There's talk of raising cigarette taxes, drastically. Raising them enough to make a difference in the state budget.
How do you feel? Do you care?
Personally, I don't. I don't smoke. Those around me don't smoke. SO, raise them $10 bucks a pack if you want. That's just my opinion, and it's only one opinion.
How do you all feel about that issue.
And aside from the basic question about the taxes, how do you feel about other smoking related issues, such as;
1. Should persons who smoke and have smoking related health problems be allowed to use medicare or medicaid funds to treat them.
2. Should people who smoke and are on government assistance (the draw) have their checks reduced or eliminated if they smoke.
3. Should we make selling cigarettes or tobacco products to minors a felony, as I believe it is now only a misdemeanor?
4. Should insurance companies be allowed to pro rate persons who smoke and charge them a higher health insurance premium. Some do now, they just don't word it that way.
I know smoking is a personal choice, it is a legally bought and sold product, and so on and so forth. But, that's why I'm asking these questions.
I hope they go up to the point that people quit smoking, but on the other hand, most won't they will do without food for their family and things they need to buy the smokes.