Anyone think the current Gas Prices might bring the President and his party down or will the Voters say this would have happened regardless of who was President?? is this an Election year Major Issue or Not?
I think Bush's ties to the Oil industry, his lack of alternative fuel initiatives, the Billions of dollars in tax breaks that this administration gives to the Oil Companies, easing the fuel effeciency rules for the auto industry, as well as the record profits the Oil Companies are raking in, could spell doom for Republicans.
As a republican, I view the Republican platform of the past two elections being run on supposed moral superiority, and the abortion issue. It is a republican congress and president, yet what have they done about the abortion issue? Not a thing, nor will they... it's all talk.
As far as morals, well, I don't think this message board has enough room on it. I think the republican party has lost its morals and ethics, hasn't done a thing to help the average person, and is only interested in helping the wealthy. I will be switching to either indepentant or democrat.
Abramhoff, Delay, Cunningham, Libby, Rove, Cheney, Bush and team. Gasoline and medical costs, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Lebanon, export of US jobs, budget deficit, global warming, stem cell research to help suffering people. I can't think of anything that is better since 2001. Can you?
Abramhoff, Delay, Cunningham, Libby, Rove, Cheney, Bush and team. Gasoline and medical costs, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Lebanon, export of US jobs, budget deficit, global warming, stem cell research to help suffering people. I can't think of anything that is better since 2001. Can you?
Not to mention Bin Laden, Guantonamo, Katrina relief, Blastfamy, eavsdropping, the phone record database, tracking financial transactions of American citizens, greatly increased poverty, subsidies for luxury SUVs, Carlyle, Halliburton, Ann Coulter, prescription drugs, and Social Security.
Failure to raise minimum wage from $5.15. It has been nine years since the minimum wage was raised. Every year Congress get its raise, but not the lowest paid people in America. Also add a failed secret energy program that was handled by Cheney. Reduced support for law enforcement and a reduction in support of our veterans are also the mark of this administration. I agree, there isn't anything that is better since this group was launched in 2001.
I can't believe it has been nine years since the miinimum wage was increased. Are you sure this is correct? I thought Bush got that increased last year.
Strange there are NO Democrats listed in this Bush Bashing party?? No doubt these guys have made some massive mistakes BUT our friends the Democrats had 8 years under Bill Clinton to deal with several of these home front issues and did nothing, Gov in general is a mess and needs a massive overhaul! NO MORE LOBBYIST to start with!
On the Middle East, I have been there several times, they hate Democrats as Bad as Republicans, no matter who is in the WH be prepared to fight these guys.
They might hate Democrats and Republicans equally, but they hate Bush, like the rest of the world does, even more. The worst President in U.S. History, bar none.
Bush has not acted alone, our Gov is made up of MANY Senators & Conressman who gave him the Green Light on almost every move he has made. I see NO Alternate plan from the Democrats, Independents, Republicans. The Congress APPROVES ALL money that is spent, look how your Senators from Ky voted, look how your Congressional Team voted, that's who you need to also be upset with.
The Executive Branch is only 1/3 of the Power of the nation, the Chief Executive can do NOTHING without Congressional money being made available, that takes Your Senators and Congressman to give the green light.
Abramhoff, Delay, Cunningham, Libby, Rove, Cheney, Bush and team. Gasoline and medical costs, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Lebanon, export of US jobs, budget deficit, global warming, stem cell research to help suffering people. I can't think of anything that is better since 2001. Can you?
Hey, now just wait just a doggone minute. I don't like this type of slanderous assault on our President, the leader of the greatest and most powerful nation in the world. He's a Christian for gosh sakes - I know he is because he says he is.
I have read financials on several companies, such as Halliburton, and their employee bonuses, 401K and stock options have done wonders during this robust economy we have enjoyed - I know it's robust because the President says it is.
I also read somewhere about a guy who has a relative that works for Exxon/Mobile, and stating that because of this strong economy, that Exxon/Mobile has enjoyed the greatest profits in U.S. History. Now he and his wife get to visit his relative in Tahiti, St. Lucia or any of his 5 resort homes. How can you question this administration?
