I recently went with a friend to pick up their child from a Little League football practice, the child is a 6th Grader. My friend told me to prepare myself for a coach completley out of control. I watched as this Marine Corps style personality ranted & raved. The part that bothered me greatly was the "Screaming" at the kids.
These are people's kids that are paying to play in this league, I am stunned the city & recreation director would let a person conduct themselves in this sort of fashion. When I asked about this individual my friend said he had acted this way for years???????????
Maybe someone needs to Video this conduct and turn it over to the media??? I'll bet the recreation director knows exactly who the out of control guilty party is?
Maybe time for the Video camera and send it to the Media, no one would believe this otherwise.
The fun for kids in sports is being removed by the type of tactics you described. Kids don't seem to really enjoy playing sports any more. Parents and screaming coaches take away from them the opportunity to play and enjoy the relationships they have with their teammates. And many parents who never played the sports think they are experts. There are some coaches who are wonderful. Those that are making it a boot camp are doing it for their own ego to win. Let's put the fun back in our children as they learn to enjoy teamwork and competition. Thanks for letting us know about this.
You might want to take your video camera next time and submit a video of this coach's behavior to a couple of Lexington TV stations. I agree, youth sports has gotten way, way out of hand - it is no longer what is best for the kids, it is what is best for the SCHOOLS (for example starting school the first week of August so football practices can begin earlier), coaches, and at times the parents. Many people have lost their perspective as to what youth sports is really about.
One thing to remember though, and many parents forget, is that dealing with different authoritive personalities, both good and bad, is something their kids will have to be ready to deal with several years down the road, in both jobs and in life. As many bad coaches as there are out there, there are even more bad bosses, and many of these kids whose parents go and complain to teachers and coaches about grades and playing time are in many cases hurting their kids and their personal growth more than helping. Mom and dad won't won't be able to go to their boss ten years from now and argue that their child is not being treated fairly (although some try). Learning to deal with different types of people, adversity and failure is part of growing up, but I see some parents who think their kids should never fail. These parents are setting their kids up for even greater failure down the road if they are not careful.
Regarding parental pressure in sports, 99.99% of these kids will not even go on to play college sports, and when High School is over many of these kids are not prepared for what is real - a real career. They have been pumped full of nonsense from mom and dad that they could go on to play professional sports - I have heard it first hand sitting at ball games and it is pretty pathetic. Go back and look at some of the so-called big name local athletes from the past - some of them who were prepared for life have gone on to enjoy successful lives and careers, but many of them got caught in the "Sports is Everything" rut and have paid the price by not being prepared for the real world.
Parents need to get their kids prepared for the real world, not their own unrealistic dreams.
I moved here from Ohio and I have to admit, I thought it was bad up there, but here, they act like sports is all that matters - in school, families, and local politics. I've heard about the "Bubba" syndrome - because someone was considered a good player in CORBIN they would make a great city leader - haha.
I am a huge sports fan, played all three baseball, basketball and football, but where I lived, kids were allowed to be kids too.
Not to take anything away from Corbin sports, but if your greatest acheivement in life is that you were great defensive back or quarterback at Corbin High School, one of 20,000 high schools in the U.S., then you have lived a pretty lame life - and it certainly doesn't automatically qualify you as a great leader. I see proof of that in this town with several former so-called "Athletes" who seem to think they are all of that.
Corbin is Corbin... Pride and Tradition are a big part of our community. Dads that played for the Redhounds certainly hope the future generations will do the same. I was raised in Corbin and played every sport available. My own children now are in various levels of the feeder program sports. I do have to say that I am disappointed that the Optimist Club isn't still doing the football program. The baseball program is a joke. It is crazy that kids have to play in the heat of the summer due to not having enough fields for kids to play before the heat. They actually had to cancel games due to the heat. If there were adequate fields the games could be played in May & June. Coaches screaming at children should not be tolerated, but if the majority of parents would "parent" their children and teach them some self control and discipline coaches probably wouldn't blow their top. If you seem to be so patient you should volunteer and coach like others are out of the goodness of their heart to try and make a positive difference in the life of child much like their coaches did years before. My children have had the opportunity to have a couple of the coaches that I did and I am thrilled with the sportsmanship and attitude that the coaches have instilled in them. People that think they are "all that" may just suffer from self confidence that you need to acquire.
