for them and their family. It will bring in some out of town tax revenue which is always good, but it hardly means we have reach the pinnacle of economic growth.
I love my kids and I won't let them settle for anything less than the best they can be. We should all feel the same way about Corbin. If you think Corbin is limited in what it can do, you must be the one that doesn't really like Corbin all that much.
I also liked the "Shame on you" spin from this poster. Blaming Corbin property owners? Don't think I ever read that one, and the property owners I have spoken to all supported throwing Harley a carrot to get them here. Any incentives would have been more than made up in tax revenues alone, and these business people are alo savy enough to know Harley would have helped their's and other area businesses by bring more people to Corbin fom other communities, and people with the money to make a $20,000+ purchase, not just for a pair of jeans or a cheesburger.
As far as hating Corbin or its politicans if you disagree with a few decisons, that is laughable, and the poster knows it. I like Mayor McBurney and think he's done a good job in many areas, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything he does. The funny part though is that a couple of those on here who talk of others hating Corbin were the very people who tried to defeat McBurney in the first place. Now that want to act like they are his close buddies.
One thing I've learned throughout my life, some of your best friends in life are those who tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.
I'm not a board manager, I'm not an elected official, I'm not a committee member or chairperson, I'm a citizen and taxpayer of the city of corbin.
I can not like anything that I choose, and that's my right. And I don't like the way our city leaders are handling many things, or the way our committees are handling certain things. Our mayor is not a leader, he's a talker and hand shaker. Our commissioners are not experienced in running a government, they're just good ol boys that have enough friends to elect them. None of them have a clue about how government, and governing, is supposed to work. Our city manager is a surveyor, not a city manager. When he was hired, there were people with college degrees that had applied for the job, but we hired him because he was local. He wouldn't stir up the pot by hiring professionals to run our various departments and offices. He would go with the status quo.
I'm ticked off at them for not getting our tax money from knox county most of all. They should do anythign in their power to get our share to us. They're scared to act, and they're lazy in not acting on it.
Do I dislike them, no. I go to church with two of them, and have known them all, most of my life. But that don't mean I like or agree with what they are doing. I didn't vote for 3 of them. That's my right too. That don't mean I am personally against them. That's why we vote.
Don't try to spin our distaste for our leaders actions and inactions as not liking corbin. I think it's just the opposite. By voicing our concerns and questioning our leaders, it actually shows our love for corbin.
And finally, no, I'm not going to run for office, I don't want to. I don't have to. I'll find a candidate that shares my views, and find others that share my views, and support our candidate. That's they way it works.
Why do you feel the need to say you are "not" the board manager? Did you think you would be mistaken for him?
I also find it interesting that you say you like our commissioners and mayor, then engage in a lot of name calling. The mayor is nothing more than a hand shaker and talker to you. Not very flattering. You are in the minority because he received a lot of support from voters in the last election.
And to you the commisison is full of lazy cowards because you don't feel they are acting quickly enough on the Knox tax situation. Do you know all the facts there? Have you even bothered to ask. Since you are so interested in it, why don't you talk to a few of our leaders and tell us all what they say. It would be a better approach than trashing them on here then expecting some kind of results.
Maybe things in this town aren't going your way because you are the kind of stupid, insulting idiot who causes most people to cringe and hide when they see you coming because you are so unpleasant to be around. Have you considered that our leaders and their actions aren't the problem, but rather your foul attitude is what needs fixing.
It's easy to see the second reply is from the Don, Bruce, Phil or Willard gang. You can't take the fact that someone doesn't agree with them. There was no name calling, just total disagreement. That is allowed in our society. Can you not understand that not everyone likes or agrees with the way things are done. You call me stupid, now that is name calling in a sense.
And the reason I stated I'm not a board administrator, is that the city leaders and their blind followers, think that the board administrator is the only one that doesn't like what's going on with our leadership in our town. So, we have to almost make sure we state we are not the administrator when we post. The city leaders, and committee members and chair's put out the propaganda that it is only the board administrator that is unhappy. He's not. There are many of us. These people that are supposed to be leading our town, can't handle the fact that they now know people disagree with them. They've never had that here before. Now, they know.
You need to wake up and start talking to other people. People love to express their opinions, it's just that some can't or won't until they have a vehicle to do it with.
And the reason I stated I'm not a board administrator, is that the city leaders and their blind followers, think that the board administrator is the only one that doesn't like what's going on with our leadership in our town.
That would be like posters saying that they were not Estep or Carpenter. Why would you deny being the board administrator. If you are one of his booth or stool amigos then maybe you should sign in. In fact, when has he signed in lately? Or are we to believe that he no longer posts.
Did it bother you that London was able to offer a more attractive package to Harley Davidson that the City of Corbin? I hope Harley still ends up in Corbin as a result of the legal action being taken.