In fact, the economy is so good for everybody, just look at the top most profitable companies:
Exxon Mobil was at the top with 36 Billion in profits, followed by Royal Dutch Shell (25.3 billion dollars); Citigroup (24.6 billion dollars); BP (22.3 billion dollars); Bank of America (16.5 billion); General Electric (16.4 billion) and HSBC Holdings (15.9 billion). Trailing close behind are the Drug Companies.
See, it just goes to show what happens when you strongly support this administration. All of these industries strongly supported this president in the past elections by giving huge campaign contributions, and look at them today. In fact, their Billions in profits can more than make up for the thousands of failing business and millions of people thrown into poverty - just look at the economic figures - everything is great. I know it's great because the President says it is.
It's a free economic system we enjoy, and those that take advantage of others can prosper under this administration - I know this because the President not only says it, he follows through on it.
My My--------------------I would assume ALL of these folks and companies you mention are 100% Republican?? Many Manny Many of ALL parties have enjoyed those massive profits you so eloquently describe.
One more time, the OTHER parties have stood silent while this Administration did anything it wanted, so when you list Exxon/Mobile and several other big corps, look at their Lobby List and see who accepted their money??
That's right folks from both Parties are woven and wound so tightly that NO one in Gov is poised to do anything. I think we could have President Anybody up there and little would change, the laws and the way we govern must drasticaly change in order to stop this madness, be careful and do not get caught up in each parties game of manipulating there flocks minds, when you compare the two there is VERY little difference.
Maybe an Independent will rise up who is not afraid to break some china?
No matter how slimy members from both sides are, it all starts at the top. McCain would have been a much better choice for Republicans in 2000.
Here's another one for the archives.
Specter prepping bill to sue Bush
By LAURIE KELLMAN, Associated Press Writer Mon Jul 24, 7:20 PM ET
WASHINGTON - A powerful Republican committee chairman who has led the fight against President Bush's signing statements said Monday he would have a bill ready by the end of the week allowing Congress to sue him in federal court.
"We will submit legislation to the United States Senate which will...authorize the Congress to undertake judicial review of those signing statements with the view to having the president's acts declared unconstitutional," Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said on the Senate floor.
Specter's announcement came the same day that an American Bar Association task force concluded that by attaching conditions to legislation, the president has sidestepped his constitutional duty to either sign a bill, veto it, or take no action.
Bush has issued at least 750 signing statements during his presidency, reserving the right to revise, interpret or disregard laws on national security and constitutional grounds.
"That non-veto hamstrings Congress because Congress cannot respond to a signing statement," said ABA president Michael Greco. The practice, he added "is harming the separation of powers."
Bush has challenged about 750 statutes passed by Congress, according to numbers compiled by Specter's committee. The ABA estimated Bush has issued signing statements on more than 800 statutes, more than all other presidents combined.
Signing statements have been used by presidents, typically for such purposes as instructing agencies how to execute new laws.
But many of Bush's signing statements serve notice that he believes parts of bills he is signing are unconstitutional or might violate national security.
Still, the White House said signing statements are not intended to allow the administration to ignore the law.
"A great many of those signing statements may have little statements about questions about constitutionality," said White House spokesman Tony Snow. "It never says, 'We're not going to enact the law.'"
Specter's announcement intensifies his challenge of the administration's use of executive power on a number of policy matters. Of particular interest to him are two signing statements challenging the provisions of the USA Patriot Act renewal, which he wrote, and legislation banning the use of torture on detainees.
The Article you just posted is missing two Paragraphs, the REST of the Article quotes Senator Cornyn (Texas-R) who was a Judge also, just like Mr. Specter, he says this prcatice is perfectly Legal!!! Presidents have been doing this forever! President Clinton did this Hundreds of times, no difference here, Specter is just crying a little!
Your beef here should be with the Democrats, being one myself I can not believe our party switched over and put Bush in the WH again, Ky which is register 2.5 to 1 with Democrats in control gave Bush a Big win????????????????????????????????????? WHY?
We got what we got because WE the Democrats put him in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was the article I read online - I believe from the Atlanta Constitution's website. I did not see the other two paragraphs you are referring to, I either missed a 2nd page or it was omitted on their website story.
