Could offer greater potential, if they would fix it up some. Great burgers, but it looks like a dump. Could be a real Corbin attraction if someone would buy it an put some $$ into it.
Had checked out Corbin on this website, and was passing through from Michigan on our way to Florida last week. Decided I had to try this "Root Beer Stand" place, you guys made it sound like a visit to Happy Days - expected to see The Fonz while I was in town. Well, it was pretty awesome, by far the best $1.60 Cheesburger I'd ever had, and easily the best Root Beer I had tasted. Is it an A&W, or was it an A&W at one time?
Thanks for educating us on this place - we will stop everytime we are passing through on I-75.
Glad to see it open for the year, best cheeseburger in town and good rings. Don't know about the other menu items, but I'm sure it's all good, and you can leave without breaking the bank - burger, rings and a soda for around $4. If you are not from Corbin you need to try this place - exit 25, go east about 3 or 4 miles, next to Corbin High School.
Could offer greater potential, if they would fix it up some. Great burgers, but it looks like a dump. Could be a real Corbin attraction if someone would buy it an put some $$ into it.
I agree good burger but you have to buy two to get a quarter pounder so maybe the value isnt so good there. Theres a lot of other places in Corbin that have better burgers and a lot more meat (Certified Black Angus) like Hardies, Wendys etc. I cant understand why the A&W hamburger meat is not bought locally and is ground at Food Fair in London and not here in Corbin. I guess there is a secret to the locals to what is in the meat hmmm but being a local tradition I guess it doesnt matter So here I am another night eating at the A&W staring at the people in there cars in front and on both sides of me trying not to spill my root beer and searching for that onion ring with ketchup that just went down between the console and the seat while junior is finger painting pictures with ketchup on the back seat side windows competing with the screaming kids in the mini van next door. I am thinking life is good when out of the corner of my eye I see my old high school sweet hart holy sheep **** I hope my wife doesnt see her damn she still looks great brings back memories when we would come here get a short Coke and fries then go parking. Well back to reality my gas alarm is going off and the kids are fighting in the back seat I cant believe I am low I just bought 10 gallons two days ago and paid $27.00 I guess running the car to keep the windows un fogged is making this outing pretty expensive, oh what the heck its tradition who cares about summer coming and having to run the air conditioner and fight the flies its a Corbin tradition and by the way I just might get another sneak peak of my old girl friend. Life Is Good
I love going to the Root Beer Stand after I visit the bootlegger and get me a couple of 12 packs. I like to get on the back row and get a cheese burger and fries and set back and drink a dozen. Things get interesting at the stand after 9pm when all the famileys are gone. Thats when the hoe's start comeing in. I can get some young ones in my car by 10 because they know I have something to drink.Me and my buddies in other cars have a great time getting these teen girls drunk KACHING When corbin goes non smoking on restaurants i will have to get me a spot earlier because this will be the only place smokers will be able to drink beer and eat.
I love going to the Root Beer Stand after I visit the bootlegger and get me a couple of 12 packs. I like to get on the back row and get a cheese burger and fries and set back and drink a dozen. Things get interesting at the stand after 9pm when all the famileys are gone. Thats when the hoe's start comeing in. I can get some young ones in my car by 10 because they know I have something to drink.Me and my buddies in other cars have a great time getting these teen girls drunk KACHING When corbin goes non smoking on restaurants i will have to get me a spot earlier because this will be the only place smokers will be able to drink beer and eat.
I believe you are confusing "The Root Beer Stand" with the "In Your Shorts, Place Your Hand" forum you must frequently visit on some another messege board, probably the child preditors list your named on in some other state. I can see where someone of your mental capacity could make the mistake.
I love going to the Root Beer Stand after I visit the bootlegger and get me a couple of 12 packs. I like to get on the back row and get a cheese burger and fries and set back and drink a dozen. Things get interesting at the stand after 9pm when all the famileys are gone. Thats when the hoe's start comeing in. I can get some young ones in my car by 10 because they know I have something to drink.Me and my buddies in other cars have a great time getting these teen girls drunk KACHING When corbin goes non smoking on restaurants i will have to get me a spot earlier because this will be the only place smokers will be able to drink beer and eat.
I believe you are confusing "The Root Beer Stand" with the "In Your Shorts, Place Your Hand" forum you must frequently visit on some another messege board, probably the child preditors list your named on in some other state. I can see where someone of your mental capacity could make the mistake.
I love going to the Root Beer Stand after I visit the bootlegger and get me a couple of 12 packs. I like to get on the back row and get a cheese burger and fries and set back and drink a dozen. Things get interesting at the stand after 9pm when all the famileys are gone. Thats when the hoe's start comeing in. I can get some young ones in my car by 10 because they know I have something to drink.Me and my buddies in other cars have a great time getting these teen girls drunk KACHING When corbin goes non smoking on restaurants i will have to get me a spot earlier because this will be the only place smokers will be able to drink beer and eat.
My mother was a girl in her young years, my wife was a girl when I met her, and my daughters were girls in their young years and now I have granddaughters who are girls. We have enough Imus types who treat women with disrespect calling them cheap names. Some people never grow up. Most people in our Nation are getting fed up with men who treat women with disrespect. Men who disrespect or abuse or intimidate or curse women will have to deal with their creator someday. In fact, all of us will have to deal with our creator someday about the way we treat all people, regardless of sex, color, race, or which ball team they support.
My mother was a girl in her young years, my wife was a girl when I met her, and my daughters were girls in their young years and now I have granddaughters who are girls. We have enough Imus types who treat women with disrespect calling them cheap names. Some people never grow up. Most people in our Nation are getting fed up with men who treat women with disrespect. Men who disrespect or abuse or intimidate or curse women will have to deal with their creator someday. In fact, all of us will have to deal with our creator someday about the way we treat all people, regardless of sex, color, race, or which ball team they support.
Well written. In the south women still get treated like second class citizens. I love the South but I also like to see my wife, daughters, daughter-in-law and granddaughters and other women treated with respect. When you realize that it wasn't until 1921 that women in America got the right to vote you realize that even in our great nation we are slow on some important human issues. We men have made a mess of so many things it is great to see women get a chance to help make the world better.
A friend told me to try the BBQ (pulled pork) sandwich last week, and it was very good. For years I noticed the BBQ on the menu and never tried it, but I was pleasently surprised last week (Had it twice since)
A business friend of mine and I stopped at the Root Beer Stand for lunch last week and we enjoyed it very much. It is great to have this place doing so well.