I have always enjoyed outstanding food and service at The Depot on Main. The people of Corbin should be very appreciative of the investments that Rick and Holly Curry, as well as Doug and Sharon Warriner of The Vintage House, have made in the community, as well as the 50 or more new jobs these establishments have brought to the area. These two restaurants rival those in Chicago, Dallas, Cincinnati and other major cities.
I have always enjoyed outstanding food and service at The Depot on Main. The people of Corbin should be very appreciative of the investments that Rick and Holly Curry, as well as Doug and Sharon Warriner of The Vintage House, have made in the community, as well as the 50 or more new jobs these establishments have brought to the area. These two restaurants rival those in Chicago, Dallas, Cincinnati and other major cities.
I agree 100% - we need to support the businesses and people that support our city
RSTERRELL wrote: I have always enjoyed outstanding food and service at The Depot on Main. The people of Corbin should be very appreciative of the investments that Rick and Holly Curry, as well as Doug and Sharon Warriner of The Vintage House, have made in the community, as well as the 50 or more new jobs these establishments have brought to the area. These two restaurants rival those in Chicago, Dallas, Cincinnati and other major cities. I agree 100% - we need to support the businesses and people that support our city
Don't understand why The Depot was closed both Dec. 26 and 27. O'Malley's, Buckners, Vintage House, Shiloh's Roadhouse in London were all PACKED. The new bar at Shiloh's was wall to wall at 10pm Monday night. It's a very nice bar with 10 large screen TV's.
Enjoyed a great steak the other night, and saw the comedy acts. Both comedians were great. Had a great time, everyone needs to check this place out - Steve, Middlesboro
I wish the Depot was still open for lunch - not too many choices for decent food in Downtown Corbin. Guess I'll have to get back into my Lean Cuisine routine until the Root Beer Stand opens.
Was traveling from Florida to Ohio and stopped at the Country Inn and Suites in Corbin. The Depot was recommended to us, and were we shocked. Years of traveling through the Corbin area and have never enjoyed an outstanding meal until we ate at The Depot. The grilled Tuna was as good as any I've had, and the restaurant was beautiful. If you are traveling through you need to check this place out. I wish we had been there on a Comedy Club night, a very cool looking comedy room next door to the main restaurant - maybe on out next trip we will stay an extra night. It was also the time I have ever been able to enjoy a glass of wine with my dinner in Corbin. That was a surprise too.
Today at the Cruise In it was great to see the Depot open for business. We enjoyed the Friday night program at Wal-Mart and the Saturday show. Corbin has a great opportunity to build this progarm much larger in the future. The Depot is an impressive restaurant.
administrator. It is amazing you delete certain things, and other subjects and people you let them be abused and persecuted over and over > examples - mayor candidates, G. Barton office and children , national politians, nibroc and Mr. carpenter and volunteers, the stage for nibroc, downtown, whitley county, city commissioners, commissioners that were running, the coffee shop - that you use for your office and free wireless, muffler shop, rest. tax, civic center (thank you Senator williams, State rep. Siler), little league football and a certain coach (more of a good coach and person than you will ever know) Why is this situation different? It is no secret in this town that you are the Depot web designer and the Curry couple pay you. is that the answer? We think so. This message board could be put to good use if it was constructive and fair............... instead of letting people attack others unfairly. Clean it up for everyone, not just a select few.............. we think people would enjoy fairness..... a corbin citizen who cares and likes to read issues that are important................
This is the best message board in this region. It looks like the administrator does a good job in not letting the abusive criticism remain on the board. I don't know of any other message board in this region that gets more responses.
administrator. It is amazing you delete certain things, and other subjects and people you let them be abused and persecuted over and over > examples - mayor candidates, G. Barton office and children , national politians, nibroc and Mr. carpenter and volunteers, the stage for nibroc, downtown, whitley county, city commissioners, commissioners that were running, the coffee shop - that you use for your office and free wireless, muffler shop, rest. tax, civic center (thank you Senator williams, State rep. Siler), little league football and a certain coach (more of a good coach and person than you will ever know) Why is this situation different? It is no secret in this town that you are the Depot web designer and the Curry couple pay you. is that the answer? We think so. This message board could be put to good use if it was constructive and fair............... instead of letting people attack others unfairly. Clean it up for everyone, not just a select few.............. we think people would enjoy fairness..... a corbin citizen who cares and likes to read issues that are important................