Two points: First, if you want to apply some significance to the simple number of signing statements a president has used such as in the statement, “President Clinton did this Hundreds of times”, I would point out that George W. Bush has already exceeded Clinton’s number of signing statements and still has 2 1/2 years of his presidency left in which to use even more. Also, I would point out that simply counting the number of signing statements used by a president does not indicate the number of them that were used to circumvent the law being signed, as with George W Bush’s signing statement about the McCain Anti-Torture bill. The US Department of Justice’s web site has a very thorough document analyzing the different ways that signing statements have been and are used. Available Here,
You can blame the democrats for voting for him, but blame the republicans for nominating him. He drove every business he was associated with into the ground, but people for some reason buy into the "Moral Superiority" nonsense he spews. Bush, in a blastfomous manner I might add, throws his scripted religious comments around like a frisbee but uses his religion in a very non-christian-like way.
What has he, along with his so-called "Conservative" congress, done about abortion? Not a thing. What has he done to help the average person? I'll ask this again, what has he done to help the average person? Not a thing. To help the poor? Not a thing. No minimum wage increase in ten years (when Clinton was in office). No Healthcare program. His perscription drug plan only helped his buddys at the Drug Companies.
We got what we got because WE the Democrats put him in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree, Democrats did, along with Women, African-American and College Student voters. These individuals were some of the most vocal and had the most to lose with this administration, and their voter turnout numbers were poor.
Not voting was practically as bad as voting for Bush.
You can blame the democrats for voting for him, but blame the republicans for nominating him. He drove every business he was associated with into the ground, but people for some reason buy into the "Moral Superiority" nonsense he spews. Bush, in a blastfomous manner I might add, throws his scripted religious comments around like a frisbee but uses his religion in a very non-christian-like way.
Sorry Pal, the Republicans can nominate anyone they see fit, us Democrats have to take care of our own party. Maybe we Nominated the wrong guy?
Once again as another Poster has said, look at all the College Students, Minorities many folks who usually vote Democratic did not vote at all. No question your mad at Bush and he certainly is not a good president, but the fault lies in our own party.
One last point, this coming Election is our best bet to get rid of several of these Bush Backers, but our own party seems to have no message and is not generating a good counter-offensive to get back in power, Howard Dean is babbling Buffoon and does not help our party!!!
I'm no where near as upset with Bush as I am our own party for crossing over in Massive numbers and electing him NOT once but Twice!
Also, I would point out that simply counting the number of signing statements used by a president does not indicate the number of them that were used to circumvent the law being signed, as with George W Bush’s signing statement about the McCain Anti-Torture bill. The US Department of Justice’s web site has a very thorough document analyzing the different ways that signing statements have been and are used.
Wow--Some Two Dollar words. Let's break down this Paragraph:
How many were used to Circumvent the Law?, tell me the exact number and what Constitutional Laws were Violated? If Laws are being Violated then why hasn't the Justice Department, House, Senate acted for the past 6 Years. Probably the same reason they did not act when the other 50 presidents or so did the same thing.
Your making Statements that in fact say that you are POSITVE US Constitutional Law has been broken, are you an attorney? I have read your web link and it clearly states as Senator Cornyn (R-Texas) did that these things are in a very grey area. It's true Bush has signed more than Clinton but Clinton signed several that did almost these same things, Bush has just did it a little more.
Let's face it Bush is conducting Business his own way, no question we all Dis-Agree!!!!!!!! Tell our Democratic friends to STOP voting for these guys!!!
"the number of them that were used to circumvent the law" You know this for a fact or did you just read it somewhere, just a question.
Anonymous wrote: I can't believe it has been nine years since the miinimum wage was increased. Are you sure this is correct? I thought Bush got that increased last year.
The only thing Bush has increased is the deficit. The minimum wage is $5.15 an hour, or $10,712 annually based on a 40-hour work week.
Here is the latest on our "More for the Rich, less for the average person" congress.
Democrats cry foul on minimum wage 'trick'
Failed bill for hourly wage hike was tied to estate tax cut
Saturday, August 5, 2006; Posted: 11:07 a.m. EDT (15:07 GMT) Saturday, August 5, 2006; Posted: 11:07 a.m. EDT (15:07 GMT)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A failed Republican attempt to tie an estate-tax cut to the first federal minimum wage increase in nearly a decade was "political blackmail" and the result of "cynical politics," Sen. Ken Salazar, D-Colorado, said Saturday.
"Working Americans deserve a raise, but congressional Republicans keep giving them political tricks," Salazar said in the Democrats' weekly radio address. "We need a new direction for America, and a new Congress that works for our common good."
