We should be thankful to our glorious leaders, George and Dick, for giving us an extra $300 bucks to help our economy come back. Thank you, thank you.
SO, with that said, what will you, faithful readers, do with your $300 check? Buy a couple tanks of gas. Help pay up your bills? Buy that new TV, or computer?
Me, I'll probably pay on bills with it. Or, I can drive to work for a month on it, thanks to Bush's gas price controls he has in place.
Yes, George and Dick can charge another $160 Billion on their Government Visa or Master Card accounts, and had another 25 years to the payoff date.
At least this time they are capping who gets the money we don't really have to give out. Millionaires don't need another $600 bucks, they buy what they want, when they want whether GWB gives them a few hundred bucks or not. That was wasted money 7 years ago.
Mine will go to cover inflation created by bad government policy.
I'll probably put mine in savings, but that's because I've already treated myself to some nice new toys this year (new TV from Hamlin & Kersey and a new DVR from Wal-Mart).