This morning VP Dick Cheney, the brain behind our puppet President GW Bush, appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press". After watching his performance I believe he is a candidate for ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" - he can spin, shuffle and waltz his way through a yes and no question as well as anyone - but his 6-year act of lies, condradiction and self-agenda and is getting very stale. This guy would (and probably could) sell candy to a diabetic if he and his friends could profit from it.
If you want to watch some Comedic Dance, Meet the Press will be repeated on MSNBC Sunday night at 6pm & 10pm, Monday morning at 1am, and probably on both MSNBC and CNBC throughout the week.
If you have a prom, dance or upcomong BS session, you will want to watch, maybe even TIVO this edition of Meet the Press - Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers would be proud.
Shame, shame. You know he can't dance with that Double Cheese Whopper and Biggie Fry gut of his, plus his profits from the war are overloading his wallet. It's more like a waddle.
Glad I caught it Sunday night. Cheney must think we are all a bunch of simple minded idiots. He didn't answer Russert's questions, and Russert buried him. Its a bad (and embarressing) time to be a Republican - sorry we voted for these bums.
NBC offers a webcast of the show at the link below - I recommend everyone watch it.
The term "Conservative" seems to be taking quite a hit these days - Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Abramhoff, Delay, Cunningham, Libby, Rove, and now Mark Foley, the next candidate to buy the Neverland Ranch. It is a good thing that Foley is a Conservative - otherwise he would be a sinner. According to most Conservatives such as Ann Coulter, George Bush, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and FOX news (and a few high profile people around Corbin), conservatives are on the "Moral High Road" and don't screw around on their spouses, cheat their companies (or communities), don't hate or kill, and are not greedy, and because they "say" they are "Conservatives" they are on an unblocked road to heaven.
You know what they say about those that "talk the talk" but don't "walk the walk", or don't practice what they preach. I've learned that people of faith live it, they don't just blab it.
Ann Coulter's follow up book to "Godless Liberals" is due out soon and should be entitled "Hypocritical, Blasphemous Conservatives".
VP Cheney is in the mud again up to his ears. Libby is the fall guy for Cheney and Rove to keep the scandal away from Pres. Bush. This is the worst group we have had in power in the histroy of our Nation. They make Nixon look like a Choir Boy.
Make Nixon look like a Choir Boy?????? No question Cheney & Libby are a Mess but your way way off Target when comparing what Nixon & Company were doing to what this Libby Messs is.
Libby is a Low Level Guy here, not even the one that outed the CIA Agent, do you even know the charges. If convicted it will be very Minor, more Marketing an Politicking than anything.
Your comparision to the Watergate Break in is plain Silly.
President Nixon and his group committed very poor judgment and deserved his fate. But he did not get us into a war over phony allegations about WMD, and did not come up with a scheme to disclose the identity of a CIA agent. Nixon made mistakes in covering up a breakin, and the Bush-Cheney team has distorted the truth and gotten us into the biggest mess that will take years, loads of money, and more deaths of our courageous men and women fighting in this war. This is just one incident in a long list of corruption, distortion, and deception. I will always respect Richard Nixon more than I respect Bush-Cheney. Nixon served his country in World WarII, while Bush and Cheney did everything they could do to stay home from Vietnam. Nixon served as President Eisenhower's VP two terms, and made some good progress in a number of areas. And when he screwed up he finally had the courage to resign. We have the Bush-Cheney team who can't face reality even when the independent study group gives them some good ideas. The Republican Party has some fine people in the Senate and House and they have become dismayed at the way they have been leading our nation so poorly. You may call it silly but I believe the Cheney-Libby Fiasco is just a tip of the iceburg of this administration. It will take a long time to get over this.
How did Saddam Hussein use Chemical weapons and kill thousands of Kerds? Why were Chemical weapons gas mask found by our own troops when we went into Iraq? Why did Bill Clinton say that he thought they had them to when he was President? To say this is Phony is pretty unrealistic based on the amount of Chemical Gas that was used on these folks'. Just because we did not find large amounts of WMD, does not mean that they were not there. These criminals had plenty of time to get rid of their WMD"S based on the warnings they had i'm sure from other rogue countries with high intelligence such as Russia. Where are these large Wmd's who knows, maybe another rogue country does. You may claim that Bush went in with Phony plans, but you go tell the Relatives of all these People that were Gased that this was all Phony. Go tell the people of Iraq who are free now that Bush had Phony plans, see if they don't kick you. Freedom always wins,CHEAP TALK doesn't get you anywhere. Just ask your friend, JOHN KERRY!
