Corbin and the surrounding areas would benefit from having a mall of some sort. Most people of the tri-county area travel to Lexington or Knoxville to do their holiday or special occasion shopping. signed, Lisa O.
Corbin and the surrounding areas would benefit from having a mall of some sort. Most people of the tri-county area travel to Lexington or Knoxville to do their holiday or special occasion shopping. signed, Lisa O.
A mall would be awesome. With all of the growth at Corbin's South exit, ie. the movie theater, future civic center, new restaurants, etc. I would say in the next 3-5 years you might see new retail in that part of town.
A mall would be a difficult undertaking in a less-populated area such as Corbin, but with that said, Corbin would be the ideal location to attempt building a mall, if the retail was strong enough to pull people from Jellico, Williamsburg, Barbourville and London.
After traveling to Florida last week down I-75 I noticed towns about the size of ours with very nice outlet malls. I know we personally stopped at one going down and coming back up and bought quite a bit. I go to the outlets in Pigeon Forge a couple of times a year for kids clothing but hat to pay 11% sales tax. This would provide some jobs and get more interstate traffic. I would settle for a Target store!!!!
There are new types of dome constructions available now. Why don't some developers look at one of these type shopping centers on that empty land in front of the Technology Center. Is that land priced so high no one will ever put anything there? That is the problem big time in small towns. A few people get control of all the good sites and then ask for the moon and stars from prospective builder/developers and the land sits there gathering moss. It looks bad to have prime land like that just sit there year after year. Maybe they should make it into a giant center for children's soccer/softball/football/archery/jogging/walking and other recreation events. And when in the world is Corbin going to get a decent library. Those workers at the library are great and do a super job. But why does a cold and icy town like London have a great library facility and Corbin such a small one? Does Corbin have any kind of a plan for the future? Corbin has a chance to be one of the best towns in Eastern Kentucky but they better get going soon or it will be too late for them to reach their potential.
Anonymous wrote: After traveling to Florida last week down I-75 I noticed towns about the size of ours with very nice outlet malls. I know we personally stopped at one going down and coming back up and bought quite a bit. I go to the outlets in Pigeon Forge a couple of times a year for kids clothing but hat to pay 11% sales tax. This would provide some jobs and get more interstate traffic. I would settle for a Target store!
A Target or Home Depot is going to be at the intersection of 192 & 363 next to K-Mart in London. They have removed the house on the property and construction is soon. London has blown by Corbin years ago. There is a lot of talk about making the county wet or annexing Exit 29 if that happens along with getting another exit because of I-66 and will be wet also. Corbin can kiss it's butt good by. Laurel county 4 exits Corbin 1=more taxes on the taxpayer in Corbin and Whitley Co.
People in Corbin complain, but only a small number of them ever vote. They need to start being more aggressive and have higher expectations. It is ridiculous that people living so close to downtown Corbin pay all their taxes to Laurel County. And people in Tatersall would be much better off if they were incorporated in to Corbin. That would give Corbin more clout, and clout is what gets things done. It is amazing Corbin does as well as it does with the east side of town carved off into Knox County, the south side of Corbin in Whitley County that helps only Williamsburg, and the north part of Corbin pouring money into Laurel County. Why does Corbin continue to tip toe around timidly and refuses to file suit to get the right to incorporate in more than two counties? Show some guts Whitley County! Many Corbin people would rather have a Republican from Williamsburg than a Democrat with more experience from Corbin. Shame, shame, shame. And shame on Corbin for not filing suit against Knox County to get their rightful share of the occupational tax in that county. The people don't seem to give a hoot, and the local leaders are afraid to stand up for their rights. If you are going to sit there just like paint on a wall, quit crying about it.
Merry Christmas and best wishes to all the people of the Tri-County area. Let's all commit to working together in the new year of 2007, and encourage and support our newly elected area leaders as they take office next month. We are all in the same boat together, and when good things happen in one of our communities or counties it helps all of us.
I compliment Laurel County on the success they have had these past several years. The teamwork between the people of London and the people of Laurel County is a key factor in their growth. Corbin and Barbourville in Knox County, and Corbin and Williamsburg in Whitley County need to become close allies in seeking to improve the quality of life for all our people. A good quality of life is critical in attracting new business and helping our local businesses to grow and expand. We are blessed with excellent educational systems. We are becoming more diverse and it is very healthy for us to have new people come to our area who can help make us stronger and more effective.
Best wishes to all of you. Losing an election is not fun, but it was fun to get around and meet many people and to share our dreams and aspirations for our area.
Congratulations to Mrs. Myer(formerly Moore) on her selectiion to be the Downtown Director of the City of Corbin's revitalization effort. She has had excellent experience in Lexington and grew up in this area. We wish her great success in her role in helping our community.
Don"t know anything about Mrs. Myer but all that I hear is good. What Corbin has always needed is someone who has beeen elsewhere with interest in this area. My recommindation to her is to do what is to keep in contact with our new Mayor and report accordingly.
I realize that her job is not in sales of our area but she certainly can assist. That's what we have needed , a person who can gather info on this area and make it salable. Good luck Mrs. Myer, but with the current people you will have to work with, it would be hard to sell a pencil on a street corner. Those who you will be working with only have one agenda - EGO!
Good luck and make every effort to document everything done to file and to Mr. McBurney. He is a good man who is not intimidated and wants what is good for Corbin.
I believe in our area the only type of mall that might be successful would be a well designed outlet mall on property adjacent to Corbin's South exit, offering the typical GAP/Ralph Lauren/Nike type outlet stores, and attracting not only regional shoppers but capitalizing on the high traffic volume on I-75.
I agree with the last post, that an outlet type mall could survive with the right stores and support. Next, where could it go? South Corbin of course, but where.
Right now, Trademart has many empty store fronts, and that doesn't look good.