I read Ms. Swindlers editorial yesterday on her proposal as the city buying the Old Methodist Church on main street and making it an arts center. This is a great idea. She mentioned the possible problem with the mayors son owing the building, the mayor being in his position, and Steve being on the tourism committee. Also, I believe Steve is next in line to Chair the Tourism Committee according to past posts here and conversations with others in the know about it.
Anyway, I think this is an excellent idea. I didn't know it was for sale, but, like anything else, everything is for sale if the price is right.
The church is in a very prominent place on main street, there is good available parking on main as well as the lots on depot.
I think Samantha hit a home run with this suggestion. She mentioned the possible conflict of interest issues, but I think if everything was done out in the open, it would be fine.
This is a great idea. One of the best I've heard in a long time. Congrats to Samantha for her out of the box thinking.
I know there will be an issue of conflict of interest on this, so, just make it all above board and such.
If need be, find a third party and sell it to them, and then they sell it to the city. No problem, if everyone knows up front about it.
But, if it's done on the up and up, have it appraised by several appraisers, not the standard one that all the banks use. Find a few, even 3 or 4, make it totally unquestionable.
I'm sure there's grant money available to help buy and restore it, we may come out way ahead on it.
That is a great idea. I would even propose if the Church becomes an art center that we name it the McBurney Art Center. This could be the cornerstone of revitalizing downtown Corbin.
A new library in downtown Corbin, a Native American museum, some upscale apartment-condo units, some paint and fixing up of store fronts, several arts and crafts shops, and Tourism deciding to support the Main Street program instead of trying to kill it.
When a Tourism Commission becomes more involved in running people down who are disliked by the Chairman you wonder which ones on that Commission have the backbone to say that's enough!
Can you visualize what our community can become if we work together to make things better, instead of using persond dislikes to cut people down? The Mayor and City Commission decided to hire a Main Street Director and several people decided to make life tough for her. Let's get with it and make Corbin an even better place to live!