Do you say the people in Iraq are free now? 2,000 Iraqis a month are getting killed and a lot more wounded But my concern is for our troops we have over there in the middle of a civil war.Our brave troops don't know who are their friends and who are their enemies.
Bush says we can't pull out because it would create chaos. There is already chaos and we are spending billions of dollars each year and losing precious lives daily. World War II was fought all over the world and lasted just over 4 years. We have been in a country with no air power, no sea power, for four years and things are getting worse. Let's all pray for our troops.
Are you saying that you do not want democracy for the people of Iraq? Do you not believe there was a major sacrifice in Vietnam as well. In your opinion, do you think Vietnam was a just war? Do you think that more troops have been lost in Iraq than Vietnam? Or are you old enough to remember? This ain't nothing Pal to what happened in Vietnam. Sometimes you have to sacrifice for Freedom. Yes, I do believe that those people are free from the Lunatic that was using Chemical and Gas on alot of those people. You never did answer the question, did you on WMD"S. I agree, we need to pray for those troops.But when they here people like you running their mouths about our commander in chief, and the reason you give, doesn't give them much encouragement in time of war. Next time you run into one of our great troops who is sacrificing over there, tell them what you think about Bush's plan that they are currently in and see how far you get with them in your conversation. Like i said, TALK IS CHEAP. These are the Heros who sacrifice their lives for Democracy. You can use the old WMD"S classic nod on the President if you want. But, again, ask those folk's who were under the Sadam regime if they are free? And the relatives of the ones who died from Chemical Gas attacks! I believe that we should have quadrupled the number of troops in order to get the job done, and then get the Hay out. If they cannot develop a Democracy, then we give it our best shot.
You CAN be against the war and the pres and his policies, and you CAN be in support of the troops.
Yes you can.
The problem is, we can't figure out HOW to get out of this one. Speaking of VietNam, when we left, they fell about 2 years later. That's what the pres is afraid will happen. And if Iraq falls to the extremeists, or Iran, or a combination of all the radical countries, what then.
That's the problem.
But, as a vetran, don't tell me you can't be against the war or the pres, and be FOR the troops. The troops know this too.
I respect your opinion. The difference is the Troops believe in their commander in Chief, and what they are doing. You do not! That however is your right and opinion. My question to you is , Tell your views to someone you see that has been serving, or is currently serving in the military and see what kind of reaction you get. You can't have it both ways. If you do not support the decision of the President, then how can you support what the troops are doing? They are fighting for Democracy. Do you not support Democracy? Speaking with Forked tongues will never get you anywhere. Again, if you don't believe in the cause, how can you say your for the troops. What would you tell a military hero, yeah I'm for you but i don't believe in what you and the President are doing over there? This in my Opinion sounds like clever double talk just because you don't like the President.
This war is a mess for sure. But if we pull out now, oh, excuse me, "redeploy the troops" now, we may as well kiss our rears goodbye because these people are coming to town. Soon. I would put my head in the sand and wish this war would go away, too, if I thought it would do any good. Americans had better get on the same page and support our commander-in-chief, or we'll be duck taping our doors closed.
Again, Nibroc fan, The Troops are carrying out the presidents policies, Correct. So to say you suppport the Troops and not the Presidents policies is Double Talk. The Troops are fighting for Democracy-Correct. So if one says they support the Troops, who are carrying out the work or direct orders from Commander in chief, then you support what the commander in Chief is doing, would you agree. This is only common Sense. Just like the last poster said, Americans better get on the same page and support our commander in chief whether you like him or not.
How did our ancestors beat England and make it possible to have a democracy? They wanted it and bled and died for it and did it themselves. England's leaders thought they could put the colonies down in about three months. They believed the greatest Navy in the World and the well trained and well equipped Army could impose their will on the rag tag Army of the Potomac led by General Washington. But the courageous citizens in our colonies would not be denied and they would no longer be subject to the rule of the King and Parliment.