You evidently did not have a chance to see the deleted posting. There is a big difference in visitors posting comments on positive or negative experiences at a restaurant or coffee house, or opinions about topics of local or national interest that are published in the newspaper, candidates in a political race, projects such as the civic center, Nibroc, taxes, etc. - and posting a personal attack on someone. Dozens of similar postings targeted at numerous people, businesses and topics have been deleted and will continue to be removed if certain lines are crossed. This post was brought to our attention, it was reviewed, and was deleted not because of the negative comments about the business, or who owns the business, but because of the personal nature of the comments.
As far as taxes, coffee shops, muffler shops, nibroc volunteers and others that you feel have been attacked, please forward what forum these personal attack postings are located in and they will be reviewed.
Thanks for visiting the website and posting your opinion.
Our Chef Jason prepared the lasagna Thursday and two 25 pound pans were sold out by 9:30 and the price was $ 8.95 sorry you missed it because everyone that tried it said it was the best they have ever had and yes our presentation does change along with our features every night we are always trying something different, that’s the positive side of not being a chain restaurant and by the way thanks for the kudos. The Depot has been in Corbin over two years and has gone through growing pains as all restaurants do. We Holly and I sincerely hope that everyone in the restaurant business which by the way is the toughest business I have ever run has a happy and prosperous new year. The owners of Tuscany Gardens have a very nice place and knowing them for some time I feel that being the professionals they are it just be a matter of time and will pull it off and Corbin will have another restaurant to be proud of. It takes time and a lot of hard work when your dreams and ideas are not the cookie cutter type of franchise restaurants out there. We fellow restaurateurs and ontrepuners have our babies to raise, some succeed some fail, and so please have some faith in us we are working hard to provide a good product and some fun along the way. You our customers are our Childs grand parents and our parents and we need all the help and advice you can provide so let’s try constructive criticism and give the locals help and quit bickering. If anyone out there thinks they can do better bring me a check and I’ll retire.
Just to set the record strait Yes Holly and I are building a new Italian restaurant in London and yes it will be ran by Italians who owns 7 other restaurants. Construction starts January 15. Pino is building a pizza and beer joint in London. I have no association with Pino and to be direct I was told to run like hell away from him.
This past Monday at The Depot I enjoyed some of the best Sea Bass I have had anywhere in the country. As I've stated before, the people of Corbin should feel fortunate that they have several great restaurants to choose from here locally, several more than you'll find in all of the other local communities combined. Forget the "Go to London" nonsense that someone posted under another topic, support the local businesses - it will benefit everyone.
Rick and Holly, that was a first class post. You will do great in whatever you do because your good people, with (by the way) an AWESOME restaurant. Happy New Year to the Depot!!!
We haven't eaten there in months, due to two very bad back to back experiences there. It really put us off going. The bad times were service related, which ruined the rest of the visit.
Maybe it's time to go back. Our money is hard earned, and when you have two bad times somewhere, it's hard to justify paying that much for a poor experience.
I hate that you had a bad experience With the food at the Depot Nibroc Fan. I had a good experience. I was wondering since you posted that you thought the food taxes were a tremendous benefit in another Section,did you enjoy paying the extra tax on your Bad food?? Tell us Nibroc Fan who you think Pays more on the Food Tax here at the Depot. The Local People of corbin, Or the outside Travelers??? Since in another posting you claimed the Rest. TAX was the best Tax for our town Beceause outside travelers paid the majority.
I've had bad experiences at many good restaurants, but have had many more good ones to offset them. I continue to go back, because the good usually prevails. If not, and they don't fix their problems, they will close up shop very soon. Business owners only learn from customer comments, good and bad. Sure they take it personally, but if they really want to stay in business and make it work, they will look at problems stated by customers and see if it needs fixing, and then deal with it. Like I said, those that ignore problems, usually close.
Yes, I still support the restaurant tax, and will from now on.
My bill the last time was $63 and change, tip not included. Yes, it had drinks on it as well, so there's another tax paid. Still, I don't mind it.
So, I paid about $2 in the tax. Give or take, don't remember the exact amount.
I donated $2 to the city of corbin, to keep up the city pool, maintain the ball fields not owned by the school, dress up the streets with some nice banners ( I think this comes from this money), and hopefully to operate our new tech. center. By keeping up these facilities, we'll draw in more people, many from out of town, that will spend money here, including eating, and they'll contribute more taxes to this cause.
