who's to say at this point and time but I can tell you this. He will be able to answer questions much better than you are attempting to ask them! What is your point!?
Mayor elect McBurney and Dr. Perry are both fine men. I believe future Mayor McBurney will be an excellent Mayor, and I salute Dr. Perry for his love of our area and people. They will both be serving Corbin's best interests in these coming years.
Dr. perry may be a fine person to you, but I don't Salute anybody who tried to pull the wool over the eyes of Corbin voters on where he resided.Evidently, the voters of Corbin agree with me. From the last count on Nov 7th,Perry got blowed clean out! If you think PERRY is such a great guy then why do you think the voters of This great city REJECTED him so badly on election day???
Dr. Perry is an excellent Doctor. He does a lot of good things for our community and people. I believe many voters selected McBurney because they recognized that he had the time and the ability to be a good Mayor. I believe many voters who like Dr. Perry were concerned that if he was Mayor it would be difficult for him to devote enough time to both his role as a physician and as Mayor. I do salute both of these fine men.
The outgoing Corbin Mayor was bailed out of a financial fix when Whitley County implemented the Occupational tax and the criticsm for that action was all directed at the Whitley County Fiscal Court. They deserved the criticism they received because instead of the tax on the people being used to help the people of Whitley County. it was used to pay for poor management in Whitley County. Mayor Miller fought the restaurant tax and allowed about a million dollars in 2005 to slip away because he and his cohorts didn't want to work with the Tourism Commission. 75% of the Restaurant tax comes from people outside the City. When the Mayor brags about the great job he did he should remember the money came from two things he drug his feet on and Senator Williams had to push him into taking action on both of them. If the Mayor had not finally gotten off the dime we would have lost the Exposition Center that is going to be built someday in future times on that mountain where millions of dollars of excavation costs have been spent.
The Mayor's race is not about who you think is an excellent Doctor. In fact,Nobody said that Perry was a bad Doctor did they? You never would answer the question about his RESIDENCY issue? You say that voters thought perry did not have time to be Doctor and mayor.You even think most people thought he would not have time! Evidently Perry thought he had the time or I don't think he would of run! Again, DO YOU SALUTE SOMEONE WHEN THEY TRIED TO PULL THE WOOL OVER CORBIN VOTERS ABOUT WHERE THEY LIVED? People of this City are not as foolish as you think.The issue of his residency was one of the biggest factors early in this race that led to his defeat.Everyone knows where Willard Mcburney resided. can you say the same for the guy that you so eagerly salute. THUMBS DOWN !
What do you salute Perry for? Playing residency games on voters in corbin? You claim in your read he has done alot of good thing for our community. Maybe I have missed it in the Paper or Perry is not gettin just do for all these great things you claim he has done. They never were given to voters in the paper to try to make an informed decision on voting for him. OR is it your just fascinated by him being a physician with great power and glory? Is perry in local charitable clubs,making massive donations to organizations? TELL US THESE MANY GREAT THINGS PERRY HAS DONE FOR OUR COMMUNITY THAT YOU CLAIM IN YOUR READ.
Dr. Perry is an excellent physician. He helps our schools with many types of support. He cares about his patients. His business pays a lot of taxes in our city and county that help our schools and local governments. He worked hard to become a doctor, and he employees a good number of people as well. You have every right to vote against him and not like him. But I also have the right to like him and salute him.
You can Salute anyone you want, great! But Truman Perry Lost the Election and end of Discussion.
He also had no desire to try to explain why he lives in Corncreek to the Voters over the next 4 years, he clearly knew he would have to move or constantly face these questions. These are the reasons he did not get out an campain or run a much more aggressive race.
You are starting to sound like a very ungracious winner. I personally believe Willard will be a great mayor for the people, but win or lose, Truman is a good guy who is liked by many people, including everyone I know that is a patient of his, and you should let anyone who wants to pat him on the back do so.
I think the unfortunate part of the political sceen in Corbin is that Truman, like other individuals have experienced, was used by certain people that he might have considered his friends - a fairly common practice in this town. Look at not all, but just a few of the individuals that talked him into running and strongly backed him - their motives were certainly not in Truman's best interest, nor the city of Corbin's. Whether Truman or Willard would be the best mayor wasn't what was important to them - they were looking out for their own personal interests. Again, a common practice among these "users of people."
Everyone needs to look at their so-called "Friends" sitting next to them at Church, at the monthly board meeting, across the table at the restaurant or sitting on the bar stool next to them a little closer. Sometimes there are people that are too nice and too trusting, and they get used and abused by their so-called "Friends". Others are just gullible to bad actors. Take a look at they way these "Users" run their businesses, their lives, how they treat people, and look at their history.
How these people look themselves in the mirror every morning is beyond me. Wake up Corbin and get rid of these people. London, Berea and other communities are blowing past you because you let some of these self-interest asses, who have no morals or qualifications, dictate your present and future.