I don't think it is very fair of you to blame the Corbin property owners for not being able to offer Harley enough. From what i've heard they had a deal and the Harley guy screwed them over. You should be ashamed of yourself for jumping their case over this. Nobody blamed the property owners in Corbin. If occupational tax money is used to attract new jobs as it is in many Kentucky communities, it means you are not giving away anything you already have. If we get a company that builds a $4 Million Facility, hires 60 people over the next couple of years, starts paying property taxes, inventory taxes, insurance taxes, and business license fees that you are not now receiving how do you give anything away to get new jobs? A very small part of the new taxes you start receiving is what you provide them as an incentive. Somerset and London use this approach to gain new jobs. They also make the land available at very low costs.
The question is, "Do we want to play in the big leagues or just rust away in the low minor leagues?" Do we want our children and grandchildren to have job opportunities in this area or are we excited that they will leave our area to pursue their dreams in life?"
We want the best for our people and our area. We are not satisfied with just holding on. We want us to compete.
You obviously have not viewed this website's many features.
You are right Humility and neither does anyone else except for you and the board owners. I think maybe you have given your identity away. This is not an official Corbin site so why look at it. I pulled it up after you posted and you still show Dennis Roaden as fire chief. Roaden retired years ago and then Gary Disney held the fire chief position for several years. Disney has been gone for more than a year and Gary Price is now the fire chief. Talk about stale information!
There is no doubt about it. There are rarely any posts supporting local leaders just posts supporting friends who are in certain programs. This board could be so much more. The management wants to see a few local people fail at whatever cost to the town. That is sad.
You are right.
This board could be a good thing if not for a few cowardly hecklers.
Humilty, you have once again Humiliated yourself by posting about topics you are clearly unable to understand.
The Harley deal was a private venture between private landowners/developers and a private business owner. The crooked Harley guy backed out of a deal he had in Corbin and bought land in London simply because he got more land for less money, and a sweetheart offer from the developers. There was no public land in play. The paltry incentives offered by elected leaders up there only served to rob taxpayers in order to pay a wealthy fat cat who will probably screw them over too.
Anonymous wrote:Why do you feel the need to say you are "not" the board manager? Did you think you would be mistaken for him?
I also find it interesting that you say you like our commissioners and mayor, then engage in a lot of name calling. The mayor is nothing more than a hand shaker and talker to you. Not very flattering. You are in the minority because he received a lot of support from voters in the last election.
And to you the commisison is full of lazy cowards because you don't feel they are acting quickly enough on the Knox tax situation. Do you know all the facts there? Have you even bothered to ask. Since you are so interested in it, why don't you talk to a few of our leaders and tell us all what they say. It would be a better approach than trashing them on here then expecting some kind of results.
Maybe things in this town aren't going your way because you are the kind of stupid, insulting idiot who causes most people to cringe and hide when they see you coming because you are so unpleasant to be around. Have you considered that our leaders and their actions aren't the problem, but rather your foul attitude is what needs fixing.
You sell your point really well.
You state that they engage in name calling, which I have yet to come across, but then you throw out "hand shaker and talker" regarding the mayor, "lazy cowards" regarding the commissioners, and the best one "Stupid, insulting idiot who causes most people to cringe and hide when they see you coming because you are so unpleasant to be around". Did you come up with that one at recess?
If you know so much about the Knox County situation, then fill us in beyond the fact Corbin gets no Occupational tax money back, and that Corbin is the only city in the state that pays occupational taxes that go to another city.
You're right Angela B, it's statements like the one you highlighted that make us all wonder if it isn't a city leader or a family member of one, that tries to spin it so the point it lost, and that's the issue of our city tax dollars going to another county and corbin not getting a cent.
If a person, or persons, would run on that one issue alone, they could get elected.
Sure it may take a lawsuit, and we may lose, but I'd rather spend $50k of our city money and be told by a judge we have no case, than to sit on my hands while city tax dollars goes to knox county.
And to anyone out there that knows Cima, the knox county magistrate for the corbin end, call and tell him his name is on this board, and he's being called out, and to explain why he doesn't make a motion at the fiscal court meetings every month to share the occupational tax money with corbin. They may vote him down, but, the least he could do is make the motion.
I only get the chance to read and post my thoughts to this board on Sundays, so I had ALOT of catching up to do. WHEW, YOU PEOPLE HAVE BEEN BUSY!
I have to agree with the poster who started the topic. It does seem like most of the people who frequent this board seem to really hate Corbin, except for a few. They say they are simply criticizing the Mayor and commissioners and others because they love the town, but that just doesn't make sense. The leaders are a reflection of the town. It hurts when outsiders cut them down all the time because it is really just an attack on the people who live here. I think there is a lot of progress going on in Corbin, but some people are so blinded by some things that have happened in the past that they can't see it. Please just let it all go. It makes you all look like you are just trying to hurt people instead of helping anything.
Stop hating Corbin. Let's hear some positive things for a change.
Anonymous wrote:I only get the chance to read and post my thoughts to this board on Sundays, so I had ALOT of catching up to do. WHEW, YOU PEOPLE HAVE BEEN BUSY!
I have to agree with the poster who started the topic. It does seem like most of the people who frequent this board seem to really hate Corbin, except for a few. They say they are simply criticizing the Mayor and commissioners and others because they love the town, but that just doesn't make sense. The leaders are a reflection of the town. It hurts when outsiders cut them down all the time because it is really just an attack on the people who live here. I think there is a lot of progress going on in Corbin, but some people are so blinded by some things that have happened in the past that they can't see it. Please just let it all go. It makes you all look like you are just trying to hurt people instead of helping anything.
