Pretty amazing what occured at the South Corbin exit December 26-27. Shell, Speedway, Exxon and BP all raised their prices from $1.99 a gallon to $2.23 or $2.24 a gallon overnight - an increase of 12%. Swifty and Circle K (The old Mac's) remained at $1.97, and the North Corbin exit stations all remained at $1.99.
Pretty amazing what occured at the South Corbin exit December 26-27. Shell, Speedway, Exxon and BP all raised their prices from $1.99 a gallon to $2.23 or $2.24 a gallon overnight - an increase of 12%. Swifty and Circle K (The old Mac's) remained at $1.97, and the North Corbin exit stations all remained at $1.99.
I noticed this on Tuesday as well. Today Speedway is up to $2.34 a gallon, Shell and BP remain at $2.24, Swifty and Circle K are at $2.04, .30 less than Speedway.
Usually Lexington is .10 to .20 cents higher than Corbin, but Sunday they were even with Corbin. Williamsburg and London however were .10 to .15 cents higher than Corbin, as usual. Swifty and Circle K continue to be the cheapest.
Take a Look at the Prices now!!!! Unfortunatley the Govt may have to start to regulate these guys, if it's 2.50 today it will be 3.50 this summer, get ready folks. On top of all this our city tax gang is also running wild making it tougher for all of us.
Please don't bash others. I thought the subject was gas prices. Any tax increase is minimal and will benefit the city. Got questions or comments, make your voice heard at your city meetings.
We are all suffering with gas prices. It's especially a bummer in the winter when you have gas heat! Glad spring is right around the corner.
Minimal?????? I live on a fixed income, Cheap Slam? Nothing is cheap anymore and our elected leaders and folks running the show should realize that!
Everytime someone disagree's with you on tax's your feelings seem to get hurt, the economy is tough for folks like me, that includes Gas Prices and everything that is Burdened up on the average person.
Prices have soared locally, just like everywhere. Tax's have risen higher in the last 24 Months than the previous 25 years. Check on that and let me know what you come up with?
I understand. My parents live on a fixed income too. Their only income is their Social Security benefits. But they will pay no occupational tax on that. Retirement income is not subject to the occupational tax. Of course that is a county tax, not a city tax. There was a business license increase last year. But they do not have a business so they are not required to have a business license. If you are on a fixed income I doubt that you pay a business license either. As for the restaurant tax, if you spend 1,000 eating out in a year's time then you would pay an additional 30 bucks. This would be your part in paying for better things in Corbin. Thanks! We all appreciate it.
I didn't say anything about an occupational Tax, nor a Restaurant Tax? You must have those tax's on your mind, you think they are fair by the way?
How about these that may effect us that you did not mention: A new school Tax, a 911 Tax--Still have to pay it as we live in Whitley County so be careful saying one tax is a county tax and one tax is a city tax, any Tax levied by the County court is paid by ALL Whitley County.
And I'll also give you my opinion on the two tax's you just mentioned: How could anyone drop 12 Million Dollars on an expo center that will be supported by anywhere from $200,000-$500,000 each and every year in an area as small as Corbin. 12 Million Dollars would certainly Woo MANY BIG companies to come to our area, right? Not to mention the $500K per year in Tax's needed to keep the Expo Ship afloat.
Maybe the Industrial Board has this kind of money at their disposal and is working toward many new job creations, wonder what their Budget is?????? You know the Answer to this don't you?
... How could anyone drop 12 Million Dollars on an expo center ...
It sounds like your beef might be with the Kentucky General Assembly but I don't think that many of them read this board. You might want to go to Frankfort with your complaint.
... Maybe the Industrial Board has this kind of money at their disposal and is working toward many new job creations, wonder what their Budget is?????? You know the Answer to this don't you?
... A new school Tax, a 911 Tax--Still have to pay it as we live in Whitley County so be careful saying one tax is a county tax and one tax is a city tax, any Tax levied by the County court is paid by ALL Whitley County. ...
You referred to the city tax gang in your post. The City of Corbin did not impose the new school tax or the 911 tax increase.
The School Tax and the 911 fee increase cannot be blamed on Mayor Miller or the City Commissioners. The Mayor and Commissioners have turned Corbin around from a financial deficit two years ago to currently operating in the black. The new mayor, whoever it ends up being, will have an easy transition from citizen to mayor. He will not have to worry about having enough money in the bank to make City payroll or pay City bills like the current Mayor did when he took office.
Any Budget anywhere can be balanced if you have the Tax revenues flowing in, if things are so great why is the Mayor not running again along with Highest Vote getting Commisioner????????? Folks that have done great jobs just don't leave???
President Reagan ask Walter Mondale this in 1984 during his bid for Re-Election " Mr. Mondale, Have you EVER met a Tax you did not like???" I'll ask you the same question, Have you ever met a tax you did not like???
You also mentioned several times that folks are "Bashing", that's called being straight up, it's even worse to try and use a few Tactical/Surgical pieces of Data to misled folks in and area where the Median Income is 20K per year, we can find Grant money for sidewalks around Lynn Camp Creek and 12 Million for a new Expo Center which does not include a subsidy of $300K to $500K per year.
I've been a fiscal conservative forever, your philosophy supports a very liberal democratic agenda of tax & spend. But the strange thing here is most liberals support the poor and a drive to improve those who are at the bottom of he food chain by driving the state and federal Gov to spend money on Industrial development.
I would urge you to think in this direction as we generate these large amounts of money for different Projects in our area, wish we worked as hard trying to land 12 Million to entice Industry, by the way again What is the Industrial Boards Budget? I know you know the answer to this, don't you? I'll bet you know alot about Economic Development in our area, bet I am right?
... we can find Grant money for sidewalks around Lynn Camp Creek and 12 Million for a new Expo Center ...
It sounds like the poster is not for projects that make Corbin look better and possibly could give us a competitive edge. These type of improvements enhance the overall industrial recruitment effort.
You are very correct, I am not for making Corbin "Look" better, I am for adding Value Added Jobs and doing a better job Investing in Industry with 12 Million dollars of Grant Money, and then making Corbin look better.
$300,000 to $500,000 in subsidies for the new expo center???? (For How Long???), How many new jobs again will all this create?? Thaaaaaat's right service sector jobs that do NOT add any new wealth to the area. Go out and bring in GE, Johnson Controls, Dana, Trim Master, Any Tier 1 or 2 supplier from the automotive industry and then I'll tell you this money was wise investment.
If you think Expo Centers and walkways around Lynn Camp creek will get these companies attention then tell the Tin Man & Lion we all said hello on your way through the land of OZ.
Anonymous wrote: ... tell the Tin Man & Lion we all said hello on your way through the land of OZ.
The Wizard of Oz reference brought back memories of that old movie. It also made me think of an article that I read a while back with some Oz references.
This forum is great. I really enjoy reading these comments, especially when there is some well thought out comments and homework behind the posting.
It is easy to let emotional thinking take over logic when it comes to some of these topics. You need a good mix of both, with logic getting the larger share.
... I am for adding Value Added Jobs and doing a better job Investing in Industry with 12 Million dollars of Grant Money, and then making Corbin look better. ...
Do you know of any 12 Million dollar grants out there for this purpose?