Very strange how Kentucky enforces laws like this one... they don't. I keep hearing that a lawsuit must be filed. Why? Does Frankfort create these laws just so they can be ignored when it comes to enforcement?
A message to Some Political Candidates "One of the worst mistakes made is interfering and or getting involved in other races" When your in a very close race yourself and interfere along with openly supporting other candiates this could cost you your own election!
Some races have been ran before were very close in the past, get folks upset and you'll find yourself out of the office your running for.
As a citizen of this area I don't know who you are talking about. Your comments sound like a threat which means you want to control other elections in the area by threatiening the Mayoral candidate. Sounds like you are one of the county bosses who wants to control everything.
Yeah, I agree. I wonder if the votes will even be tallied now that there are only two? Does this force the actual race in to November and make the Primary null & void???
Novermber will prove to be very interesting. I think Willard is a wonderful man as well as Dr. Perry, but don't think that either is what our town needs at this town. Willard sits on the fence about the alcohol issue and wants to decorate downtown. Dr. Perry is a smart guy with good intentions, but time is limited due to busines responsibilities. We need a leader that can lead not follow the group of commissioners and Bill Ed. We are in desperate need of a true leader and change.....
Unfortunatley the race is set and speculation about what we need will have to wait till the next race in 4-Years. Great point but your gonna have to pick or Not Vote which is even worse.
Look back at the Corbin This Week about 3-4 Editions ago, a Great Interview with McBurney, Perry & Smith at the time. Read it, pretty much spells out where they stand on all of the Major City Issues.
My concern is people in it for the wrong reasons or doing it via peer presure. In my opinion I am thrilled with Bob Terrell and David Myers that are running here are 2 outstanding citizens that are running for offices not for the notarity or money but purely for the love of the community and wanting to see it prosper... I hope they will both be victorious in November.
get over it that issue is old. the thing we need to worry is who is the better more qualified person. Dr.Perry is going to do the right thing and not be in any bodies pocket
What issue are you referring To? That Perry does not reside in the City? I think you need to tell the voters of Corbin who is living at 426 Mcneil Corn Creek Road. Does Perry Have a twin Brother that may be residing here. Maybe You could tell us?
Seems to me some factions are afraid that Dr. Perry will run the city like it is suppose to be done. (according to what the paper article said) I think that scares some groups who feel they will not be able to lead him. Corbin is a city manager form of government. Isn't it? Redhound 68
Who do you think is the voting body of the city? Who leads and makes crucial decisions on industry? Come on Redhound 68 surely your smarter than this. Is the Perry gang now going to try and convince voters that the Mayor and City Commisssioners really don't have to do anything? YOUR CANDIDATE Dont even live in the City! Why should we the citizens of Corbin support someone who don't even care if he really lives in the city or not.
it's time to fess up and tell voters why you keep ducking the issue of who lives at 426 Mcneil Corn Creek Road.
I just got my New bell South phone book,I urge everyone that reads this to look up where TRUMAN PERRY resides. Folks, can we trust these indiviguals if they get into office?
Correct this if it is wrong. All posters that say Doc Perry Doesn"t have time for this job. Your 2 mayors before had other jobs - Williamson was a fulltime drug rep. and Miller was a truant officer in Knox school system. You could drive by city hall in the late afternoons and see their vehicles. Ithink the voters will be the deciding factor. On the issue of where Doc perry lives, word on the street is that the lawsuits that were filed were dropped on that issue because they could not prove that.. I cant vote for either one, but wish both good luck in the election.......
I WILL CORRECT YOU.You evidently do not read very well. First on the Lawsuit that was filed against Perry.According to newspaper info with Perry"s own attorney saying this was a dispute between physicians.This case was dropped.THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A CASE TRIED AND DISMISSED ON PERRY LIVING OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS.Anyone can sign up and run for anything and live anywhere as long as they dont get legally challenged.
Either you are trying to spin this or you just dont know much about what is going on in our city!
Being a physician and seeing 100 patients a day is a whole lot different than what SCOTTY OR AMOS has done. And then again, who has said that perry really does not have the Time.
Where do you come up with this fantasy land talk about posters and word on the street?
I would have to say I have always been a McBurney supporter for Mayor. However until last night. I watched the replay of the debate. Looked similar to Nixon and Kennedy!! I realize not everyone is a public speaker -- but you need to be as mayor. I certainly think education pays and shows when speaking in public. Willard has the desire I just don't know if he has what it takes to stand up to "the gang." Dr. Perry seems to be the man that is going to do what the people want and what is best for the city. If I was going to bring industry to this town would I want a man that is going to "redecorate"?? I guess we need to look at the fact that Truman has actually lived somewhere other than Corbin -- he certainly brings more to the table regardless of where he resides... this will certainly be an intersting race and one that the voters should vote based on popularity.
I think you just forgot one very Important point, the LAW says you MUST reside in the city! If this were not the case you would people from all over the nation come in and decide to run for office. No question Nationwide we could find very well educated people but unfortunatley they usually do not have the best interest of the city or county they are elected to represent.
I also know Dr. Perry, if you think he is a polished speaker you must have not been at the same forum. the only professional speaker within 500 Miles was Bob Terrell, who really is good at Public Speaking.
You also have to meet people, politic and run an Aggressive Campaign. Dr. Perry has hurt himself here, his supporters seem to be doing all of the talking. No Radio ads from the Doctor, Nothing in the Newspapers, No walking the Downtown Major Precicnts (Central, South, City Hall) No Mailing Info, Has not shown up at Pie Suppers, Fund Raising Drives, I could go on and on.
This does not sound or act like a candidate who wants to win, I seriously doubt Dr. Perry could have succesfully defeated anybody.
You have to WANT to win. The Dr does not want it & McBurney does.