Based on the meetings I read about in the paper, I just thought that the committee had already done their homework and had the new site ready to go.
I tried logging in today, and the page came up, but it says under construction or something like that. I thought it was a go after they voted to close the other one.
I believe that company doing the tourism website is the same one that does the News Journal web site, and that's a london business.
How many free months did Bob Jr. provide Tourism before taking the website down? I heard it waqs several months. His tourism section on this website is worth a lot to the City and this area. Have you ever looked at other cities websites and seen how good our's is, and the city, economic development, chamber, and tourism don't pay a penny for this website. Why don't they want to be the best?
I was talking about the world economy with a very good young businessman from the West Coast this past weekend and it was wonderful to talk to someone who understands what we are up against in competing for jobs and a better quality of life for our people. He said it takes a plan and a strategy, dogged determination, a willingness to compete, personal relationships, and a community spirit that is shared by the people that they want to be the best they can be. And sprinkle on top of it a committment to excellency in Education and training.
I hope very much he moves to our area. He will not stand still and yield to the status quo. We need more people who are not satisfied with doing things as we have in the past. is what was in the paper, but it has been under construction for a couple of months now.
I tried it but it is still under construction. Why has it taken two months so far? For $75 it should have taken a few hours, or the company is working for .50 cents an hour.
We need to be patient. This could take a long time. A quality website is not the easy snap the Tourism Chairman makes it out to be. His newspaper's website is a good example of a very poor website. The new webmaster is woking for below minimum wage when you add in his cost of taking pictures, auto expenses to see the key tournist sites, writing the script for the website, researching the information that is included on it, and other related actions required.
I feel sorry for the person who is now doing the website.