We are trying to impose a Democracy in a land that is beset with religious war and hatred. Our courageous troops don't know who is their enemy and who is their friend. We have put them in the middle of a civil war.
Our leaders have not been truthful to us. They have not provided our troops with the equipment they need to fight in that part of the world. We should make every effort to win the War on Terrorism, but instead we are in the middle of an internal war among religious sects who hate each other.
Did we, here in America not go through a civil war as well several hundred years ago. Was Abraham Lincoln a bad guy in your mind? There are some here in America that I am sure the troops do not know who their friends are or their enemies when they here the double talk from a lot. If you say you support them, then tell us exactly what you are supporting. What specific type of Special supernatural equipment are you refering too that they don't have to fight that part of the world? This is the middle East??? Are they that advanced that you know something that they don't have.You need to get in touch with some top military leaders and inform them of this type of special equipment you recommend. Israel is a democracy, and have fought these crazies for years. A taste of freedom can go along way. Just ask Mr. Gorbachev former leader of Russia! Before, you guys were using the old WMD'S excuse! Now you are crying fowl about the Equipment. These Brave men and women believe in what they are fighting for. They believe in their commander in chief. They are carrying out the policies and direct orders given to them. so for you to say you don't support the commander in Chief's policies, and say you support the troops, this doesn't make sense. United we stand, divided we fall.
President Lincolln was a great President. But when we had our Civil War some Nation from across the seas didn't come in and try to get us to use their form of government. It was the American people fighting each other. Right now in Iraq there are four religious groups fighting and we are right in the middle of it. Our troops won the war quickly but Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld did not have a plan to maintain security. Now all sides in Iraq have us in the middle of their civil war.
Anonymous wrote: Again, Nibroc fan, The Troops are carrying out the presidents policies, Correct. So to say you suppport the Troops and not the Presidents policies is Double Talk. The Troops are fighting for Democracy-Correct. So if one says they support the Troops, who are carrying out the work or direct orders from Commander in chief, then you support what the commander in Chief is doing, would you agree. This is only common Sense. Just like the last poster said, Americans better get on the same page and support our commander in chief whether you like him or not.
I disagree with your Double Talk analogy, and I agree whole heartedly with NIBROC FAN. You certainly can support the troops and not support their boss – you have to call a spade a spade. Our troops have no choice but to follow, and I use this term loosely, their “Commander and Chief” or face Military punishment.
It’s kind of like saying you don’t support the Redhounds if your don’t love their coach. Bush is not fit to sell used cars, let alone command our young men and women in the Military, but we can still hope and pray for their safety and success, even though they have been handed a failed game plan based on lies that will continue to take many more of our soldier’s lives than it should.
You know you do a lot of BIG talk! I urge you next time you see one of our service men or women who are sacrificing, make those comments you just used in your post to them. See what kind of reaction you get. I would hate to think you would say these things to them, but then again you do not support their cause. If every service person went into a war based on your LIBERAL analogy, we could not win anything, much less a war. These troops are fighting for their country pal, that is why they joined the military.It is appalling that you would think they have no choice, or face military punishment. Thats Nuts! These folks joined,knowing that if they were called they would stand up and fight. Next time you see one of our service people, tell them what you say in your post that they are serving in Iraq based on lies and failed policies. Then get back to us on your postings and let us know.!
you are the one who does all the big talk. This is a democracy and people have a right to speak their opinions just like you do. two-thirds of Americans don't buy the Bush-Cheney line. You talk like none of the rest of us ever served our country in the Armed Services. You want us to put a democracy into Iraq and you don't even support freedom here in America.
Your slick talk doesn't get you any where.Like I said earlier if you read my post, what you say is your opinion and right to say it. I have the right to Disagree with you. Since you are advocating freedom of speech, Tell your thoughts to one of our Service Men or Women who have made a choice on their own to serve. Why have I not heard any of the Liberal Democrat leaders who oppose the Policies of the commander in chief make statements like you have, directing them to the Troops themselves. If you feel so strongly, Use your Freedom of Speech to say the things you say in these posts to a service person that is serving in our military. Tell them that you believe they are serving based on lies and failed policies. See where you get! This is your freedom of speech, but then again, is it that you folk's do not want the Troops Serving, or that have served, really know how you feel about their cause? DOUBLE TALK! DEMOCRAT PARTY-Tell you one thing and do another!!!!