Stop hating Corbin. Let's hear some positive things for a change. I want to do exactly what you suggested in the above post. This is a positive post. I support fully the Mayor and commissioners for not doing anything to try to get the people of Corbin their rightful share of the occupational taxes collected from Corbin businesses and workers that goes to Barbourville and Knox County. I totally support them in not doing anything.
I also support them for not caring if businesses leave Corbin. Why should any of us care? As long as our job doesn't move away what do we care about those other people.
I really endorse doing nothing about getting more people to come into the city of Corbin. So what if we are landlocked and can't grow anymore in the city. Let's just let these people help build up out in the three counties cause we don't need any more taxes.
And I fully support not worrying about Harley Davidson. London/Laurel County deserve to get them because these 60 new jobs and the people they will draw to our city will just be a bother.
And I really don't think we should care that two of our major retailers moved out of Corbin to Knox County. We don't need any more retailers or Car Dealerships in our community.
I don't want to complain anymore and I support everything our leaders do or the many things they don't do.
I only get the chance to read and post my thoughts to this board on Sundays, so I had ALOT of catching up to do. WHEW, YOU PEOPLE HAVE BEEN BUSY!
I have to agree with the poster who started the topic. It does seem like most of the people who frequent this board seem to really hate Corbin, except for a few. They say they are simply criticizing the Mayor and commissioners and others because they love the town, but that just doesn't make sense. The leaders are a reflection of the town. It hurts when outsiders cut them down all the time because it is really just an attack on the people who live here. I think there is a lot of progress going on in Corbin, but some people are so blinded by some things that have happened in the past that they can't see it. Please just let it all go. It makes you all look like you are just trying to hurt people instead of helping anything.
Stop hating Corbin. Let's hear some positive things for a change.
Describe to me how anyone I've seen on here hates Corbin. All I see are comments from people that want things better for everyone, and they lay out their thoughts pretty well. All you say is "they hate Corbin" but they way I see it, just must love Corbin enough to want it to be the best it can be, just like I would my own children as another poster pointed out. You don't defend your position other than name calling. I want Corbin to be the best it can be also, and to quote you, let's hear some positive things. Tell us what positives are going on, you have every right to post all of the positives, and what is moving us ahead of the other communities when it comes to family income, jobs, new industry, etc. Name what they are missing by their "being so blinded by the past" as you put it.
Describe to me how anyone I've seen on here hates Corbin.
I've read several posts from people who are positive about Corbin, and they are immediately torn to pieces by those who only want to talk negative about the town and its leaders. Maybe you don't hate Corbin, but you sure don't seem to like it here very much since you compare it to other towns so unfavorably all the time. If Berea or London or wherever seems more progressive to you, then perhaps you should consider a change of residence.
Anonymous wrote: I've read several posts from people who are positive about Corbin, and they are immediately torn to pieces by those who only want to talk negative about the town and its leaders. Maybe you don't hate Corbin, but you sure don't seem to like it here very much since you compare it to other towns so unfavorably all the time. If Berea or London or wherever seems more progressive to you, then perhaps you should consider a change of residence. Is it hating Corbin to want the citizens of Corbin to receive their share of the Knox County Occupational taxes that come from Corbin businesses and Corbin workers and go the Barbourville and Knox County? Answer me! Is that hating Corbin?
Is it hating Corbin to want to see the city seek to have more people become part of the city through an effective annexation program? Answer me! Is that hating Corbin?
Is it hating Corbin to want us to compete aggressively to get more jobs for our people? Answer me! Is that hating Corbin?
Is it hating Corbin to want us to get a new post office?
Is it hating Corbin to seek to get some of our dangerous road problems corrected? One of them is at the new Corbin Elementery School. Is that hating Corbin?
Is it hating Corbin to want the Tourism Commission to support the Main Street Program instead of the Chairman fighting it? Answer me!
Is it hating Corbin to want our people to have a new library? Is something wrong in doing that?
Progress is not made without people speaking up for it. Is it hating Corbin to want it to improve and get better?
Or should we just sit on our butts with apathy, lack of concern, no passion for our community, no competitive spirit to get jobs so our young people can work here, and timidly just let things stay the same? To me that is hating Corbin.
Anonymous wrote:Or should we just sit on our butts with apathy, lack of concern, no passion for our community, no competitive spirit to get jobs so our young people can work here, and timidly just let things stay the same? To me that is hating Corbin.
You can't possibly think that sitting on your butt and griping about things constantly on a message board is an effective way to make this town better. All it does is annoy those who are actually taking action to improve Corbin.
Please don't equate a few postings on here with passion for the community. Demanding that elected and appointed leaders do your bidding is not constructive. Most of the issues you bring up are things that everyone, including our elected leaders, have known about for years. Constant harping on them accomplishes nothing. The people who want to improve Corbin are out there every day really working to make the town better. You are no more than a fairly typical lazy complainer with little to offer but a lot of bad attitude and a few pot shots while you sit comfortably on your couch surfing the internet.