One thng I need to clarify - I didn't mean to imply that all coaches are bad - I had some great coaches that influenced my life beyond the years I played for them in a very positive way, and I also had a few that had no clue how to manage, motivate or help kids grow. Corbin, like anywhere, has some great coaches, and a few poor ones.
The baseball program is probably bad here because it is not important to the school district. When I was in High School, the baseball program where I lived received very little support. We had a beautiful, state-of-the-art football field, but the baseball field was beat up, had no bleachers, and the team (players) had to take care of the field. Of course, the Football team didn't practice on the Football field, they practiced in the outfield of the Baseball field, trashing it out even more.
It's not what is fair for all students, it is about whatever program brings in the most money and attention. It shouldn't be that way when it comes to kids and educational systems. Kids who play tennis, baseball or golf should get the same support and advantages as football or Basketball, but as long as former football and basketball players control certain aspects of these programs, it won't change.
The Rec League Football program has cancelled half of it's games, the Kids, Coaches, Parents & Community have been practicing 3-4 times per week since early August. Their seems to be NO plan and NO incentive for the Director or who ever is over the program to service these kids and get these games done, hopefully the city will get involved and change the way this entire program is ran!!!
No wonder 3/4 are quiting before they reach the 10th grade, wonder where our atheletes are going? Look at this feeder program!!!
Come on folks, we have tooooo many good people, time & money in the Corbin System for this stuff to happen.
Help me understand, why in this world would we push the seasons of Youth Football & Soccer out, make up games on Sunday Evening and then let our fields set Empty on Wednesday night??? This 2006 not 1956!
When Programs grow in other cities they have to take advantage of every week night, the prcatice of not doing anything on Wednesday's is an Old Paradim that must be disgarded, Who in the world is running the show here??????????
Our feeder Program is in serious trouble, the parents, Kids will not want to be a part of the Redhound Tradition if we can not convince them at an early age, 50% of ALL of theses kids are not in the Corbin School system but may be enticed to join in, this is our best opportunity to reel in talent we are losing to other schools.
Wonder why we are only breaking even in the last two years in the High School Football Ranks, there's your answer.
Yesterday I saw a Team lose a game because of a mouthpiece out of a 5th Graders mouth, a touchdown was called back and it cost the team the game. No problem here if that's the rule, but the official hired by the Rec League to Officiate was on his cell phone while making this call. He was also on his cell phone most of the next game. If game changing calls are going to be made at least have the common courtesy and respect for the team & parents who give their time to NOT talk to your friends on your cell phone during our Ball Games---------What ever happen to Common Respect & Courtesy.
There is also a coach, (Blue Team 6th Grade) who has serious anger problems, watch this closely. All coaches must be under control, if individuals have anger problems and issues they should not be coaching small children.
All kids have the right to play in a fair and encouraging environment!
I happen to know the blue team coach, and you couldn't be more wrong. Yes, he is a good disciplinarian, but he is also a fantastic encourager. The children absolutely love him. He happens to be a loud person in all that he does, but if you listen carefully, you'll see that quite often he is hollaring praise! The kids love him so much that they give him 110% just to receive that praise. He also dishes out praise to everyone no matter what their position or how little their accomplishment. He teaches those children that if they work hard and play with heart, they can be proud whatever the outcome. He's helping those boys to become young men. Before you gossip about people on this site, you ought to make sure that you have judged them correctly. One way to do that is to get to know people before you pass judgement. You should also check you facts. If you did, you would know that he happens to be one of the most requested coaches in Corbin in football, baseball, & basketball. You should also talk to a good number of parents on his team. While it is impossible to please everyone, most of his parents love him & request him over & over again.
