She is doing a great job, is passionate about her work, and has worked through the hurdles a couple of people have tried to throw in front of her. She and downtown Corbin will suceed if she is allowed to do her job.
Ms. Myers has a great challenge ahead of her, and we don't need to make her job any more difficult by micro-managing a program that frankly none of us knows anything about, including the current commissioners. That is not a slam, it is just the plain facts. Ms. Myers knows this program as well as anyone in the state, the very same program has worked in dozens of towns throughout Kentucky. We would do ourselves and the city a big favor if we would let her do her job, and quit trying to dictate how she manages this program when none of us has any experience in downtown redevelopment. If anything, current city government, Chamber and Tourism's only experience is in downtown non-development, and our downtown's demise over the past 30 years proves it. Look around at our downtown folks - the facts speak for themselves. Yet we have certain individuals who have never been associated with an architecturally and economically successful downtown trying to tell her how it should be done. These people need to go, and if I'm elected, I will make sure we do what is best for our town, not for a few egos.
Mayor, you need to tell the occasional complainer that this is the way the program works, preach patience with the project, tell them that this is the way it is, and tell them to move on because you have a job to do. You can't please everyone, and there are those who will always complain anyway, no matter what, especially a few whose egos are hurting because its not "their" program.
Also, anyone that tries to sabatoge Ms. Myers efforts, including various city board members, need to be removed from the picture entirely, taken off the boards they supposedly serve, and in some cases told to find new jobs, period.
Either you or on board, or you are not. These powerplay individuals who want credit for the sun coming up in the morning need to go, because they are in the way of Corbin's progress and growth.
I was surprised to read some of the negative comments in the paper about this project. I would have thought the Fox man would have been more supportive. I guess not.