So, we're in line for one of the new casino's. Which county will it go to. I hope Whitley, we need something to get the county going.
I'm sure all the preachers and their flocks will be out in force to vote against it, but, with determination, we can beat them. We just have to get out and vote.
I agree with the preacher and their flock issue. They'll all get out telling us we're going to hell and the county will go to hell and organized crime will come in, and everyone will get divorced and gloom and doom will befall us all. So will most of the law enforcement around here. They'll march and carry signs and protest and use their church vans to haul their voters to the polls and take the absentee ballots to the shut-ins so they can vote down the gambling halls. And we'll have ads and commercials about how the casino made some woman embezzle money from their place of business (wait, that already happened with the governor that got beat campaign).
They won't mention the jobs this place will create, the tax base increases it will bring, the extra property tax, school tax, 911 tax, and most of all, if they want serve alcohol they'll have to be in the city limits of corbin or london, the insurance tax revenue it will bring in. They also won't mention the collateral jobs and money they'll bring in. The rooms the other hotels will book cause the casino is full, or they're cheaper. The food people will eat in other restaurants. The gas and groceries they'll buy while they're here or when they leave. The money maintenance people will earn when they fix the air conditioning or heat, electricial issues, plumbing issues, landscaping maintenance. They won't mention that.
Sure, they'll bring in upper management for awhile, but, those people will buy homes, and their kids will attend our schools, buy clothes and groceries and cars. They'll live amongst us (except those like a previous commissioner that don't want to set next to someone drinking a beer) and , yes, they'll even go to church with us.
I wonder if one of these holier than thou preachers will kick the casino managers family out the door of their church because of where they work. That would be something to see, wouldn't it.
A casino is a business, and a good one.
I hope whitley county gets it, but, if not, hooray for laurel county if they do too.
Lets see here now, a casino in whitley or laurel county. It'll be a fight.
As I understand it, the county in which they allow it to be built in can have a vote to see if they residents want it. So, both counties will vote I guess.
But, where would YOU put a casino if you go a permit to do so. In the county next to a pig farm or asphalt plant. No. You'd put it close to the interstate.
And if you had a casino, would you want to offer alcohol in the restaurant and bar and casino area. Of course you would. SO, that said, you'd want to locate it in the city limits of either of the cities that have alcohol sales, corbin or london.
Taking into account that the whole county can vote on the issue, I doubt that either one will get it. I hope I'm wrong, but, I don't see it happening. But, I do hope I'm wrong.