This is the first year i was involved with the recreation football program and at first I wasnt very pleased. These kids were not getting ready for the the next level of football. For the past couple weeks I have been around the blue teams coach that is mentioned and watched him conduct his team. The stuff that has been said here on this message board really bothers me because the coach takes time out of his day and away from his family to work with these kids and he does a wonderful job. For everytime that he "screams" at them he praises them also. He is trying to prepare them for football at the next level. His committment is awesome. I know it is very easy to get on here and post stuff about someone anonysmously but if you knew the coach and how he really is and how he conducts his players you would be ashamed. These comments really hurt me because i know how his players respond to him. They give him 100% respect and 100% effort because he expects it from them. This kids love playing for him and i think it is about time to let the kids play football and the parents to sit down and let the coaches do their job. If they wanted a say they should have signed up and given the committment to be a coach. If anything i have said affends anyone Im sorry but dont post anything anonymously about me, my name is Travis Hart and if you want to say something back come and find me and i will be more than willing to talk to you.
There are some good people spending a lot of time and money on our little league sports. We appreciate their work on behalf of the youngsters of our area.
Is this the league that the Tri County Sports Authority is now organizing and running. And also, is this the league playing at the old Lynn Camp field.
If the old Lynn Camp Field is the only place available then it is best that the Authority use it instead of not having a progra. Thank goodness we have some people who overcome obstacles instead of calling it quits. Do I like to see us have to go out of Corbin to play? No. Do I want that to make us quit? No.
Let's give the Authority time to work out some other arrangements for the future.
Maybe I am a little predjudiced about the Tri County Sports Authority because I am a Junior League football coach, but I had to come on here and give it up to all the individuals who have put their heart and soul into this. There are so many involved it would take forever to put their names on here, but each and everyone of them deserve our respect and admiration for what they are doing. They are determined to give our children the opportunity to be a part of something... that something is called TEAM!! Sports programs teach our children responsiblity, and how to come together as one to achieve a common goal. When a child is active, they are healthier and less apt to be sick. Television and Video games doesnt provide the fundamental nurture our children need. I am simply a coach... I practice 3 nights a week and play once... There are individuals who are doing something every night and putting endless hours into this program. This community owes a debt of gratitude to the TCSA for providing our kids a better place to grow up. The TCSA board of directors have made a point to ensure, regardless of income, each and every child has an opportunity to participate. TCSA needs community support and of course corporate sponsorships. The city goverment is working to provide aid to this program, and I want to say THANK YOU to our commissioners, mayor, and recreation dept. for seeing a need and acting upon it. This is our first year, and we hope next year will double in sponsorships and signups. Please, encourage anyone you know who is working in the TCSA, and if so led, volunteer to help. If you are a business owner or work for a corporation you feel would like to be a sponsor , or just simply an individual who would like to donate and help make a difference, please contact me. I will be more than happy to explain the goal of the TCSA and what it stands for. Again, if you are already a volunteer or sponsor, Thank you so much for allowing your heart to lead you, and being a part of our communities future... you are making a difference in a child's life that will forever be a part of them.
I agree 100% with AJ, this league and organization although in its first year is doing a wonderful job. The leagues have never been ran this well they truly care about our kids and it shows.. these men and women in the core group are spending countless hours away from their families for our children. thank them if you see them. This community will always need people to step up and help... and these people have...
If you have not had a chance to come out and watch any of the TCSA games, you are truly missing out. The season is winding down to an end, and I encourage everyone who enjoys Football to come out and cheer on our kids.
October 21st will be Super Bowl Sunday for this league. The games that day will be played at the Redhound Field. The bigger the crowd, the more exciting this will be for our kids.
Tri County Sports Authority in its first year has done a remarkable job. Whether or not you are a sports fan, this program will benefit this community in ways that cant be measured.
No Question of a Great Job this year by the Tri-County Sports Authority, weaveing in the 7th & 8th Grade under this Leadership would also be the right move.
Great Job Folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!