I could be the old station there on the corner of Ford and Master. Which has since be converted over to a Fire Station...
I lived close by for several years before they changed the street to Roy Kidd Ave...
There used to be a shed cover there on the fire department that made it look more like a old gas station.
I had heard a story from some of the old timers on the street years back.
A little girls mother, in an apparent state of depression over her daughters death, hung herself in a tree at the familys home. The father found his wife hanging dead when he returned home from work. This too was apparently covered up. The family lived about two or three blocks from the service station.
My great grand pa's uncle told him it was an alien flying machine that came in one night. Little people came out on main street and took blood tests of local people because they wanted to know why the people here were so much smarter than people across the world. This was all hushed up by the Government because in Washington they didn't want the rest of the world to know the smartest people lived in this area.
Only Aliens from outer space know the truth. Our people are smarter than all the other people on earth. Our income average is one of the lowest in America, our deaths by cancer and heart related illnesses are among the highest in the world, we are among the world's top smokers, we have a higher per centage of Republicans in our population than any place in America, and we are the smartest people in the world. Ask the aliens from outer space. They know the truth.
The old gas station played a big role in this event. The aliens went in there for coffee breaks.