We ate at the Depot this past week, and heard something interesting, that the Depot has a new co-owner, our esteemed Economic Dev. Director Bruce Carpenter.
Just a rumor, anyone else heard that. Not a bad thing, the Depot is a great place to eat, and their service and food has became even better lately, I just wish they would expand the comedy club again and have weekly, or at least bi-weekly shows. We went to several before, and they were really good.
I'll tell you who told us this, it was one of the employees.
I heard last summer they were thinking of selling after Rick's illness, or at least taking on a partner.
Again, not a problem, just wondering if anyone had heard this as well.
If it's true, I've noticed the Depot being busier lately, and that's great.
If Bruce did buy into the restaurant, he'll do well. That place sort of took a nose dive after Rick's illness, and sort of ran itself. It needed some direction, and if Bruce is in it, it'll get some.
He'll do much better in the restaurant business and the comedy club than he will in attracting new industry. That's not a dig on him, that's an opinion.