And, I didn't go to the big city, Lex or K-Town. Saved about $10 in gas, mileage on the car, and 2 to 3 hours on the road. I ate, relaxed, and was home in about 9 minutes. My money spent eating there supported a corbin business and corbin employees, who spend most of their money in corbin.
The business owner made money, and by doing so, will stay in business longer, and pay taxes to the city of corbin, and in this case, Knox county. Those taxes will support our police and fire and road departmets, that make corbin a nice place to live.
Did I enjoy paying the tax. No. Was it worth where it went, Yes. It went to Corbin, not Fayette or Knox County (tennessee).
And, I still say, a large majority of the tax is paid by folks NOT living in the city of Corbin. Remember where the city limits of corbin are. Look at all the subdivisions around corbin, most are NOT in the city. So, when those folks eat in the city restaurants, they pay a tax that the city would not normally collect from these people in any way.
3% is better than NO %.
You want to talk about taxes, see the post on "Insurance Tax", now there's one that needs discussing.
I agree with the previous post 100%, and I thought this topic was put to rest months ago.
39,000 vehicles pass the South Corbin exit PER DAY - thats 14 Million vehicles per year. Statistics show the restaurant tax breakout is approximately 75% out-of-towners, 25% Corbin residents. For example, for an investment of $200,000 by Corbin residents, Corbin's Tourism receives a return of $800,000 annually, the additional $600,000 coming from people who live in Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, Florida and other locations that are stoping and eating at our South exit restaurants. No one I know even even looks at the extra .90 cents paid on a $30 dinner, or the extra $1.80 on a $60 night out.
This tax is a no-brainer.
Again, a few people don't understand, but the McDonald's locations generate hundreds of thousands more in sales revenue in their 168 hours per week than The Depot generates in their 36 to 40 hours per week. McDonalds, Buckner's, El Dorado, Arby's, Wendy's, and O'Malley's, and now Tuscany Garden generate millions more in revenue than The Depot, Vintage House, The Dixie (please), The Root Beer Stand (open 6 months per year) and the others a previous poster spoke of.
Anybody that thinks The Depot, the Dixie or other establishments are losing business because of this 3% tax, you need to think again. If any of these establishments have lost business, it for reasons other than the 3% tax, although 1 or 2 will use it as their excuse.
Nice job on the Numbers.Sounds good. But is it all True? Yes, I agree on Wendy's and Mcdonalds on the South end exit with your numbers. I do not believe that Buckner's and Eldorado generate 75% of food sales from travelers. It's probably the other way around. These are local pubs that serve alcohol, not a fast food chain. The question is who do you think buys more Food at these Restaurants in Corbin? Travelers, or local residents in the surrounding areas. Vintage House,Depot on main,Buckners, Eldorado,,Arby's-off Master st.,Mcdonald's,Pizza hut,Pizza& Company,Spoones, Lee's, Long Johns,Subway Mia casa,dixie,Joy's, Whites,Snappy Tomato Pizza,Dominoes Pizza.
If you add the revenue of all these restaurants, I think your numbers will probably SHRINK. Now I think more Residents in corbin are buying more in Food sales than you think., and are paying more in taxes than your numbers show. Do you think this is fair considering average residents earn less than 20,000 a year in income.SMOKE SCREENS and MIRRORS DON'T CUT IT!!!!. Find other creative ways to generate income to help put up Banners. The people are paying Occupational Tax? Restaurant Tax, 911-$2.00 Tax,Property Taxes went up!!! {Whitley Co.} Did the Folk's have a say in all This? NO.
I'm sorry, but, I'll stick to my guns on this issue.
When you talk of "corbin residents", do you mean city limits residents, or what many consider "corbin". I fully believe that most, the majority, of the restaurant tax is paid by "out of city limits residents".
I was at Buckners just the other night. There were several of our friends there, and more came and went through the evening. The house was a little over half full all evening. Of he persons we knew personally, only 4 of them lived in the city limits. The other 10 or so do not. We discussed this restaurant tax, and the issues we have discussed here. Through the evening, our friends made comments on people they knew that were there, or come there often as we do. All of them, and I'm guessing around 30 or so, DO NOT live in the city limits.
Informal poll, yes. One sided, sort of. But, it resulted IN FAVOR of the concept of the tax. More paid that do not live in the city than does. That's money the city wouldn't have received, ever.
Don't use the average income issue on me with regard to people eating out. That is another can of worms we can open in another topic.