The Senate on Thursday rejected, 56-42, legislation that would have cut estate taxes and raised the hourly minimum wage to $7.25 from $5.15 over three years. Senators needed 60 votes to advance the bill, which passed the House last week.
Democrats, who generally supported increasing the minimum wage but opposed the cost of the bill's estate tax package, criticized Republicans for using the minimum wage to push a tax break for the wealthy.
Salazar said the bill was an example of tactics Republicans have used for the last six years. "I came to Washington to focus on America's great challenges, but that has not been possible in the 'do-nothing Congress' we have today," he said.
"Washington Republicans have done little to address the real problems facing our country. And when they have taken action, the results have made America less safe, and the middle class of America has been forgotten."
As lawmakers headed home for the August recess -- many to campaign for the November elections -- Salazar argued that voters need to oust the Republican-controlled Congress.
Democrats are committed to improving national security and finding solutions to "shared challenges" by reducing reliance on foreign oil, raising the minimum wage and finding a solution to the broken health care system, Salazar said.
"Together, Democrats will change the current course of America and take our great nation in a new direction of peace, hope and prosperity," he said.
Democrats are committed to improving national security and finding solutions to "shared challenges" by reducing reliance on foreign oil,
MMMM---Clinton & Gore had 8 Years to do this, what happened? Did we all of a sudden become dependent on Foreign Oil 6.5 years ago when Bush took office.
Maybe you should go back and post all those Newspaper Articles from the Mid-90's , you recall, from the Clinton Administration, remember???
I believed we covered these Oil Topics back then and also covered National Security, sorta like when those guys were blowing up the USS Cole & The Failed attempt on the Trade Centers, you do remember that don't you?
Democrats are not doing anything, matter of fact they won't eeven ELECT their own folks.
Democrats are committed to improving national security and finding solutions to "shared challenges" by reducing reliance on foreign oil,
MMMM---Clinton & Gore had 8 Years to do this, what happened? Did we all of a sudden become dependent on Foreign Oil 6.5 years ago when Bush took office.
Bush came into office and in 2001 slashed federal spending on energy efficiency and renewable energy by 40%. At the same time, he gave big oil billions in tax breaks.
Show me the facts where this money was cut from the Federal Budget and I'll agree to show you excerpts from the Presidents Energy Policy that says he will wean us off foreign oil just like his predessors, I also throw in President Reagan's, Carters, Clinton's Energy Policies in (Very Simliar). I'll even go one deeper and provide you a list of both Democrats & Republican who TOOK BIG OIL Campain contributions over the last 25 years.
Look closely at the Democrats who took this money during Clintons 8 years, it looks just like the Bush years, same folks.
Google This search and you'll find what you need, I'll even show you the Gov web link if you want.
My point is they are all doing the same thing, no difference at all in their behavior over the last 25 years. Strong Democrats & Republicans on both sides are very good at making their "Blame the Other Party" cases. Look close, no difference.
The term "Conservative" seems to be taking quite a hit these days - Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Abramhoff, Delay, Cunningham, Libby, Rove, and now Mark Foley, the next candidate to buy the Neverland Ranch. It is a good thing that Foley is a Conservative - otherwise he would be a sinner. According to most Conservatives such as Ann Coulter, George Bush, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and FOX news (and a few high profile people around Corbin), conservatives are on the "Moral High Road" and don't screw around on their spouses, cheat their companies (or communities), don't hate or kill, and are not greedy, and because they "say" they are "Conservatives" they are on an unblocked road to heaven.
You know what they say about those that "talk the talk" but don't "walk the walk", or don't practice what they preach. I've learned that people of faith live it, they don't just blab it.
Ann Coulter's follow up book to "Godless Liberals" is due out soon and should be entitled "Hypocritical, Blasphemous Conservatives".
Not saying the Dems have any higher moral standards, it's just that our Republican party acts like they are morally superior to everyone, which in today's political environment is a lot of crap. We can't use Clinton as our excuse to act like a bunch of greedy, self-serving idiots. We need our party's "Conservative" leaders to cut the crap and practice what they always seem to preach, and to actually take the moral high ground, not just talk it.
Minimum wage is a great example - tie it to a tax break for the rich or it doesn't get passed - one of MANY great examples.