Question for everyone: What is your opinion's on three very interesting Races: Sherrifs Race? Hodge Or Moses? Circuit Clerks Race? Barton Or Shutz County Clerks Race? Lawson Or Schwartz Or Faulkner Three very interesting Races, which is the most heated?
I don't live in the area, just visit frequently. What I hear is that in the Circuit Court Clerk race, there was only a 2 vote margin last time, but that Linda Schutz had strong support in South Whitley County and did not have the Corbin/North Whitley vote. This year she appears to have picked up additional support in the South, and appears to have picked up enourmous support in Corbin/North Whitley that she did not have in the last election.
It is ashamed that Pat White Jr. is not going to participate in the upcoming political forums held in Corbin and Williamsburg.
Why should we the Republicans of Whitley County support a guy who could careless whether he talks to us about issues or not. This county is over 20 million Dollars in debt and Jr has no plan to get us out.
I as a faithfull republican have come to the conclusion late in this ball game that BOB TERRELL is the best choice for this job.Yes he is a Democrat but he has a plan to lead us out of this terrible situation all of us are in in Whitley County. From what I have read in newspaper articles Terrells experience far outweighs anything that Pat Jr., has to offer us. I'm switching over this time.
Look for Bob Terrell to crush Pat White in Corbin, Mr. White should have showed up to at least defend himself at the forum. He now may be starting to lose ground within even his county base and in W'burg. If he slips in the Burg and Terell wins in Corbin and the surrounding areas Mr. White may find himself in a very close race.
With the County now in 20+ Million dollars worth of debt folks you better turn this job over to Bob Terrell or you may find yourselves amoung the highest Taxed Counties in the Eastern US!
I heard the new fiscal court members and the old fiscal court members along with former Judge Executive Mike Patrick met today in order that Patrick could give them the benefit of some of his experience and great success prior to his deserved promotion to the Fletcher-Nighbert Team in Frankfort. Its good to see all these fellows climbing into bed together to continue the Whitley County government we all deserve so much.